26 | Heights

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•°. *࿐

SEEING THIS ABANDONED factory again brings up memories. About a small girl barely educated grabbing onto for dear life, dozens of children with hollow ribs and childless parents managing to spare me a smile during their reunions. 

"Fuck, it's creepy in here." Eka's voice echos into the wide space. 

"Tell me about it." Faith mutters as she looks around. 

"They've probably cleared everything out by now," I say, "I mean if Victor hasn't - then the police have as well." 

"That's why we check for the areas police don't think to look," Eka says, "I mean you remember don't you Aly? Ivan always had the most complex hiding places."

"Victor isn't....yeah actually. Never mind. He is Ivan." I shake my head. 

"Where do we start?" Faith brushes her hands on her jeans. 

I look up to the ceiling, to the wires and darkness. This place is massive. Tall and hollow. If my father were to hide anything in an area like this - he'd pick the top. So that if someone even thought about checking there, they'd fall and die before reaching it. 

Never did him or Victor put into consideration someone from their own lifestyle would try it though. And yet here Eka and I are. Two ex mafia members ready to climb a thirty feet tall wall - somehow - just so we can scavenge any possibility for a loophole or hint to use. 

"We climb." I say. 

"Who's we?" Eka folds her arms. 

"Aly that's far too dangerous-"

"If I fall, I break my legs, we wait a day or two, and they start to work again. What's the real danger?" I ask, eyes tired. 

"If you land on your head instead and actually die." Faith crosses her arms. 

"We don't know that my brain and heart can also heal like my skin and bones." I point out. 

"Could a snake's brain or heart heal if it was turned to mush?" Faith asks me. 


"Then let's not test out if yours will." She sends a bitter smile.

"Do snakes even have hearts?" Eka taps her chin. 

"Yes, Eka. Snakes have hearts." I manage not to roll my eyes. "Name an animal that doesn't."

"Jellyfish." She smiles. 

"...okay you got me there." I raise my hands and twirl towards the stairs that lead higher to the ceiling. 

Faith notices where I'm headed pretty quickly. 

"Aly." She says sternly. 

"I'm not going to die!" My voice echos in the loud spacious room. 

"So help me god if you fall I will actually bury you next to everyone we hate so your ghost has to mingle with theirs!" Faith warns the further away from her I get. 

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