CHP 13: The Storm

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My eyes closed and I held back the moan that was about to exit my mouth. When I opened them I saw Kiara looking at me with a wide smile.

"You like that huh?" I just nodded my head. She had did what I've been wanting her to do for a while now. "Kiara this chicken spaghetti is so fucking good." My comment just made the girl smile even more. This was my first stop when I was discharged from the hospital.

Kiara and I have been going good recently, no arguments surprisingly. We still ain't have a discussion about the whole baby thing, mainly because of my injury. The idea of the topic scares me but we gotta talk sooner or later.

"Um I don't wanna rush you or anything but the baby situation has been heavy on my mind." Kiara stopped what she was doing and moved to stand by me. "Okay baby, let's talk. I didn't want to overwhelm you because you got injured."

I took one more bite of my food before speaking. I at least wanted to be full before my appetite was ruined.

"So I've been talking with my mom and sisters. I really do want to raise a child." My head dropped down and my body felt weak. I'm 19 and my not even girlfriend is finna have a baby.

"I feel like Im in the place I want to be to provide for a child and I will have support whether you're in the babies life or not." My eyes were glued to my plate. I wanted to take a bite and have the food take my mind off the whole situation but I knew that wouldn't happen, my appetite was gone.

"Well I support that decision. You have the final say and I rocking with you." My response seemed to make Kiara relax. She brought me into a hug and all I could do was think.

I still haven't told my folks and I'm trying not to go into panic mode. My foots fucked up, might as well take a trip home to break the news. Or I could wait until the baby is born and just surprise everyone.

"Ima head back to the crib. Can I take some of the food home?" The girl nodded and started to fill a big tupperware container with chicken spaghetti. My lip was in between my lips as I watched her put the food up.

Once she was done I was quickly out, or I moved as fast as I could with a big ass boot on my foot. The drive home was made quick because I was drowning my thought with music.

As soon as I made it to the apartment I went to my room, after greeting everyone in the living room of course. Without any thought I face planted into my bed.

"Y/n let's talk." I groaned and made room for Kehlani. "Yes Lani, I fucked up and now my life will change forever I know." The girl let out a breath and rubbed my back.

"Honestly since this is such a big thing I would start asking her questions. Didi doesn't fully trust Kiara and I agree with her. Ask for a test and just apply pressure." Another groan escaped my lips. I flipped onto my back and covered my face with my hands.

"Lani, I am almost always around Kiara, when would she have time to fuck around with some other nigga." The tatted girl just stared at me and shook her head. I mean it never even crossed my mind that Kiara would fuck around with other people. I know we're not together but I don't know.

"Y/n you're an athlete. You're practices are 2-3 hours and you don't need hours to be fucking." I scoffed at her statement. I'm not no 5 minute fuck so I don't understand where's she's coming from.

"Y/n I'm being serious. One question now will prevent you potentially struggling in the future. You don't even like kids. Why are you willing to go to bat for a girl that you don't even claim."

I hate when Kehlani is right. She's like a school counselor or some shit. "What does Daya think." Kehlani just shrugged her shoulders.

"She don't even believe that you could be a parent right now. You still got some growing up to do. Just ask the girl some question. Do you know her password." I shook my head at her question. "Does she know yours." I nodded my head. My roommates threw her body back into my bed and let out some strange noise.

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