CHP 11: Prove It

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3 Weeks Later

"COME ON PUSH LADIES." I let out a huff as I pushed my legs to finish my last 2 sprints. We had ran six 7/47s. 7 sprints in 47 seconds, aka hell. My lungs were burning and my body felt like I'd been run over by a train.

We were suppose to have a game tomorrow but it got canceled. We've been doing good on the season so far. We're 9-1. The season is kinda flying by which is crazy.

"Alright ladies y'all have 10 minutes to do 10 suicides, when you're done get water. Then partner shoot, make 200 shots a piece. I'm leaving." I groaned and walked to the baseline. This the shit that makes me want to fake an injury.

As soon as the clock started, I pushed my legs once more. Running sucked. Every time we condition I question myself on why I pick this sport. Golf sounded really fun right now.

"Oh fuck!" I exclaimed once I finished my last suicide. At this point I felt like I could barley walk. "Come on Y/nn, let's get this shit done" Another huff had left my body as I went to get a ball from the ball rack.

Later on in the day

After a long day at practice, I  had decided to go home for dinner. It was almost 12:30 now and all I wanted to do was to eat. While driving to the apartment my music was paused while Siri read a message.

'Kiara rolling eyes emoji said "I'm coming to your place. We need to talk."

I rolled my eyes and turned my music back on. I don't know what's going through her head. After the night we fucked we haven't been talking much. It was somewhat normal but I also didn't have time to be all up under the girl. I had shit to do.

When I pulled into the parking lot of my complex I saw Kiara's car parked. I unlocked the front door of my complex and went inside. As usual, I saw Kehlani sitting at the kitchen table sipping a glass of wine.

"Wassup Keh." The tatted girl just gave me a head nod and continued to sip her wine.

I looked around the room to see if there was anyone else there. When I didn't see any I walked to my room and that's when I spotted Kiara sitting on my bed, scrolling on her phone.

"Hey, what did you want to talk about" I asked her as I walked through the door.

"Look Y/n..." She sighed, running a hand through her hair.  "You and I, we had sex." I nodded my head in confusion. "Yes Ki, we had sex. We tend to do that sometimes."

The girl just shook her head with a small smile. She patted the empty spot next to her and I sat down next to her.

Tilting her head she said "But, there's something else... Something deeper."
I furrowed my eyebrows,"What do you mean?" She better not say she love me. We not even together for real.

She bit her bottom lip nervously. "Look, I've not completely sure... but, I think I'm pregnant"

I stood there wide eyed. "Wait...." Her words finally sank in. "You're serious?"

The girl nodded her head. "Yeah...I am." I looked down at my hands for a second. I didn't know what to feel. The thought made me sick. "So... what are you gonna do?" I asked.

"Well... I guess there's no rush. I haven't decided if I want to keep it yet." I nodded my head. This was the last thing I expected. To suddenly find out she's pregnant, when we've only known each other a few months.

"Well what ever you decide I'll be here. If you want an abortion, I'll help pay. Whatever you do I'll try to be there." I said as calmly as possible, on the inside Im terrified. I don't like babies, they scare me. A human you have to take care of for 18 year and then some.

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