25 | Sociopath

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•°. *࿐

OH HOW SURPRISED we all must be that I got absolutely jack shit amount of sleep. 

Tied up to a chair. 


In a wine cellar. 

My night consists of staring blankly at a stone wall and counting the seconds, then the minutes, and then the hours. None of it helps. I tried to convince myself that I could probably just count away the night - but no. It's far too long. 

So instead, I decide to do something I was restricting myself from doing before. 

I shuffle my wooden chair towards the wall stacked with wine, I knock a bottle into my lap, and I let it roll down onto the ground where it smashes. 

I stay silent for a good five minutes. 

No one comes. 

And so I use my legs (the only pair of limbs left untied) and bring some stray shards back up to my lap.

I told myself I wouldn't. I'd let them tie me up, get what they needed, and fuck Victor Romano and Yara Fang up.

...but it was just so boring. And it's not like I'm going off or anything. I'm staying. I'm loyal. As loyal as a boy with no loyalties can be. 

Getting the shards to my arms tied to the arms of the chair is the hardest bit. Hard because I look like a fucking frog trying to manoeuvre my way out of this situation. 

But alas, with a lucky flip, I finally catch a shard and start sawing away. When the first wrist is free, the rest of my body is easily as well. 

My hands are raw from the work but I'm up and standing nonetheless so all I can feel is the stretching of my legs rather than the burning of my palms. 

"Fuck these paranoid freaks." I mutter into the darkness, looking around to see if there's anything I can take. Like food. Or water. Or basic survival shit.

But just as I'm about to reach for the door, to quietly go scavenge the kitchen - a hand shoots out and stops me. 

"We should have assumed you'd know how to get out of rope." She says. 

After the initial jump scare wears off and my heart stops beating faster than fucking light - I let myself recover. 

"Just thirsty." I say, hands creeping slowly upwards in defence. 

Faith eyes me for a moment, dark eyebrows drawn together before she makes a noise of approval and pushes me out of the room with a small tug. 

"In here." She says, leading me. Well not really. I'm in front. She's more-so following me and correcting my wrong turns. 

I don't know if she's going to punish me, snitch on me - or possibly kill me, but once we make it to the kitchen she's sure to broadly gesture to the width of it. 

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