Chapter: 1

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*picture of Natalia


The sun dipped low on the horizon, casting a glimpse of the dying light on the paper twirling in the air. Hearts. The confetti clung to each other for dear life with little effect as the wind aggressively separated them.

Instead of the excitement echoing in my ears, a pang of sadness gripped at my heart as my eyes fixed on the hearts soaring in the air.

I couldn't shake the emptiness that consumed me. My eyes scanned the sea of faces, observing the clan celebrating ecstatically.

As the festivities of Rhea's ascension to the Caia clan title unfolded, I was consumed by a mix of pride and unease. I was happy for Rhea. She had been working hard her entire life for this moment.

Except, today served as a reminder of how fractured our family dynamic really was.

Glenda Caia, my mother, currently adorned in her finest attire as she interacted with other members at the alter. Her usual stern demeanour had softened, replaced by warmth and affection.

Clearly, the responsibility of leading the clan for Eighteen years no longer weighing heavy on her shoulders.

It was a stark contrast to the upbringing that Rhea and I had experienced.

Growing up without a father had left a mark on us as a family, even if our mother had worked relentlessly to try prove otherwise.

Driven by the weight of leadership and responsibility to protect and honour the clan, our mother had ensured we were raised with nothing short of perfection.

Unlike what I had witnessed, as today, instead of physical affection, my twin sister and I had trained rigorously.

Rhea's promotion signalled a new era for Caia, one filled with uncertainty, particularly regarding our mother's role in the midst of the transition.

Despite the continuation of her sheer dedication to the clan, I couldn't help but wonder what this shift meant for her.

Above all else, my mother was very unpredictable. She could be very sad to pass down the title, but would never show.

My brows knitted together at the thought. I was hoping and silently prayed that this new transition would help her find respite from the relentless pursuit of perfection.

Contrary to my upbringing, I wished her well.

Our father, a Werewolf, had vanished the day that Rhea and I were born.

As a new single mother of twin-hybrids, our mother, a Witch, forged ahead independently. Unfazed, she created a clan of hybrids, succeeded and obtained 90 members.

Despite our lineage, our mother harboured a distrust towards Werewolves, which shaped our upbringing. Hybrids were met with skepticism by purebreds, making it rare for us to be mated to one another.

We remained civil with our neighbouring pack, but the prospect of mating with a purebred Werewolf seemed distant.

Most of the hybrids that resided in Caia were born out of un-mated unions, adding to the complication. It was the root cause of our stance today.

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