| Chapter Forty-four | Memories

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"Senjuro, can you do something for me?" I asked.

"Yes, what is it, Brother?" He asked.

I picked up the bokken from the porch and handed it to him, then picked up another.

"I need you to... avoid my attacks while sidestepping." I said.

He nodded and I ran forward, he sidestepped perfectly, and stepped around me, swinging his bokken with grace. I quickly turned and held my bokken up, blocking Senjuro's strike.

"Once more! I'm going to attack twice this time." I said.

I charged forward again, while Senjuro jumped into the air and over my head. He ran around me, and I watched in awe as my brother gracefully danced around me, and swung straight at me.

I ran forward, aiming to meet his bokken with mine, but he sidestepped again, twirling, and he would have struck me in the back had I not rolled sideways.

"Senjuro..." I said.

"I'm doing well aren't I, Brother?!" Senjuro said.

He was filled with happiness, and I smiled at his joy.

"Yes, but, your form of attacking and defending. That isn't Flame Breathing." I said.

"It isn't?" He asked.

"No. Flame Breathing isn't graceful and smooth like that. Your movements flowed so smoothly, and Flame Breathing is more rigid. I know now, why you have difficulty with Flame Breathing, Senjuro."

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Flame Breathing is about strength and forceful attacks. What you've been doing is defensive and smooth attacks. You have speed, Senjuro. Wait here!" I said.

He nodded and I dropped my bokken, ran into the house, and back into the dining room. Rika looked up, wide-eyed at my sudden appearance.

"Rika! I know that you said you'd like to rest, but I need you for a moment. I need you to watch Senjuro's fighting style. Would you mind coming outside and sitting on the porch?" I asked.

She nodded, and I helped her stand. I held my arm around her waist as she and I walked together to the porch. She sat down, and I jumped from the porch with enthusiasm.

"Now, Senjuro, do it again! Let Rika see!" I shouted.

I picked up my bokken and ran forward, straight at Senjuro. He sidestepped, and twirled as he avoided my attack, then ran forward, stepped around me and behind me, then jumped over me.

I could hear Rika's gasp from the porch. I watched Senjuro move so smoothly, and beautifully, as I narrowly blocked the strike from hitting me in the face.

I turned to Rika, and she stared at Senjuro, wide-eyed.

"Senjuro! But your sword turned red for you." She said.

"Um, well, the truth is, Father held my sword before I did, and it turned red for him." Senjuro said.

"I have an idea!" I shouted.

I turned to Rika and bowed my head.

"I know that it is yours, and it means something to you, but... may Senjuro borrow your sword?"

She smiled and nodded. I ran into the house, and right where she left it, her sword sat in its place on the sword rack, just above mine.

I grabbed it, and cracked the seal, pulled it from the saya and my heart raced. The beauty of the blade made me think of Rika. The way my sword clashed with hers that day. The way the pale blue sparkled. The cracked ice pattern was mesmerizing.

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