Chapter 12: The Maze

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After the fourth man tried to convince her to offer a kiss—and one of her three stones—Mary debated whether climbing in between the branches of the hedge maze was a possibility. Sadly, the bushes had been trimmed too neatly and their branches were too crowded to fit a person between them. This had been a terrible idea, but Dash had said they must join in not to appear so suspicious, and compared to the other games they'd seen that evening, this one appeared to be the least daunting.

She groaned inwardly as she heard the footsteps of someone coming around the bend, but let out a sigh of relief as Dash appeared. She recognised his tall form and unruly dark hair even with a mask on. Seemingly completely comfortable in their outrageous surroundings, he was wearing dark riding breeches with polished Hessian boots, and a white shirt with its buttons undone, leaving a gaping V over the top of his chest. Had the summer evening been hotter, she would not have been surprised to see him without one, as he apparently had even less decency than she thought.

He came over and stopped in front of her, bending down to whisper in her ear, "Hayes is right behind me. Embrace me, so he sees you with someone other than John. It should make him a little less distrustful."

Feeling somewhat awkward, she wrapped her arms around his neck as he put his around her waist. She could hear someone walking closer and closed her eyes. Dash lowered his face to her neck, stopping just shy of kissing it, but from an outside perspective, it should look as if he was. It was strange standing so close to another man. Dash was the second one who had ever been this close to her, and while his breath tickled her neck, and there was a certain level of novelty to being in such a position... She didn't feel the same as she did with John. Lacking was the electrifying feeling that made her entire body hum whenever John was near. The incessant need to touch him.

The footsteps came closer. Mary had to hold back a yelp as Dash slid his hands down to cup her bottom. The scoundrel! She could hear a quiet chuckle from their onlooker before the footsteps receded as Hayes walked further into the maze. Once he was gone, she put her hands on Dash's chest and shoved him back.

"Groping me was never part of the deal," she hissed.

The glimmer of Dash's teeth flashed in the dusky evening. "It needed to look real. You stood stiff as a board."

She huffed. "I hardly think I was less stiff after that."

"Marginally." He chuckled. "Give me one of your stones and then I will move on. If you give your next two to John, you can leave the maze and wait for the game to end. He should be next, or one after."

Fishing a stone out of her stays, she glared at him when his grin widened. "This dress does not have pockets and I have no reticule."

"No no. I don't mind."

"I bet you don't, you rogue." She handed him the small stone, and he made an elaborate bow before strolling away.

"By the way," he threw over his shoulder. "You have a nice bottom."

She nearly threw the remaining stones after him, but he disappeared between the hedges, his laughter following in his wake. Looking after him, half-amused and half-frustrated, she had to admit she could understand what Olivia saw in the handsome rake. Dash had more charm than he deserved. It was no surprise he was so popular amongst the ladies of the ton. And anywhere else he deigned to go. Which apparently included indecent house parties.

Remembering where she was, she shrunk back into the corner of the maze, waiting for the next man to approach. To her relief, she recognised John's sure stride when the next contestant showed up. They had avoided discussing that morning, opting to pretend it had never happened, though she wasn't sure she could ever forget the feeling of him pressed up against her, his arm around her and his lips against her neck. She shivered slightly as a flutter of butterfly wings came to life in her abdomen at the memory.

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