Chapter 8: Game Night

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Mary wasn't sure what she had expected the games night to be, but certainly not this. They had waited to go downstairs until the event was in full swing to ensure they could sneak in without attracting too much attention. As they walked through the rooms designated for the games night, she was grateful for the mask hiding her wide-eyed stare. Groups of guests played different games, and while she could recognise what they were playing, the rules appeared slightly different.

At a table, a few guests played cards but any time someone lost a hand, they had to divest with a piece of clothing. Some poor gentleman was down to one stocking and his shirt. At another table, they played Bullet Pudding but the bullet had been replaced by a plum and once someone had picked it out of the flour with their mouth, there appeared to be a competition for who could steal it from them—again using mouths only.

Apparently, the ball had only been the beginning. Everyone appeared more at ease, having got to know each other the previous night, and laughter was ripe in the room. It was difficult to believe that these people were the same ones that frequented the stilted musical evenings and balls of the London season.

"We should have stayed in our room," John muttered next to her as he frowned at a gentleman striking a pose for a lady drawing his likeness. A harmless endeavour—had the man not been wearing nothing but his riding breeches.

"I imagine that would have been suspicious," she said, receiving a grunt in reply. "Let's get a drink."

They walked into the next room towards the refreshment table, and she let out a little squeal of delight as they discovered not only a table filled with drinks, but a second table with a large display of fruits, cheeses, and other delectable little morsels. It took her another moment to realise that the food was covering a woman. A very naked woman. With guests picking the pieces off her body.

John must have noticed the same as he whispered, "Dear lord."

"Magnificent, isn't she?" They both jumped as Hayes came up between them and put his arms over their shoulders. Nodding to the woman on display, he chuckled. "One of my guests' favourite details when they come here."

"I... I can see why," Mary stammered, trying not to blush as she saw a man pick up a piece of cheese from the woman's chest with his teeth.

"Go on," Hayes said, moving to stand in front of them. "Eat something."

Not wanting to raise suspicions, she hesitantly picked up two of the strawberries cupped in the woman's hands and ate one. It tasted like any regular old strawberry, but somehow it still felt like she was eating the forbidden fruit.

"How are my newcomers doing?" Hayes gave them a shrewd look. "I heard you were wandering around today. Did last night not tire you out?"

A sliver of fear travelled down her spine. Did he know they were not his typical guests? That they had other reasons for attending?

She was saved from answering by John, who slid an arm around her waist and pulled her closer. "Not enough, it seems," he said, sounding far calmer than she would have managed right then. "We did only watch as it's our first time at a party like this. It's fascinating... We're having such a great time."

"You must take part!" Hayes exclaimed with a smile, but there was something calculated in his eyes she couldn't quite decipher. Maybe he did suspect something. "These parties are not nearly as entertaining if all you do is watch."


Hayes interrupted John's reply, nudging them forward. "Come! Join in this game of Blind Man's Bluff."

With an apologetic glance at her, John followed the other man, bringing her along. They stopped by a group of guests playing. A woman wearing a blindfold was currently busy running her hands along the faces and bodies of a handful of men.

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