Chapter: 19

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Ivy and I were seated in the living room of the pack house, discussing pack life.

My mind was drifting from her to everything that had unfolded recently.

"Are you certain it's alright for us to remain here?" she inquired, her tone tinged with apprehension.

"Are you happy here?" I countered, noticing the mark on her neck.

In response, she nodded, her fingers instinctively tracing along her neck.

"Luke treats me really well," she confided, meeting my gaze. "I've never truly felt this happy before. I want to be where he is."

"Then we'll stay," I assured her, reaching out to squeeze her hand. "We won't return to Caia."

"Glenda won't accept that," Ivy cautioned. "You know that better than anyone."

My mother wouldn't relent easily, that much was certain. But that didn't mean we were obligated to return to Caia.

As the only werewolves in the clan, Ivy and I clearly didn't belong there, hence our bonds with wolves. It was our destiny to forge our own path, to carve out our own future.

"Does Luke make you feel protected?" I inquired.

"Absolutely," she affirmed. "He looks after me well."

"Good, that's all that matters," I advised her. "Glenda will be back for me, not for you. Don't worry about her."

I shared Ivy's sentiment, reluctant to part from my own mate, especially now that we had mated. It had been easy to mate him because of how desperately my wolf and I wanted, needed, him.

Remaining in the same pack allowed me to also keep a watch over Ivy, even though, her newfound mate provided additional security. Still, having her close brought me comfort.

My mother wouldn't be interested in Ivy, never had been. If she returned, it would be for me, and me only. Thinking about her made me think about Rhea.

I missed my sister, and I had no way to communicate with her. I wanted to see her but wasn't sure how to. She was safe, that was enough solace.

My concern for Noah also lingered, uncertain if our friendship would remain unchanged. His recent outburst had caught me off guard, leaving me unsure how to approach him.

Following Callum's advice, I opted to give my best friend some space. Our bond was resilient, we'd inevitably reunite, unable to resist our usual banter.

Ivy and I continued our conversation, keeping it light as we discussed friendships and the rest of the clan, reminiscing about the times we trained together.

Ivy expressed her gratitude for the opportunities I had provided her, especially after the passing of her parents. Despite being only seventeen, she seemed much wiser after finding her mate.

She appeared content, which was one less concern on my mind. Knowing the strength of their bond, I was confident that Luke would protect her.

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