Chapter 6: Bed Sharing

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Had he been about to kiss Lady Mary Kinson?

John unbuttoned his waistcoat and shirt as he prepared for bed. It must be their location and current situation influencing his actions. Because he certainly did not want to kiss Mary. She was not at all who he wanted. He glanced at the privacy screen behind which she was currently getting ready for bed. She had felt awfully good in his arms...

With a groan, he pulled the shirt over his head and tossed it on a chair. They needed to find Jane and leave this party. It was putting thoughts in his head that did not belong there. Being in a room filled with people touching and kissing was disconcerting at best. He'd never quite experienced anything like it, and Mary must have similar feelings. As a young woman, she'd be far more sheltered than he. She must be in shock.

Leaving his trousers on, he climbed into bed. Separate ones would have been preferable, but asking for it would blow their cover, so they had to make do. A moment later, Mary came out from behind the screen wearing a modest nightgown that covered her from neck to ankles. At least the Rose Agency's tailor had not supplied her with some ridiculous sleepwear to match the scandalous gowns for the party.

Her steps faltered as she saw him in the bed. Had she forgotten they agreed to share?

"Would you prefer I sleep on the floor?" he asked politely.

"Oh, no. That's not necessary." Her green eyes met his, and he realised she had been looking at his bare chest. He'd left the bed sheets down while waiting for her, and they rested low on his waist.

"I can put my shirt back on if you'd like."

She shook her head. "No need. If you don't usually wear a nightshirt, I don't expect you to don one for my sake."

He didn't usually sleep with his trousers on either, but he didn't point that out. Most commonly, one would wear a nightshirt and no trousers to bed, but he had always preferred sleeping with neither in the summer, constantly feeling hot. Sharing a bed with Mary, he didn't think it would be right to choose the traditional sleeping attire. Neither of them wanted him with bare bottoms.

With a yawn, she lay down next to him and pulled the sheets up to cover them both. Blowing out the candle next to the bed, he settled back down and tried to ignore the fact that there was a warm body only a few inches from his own. He focused on his breathing. Continuous, steady breaths would soon lull him to sleep. In. Out. In. Ou—

"I've never shared a bed with a man before." Mary's voice cut through his concentration.

"Me neither," he said before instantly regretting it.

A quiet chuckle sounded next to him. "No, I reckon you'd share with women."

Staring into the darkness of the room, he didn't answer. The mattress shifted as Mary turned towards him. "Wait... Do you mean you've never shared a bed with anyone?"

"I've—" His cheeks burned, and he was rather grateful for the dark of the room. "I've done... things. But, no... I've never shared a bed with a woman."

"Why?" Trust Mary to not simply let the topic go.

"I don't know," he muttered, hoping it was answer enough.

"Is it because you're too dull?" He could hear the smile in her voice but didn't appreciate her humour.

"No," he bit off.

"Sorry, I should not make light of the situation." She reached out to put her hand on his chest but immediately pulled it back when she met with bare skin.

"It's not a situation." He ignored the fact that his chest burned where she had touched him. "It's a choice. I've had the opportunity, but I've chosen not to."

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