Chapter 10: Getting Acquainted

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Without thinking, Mary's tongue darted out to wet her lips as she stared up at John. The way his gaze dropped to follow the movement made something unfurl inside of her, and she tried to remember why she disliked him so. With the light of the fire bouncing off his brown hair, and the way his thumb absently stroked the sensitive skin of her hand where he held her hand with the mask, she couldn't remember what frustrated her so much about him.

"If Hayes is suspicious of us," she said slowly, trying to gather her wits. Something that was not so easy when a handsome man stood so close, holding her hands in his. "What can we do?"

John's brows furrowed as he appeared to give it some thought, and then he cleared his throat. "Dash may have had a point. We stand out because we are not comfortable here. Not with the activities around us... nor with each other."

"I don't see what we can do about that," she muttered. "During this party, I have seen things I never have before. It is difficult to pretend it does not shock me."

"With it being our first time, that is probably the lesser of the worries." John made a face. "But we cannot hide us not knowing each other as... intimately as other couples."

Her cheeks heated, but she knew he spoke the truth. Compared to the couples downstairs who freely touched and kissed each other, they must stand out like two sore thumbs. If she looked even half as awkward as she felt whenever John placed a hand on her waist or attempted to fake affection, people must have noticed.

"So what do we do?" she asked. "Should we... Get better acquainted?"

His eyes widened and her cheeks burned even hotter. "I am not saying we should... Should..." Her words failed her. While she was straightforward and honest in most things, this was an area she was not well-versed in. Where her friend Nick might have forged on from sheer stubbornness, she floundered in a sea of unknowing. There had been books. And whispers between her married friends. But reality was something else entirely, and she was not forward enough to discuss these things lightly.

"Of course not," John agreed, having caught her drift. "You are an innocent, and as Dash so aptly pointed out, you must remain so."

"However," she mumbled.

"However..." His fingers trailed up along her ungloved arm, leaving a wake of gooseflesh in their path. "It may serve us well to get better acquainted and appear less awkward around each other."

She nodded slowly, uncertain if her voice would fail her as his fingertips moved on to trace the line of her clavicle. Her skin tingled in awareness, and her whole being seemed to hum in response to the simple touch.

"Only to make Hayes less suspicious, of course," she whispered.

John's gaze followed his hand as he continued along the decolletage of her dress, caressing the bare skin above the fabric. "Only to make Hayes less suspicious," he echoed quietly.

"I don't want you to if it's too much of an inconvenience, though."

"Of course," he replied automatically, then he blinked, and a line appeared between his brows. His eyes met hers. "Wait. What?"

She looked away, embarrassed by her lacking confidence. "I only mean.... I know I am not as pretty as Olivia. Or Rain. It is rare for me to receive any attention when attending balls with my friends. And I know you only kissed me because you had to earlier, so I just—"

Her words lodged in her throat as he tucked a finger under her chin and raised her face to his. "Mary," he said slowly. "Do not compare yourself to others. You are beautiful. And I very much enjoyed kissing you, and rather look forward to doing so again."

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