Ch. 15

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Wei Lin's POV

We entered Cloud Recesses. I sent A-Ying and A-Cheng to rest or whatever they wanna do. And I am trying to find Lan Xichen. Cloud Recesses is so big. And it seems like I'm lost.

I came to a very quiet place. Not that Cloud Recesses is noisy. But there are no people here. I went forward trying to find someone to ask the way. Oh! There is someone.

It's a boy. A tall physique. Prim and proper. Not a single thing out of place. The forehead ribbon adorning his forehead. With a spiritual sword in his hand. But he seems sad about something. Yeah! You've already guessed. It's Lan Wangji.

WL - Lan-er-gongzi.

He turned and looked at me.

LZ - How did you came here? Nobody is allowed here.

WL - I just got lost, Lan-er-gongzi.Say, why are you looking so sad?

He seems surprised that I can tell by looking at him. Of course, until now only his brother can read him.

WL - Why? Are you shocked that I read you? I am also an elder sister. Sometimes, A-Ying doesn't tell me what's going on in his mind. So, I tend to read both A-Ying and A-Cheng. I don't know if it works with everybody. But I can read you too.

He didn't say anything.

WL - Would you like to talk about it? If you want I can listen.

LZ - Miss mother.

Aww! He misses his mother. He never talks about his mother with anybody. I am glad he is talking to me. I unconsciously pat his head. When I realised what I did. I immediately took my hand away.

WL - Sorry, Lan-er-gongzi.

LZ - Felt warm.

I looked at him. He is happy. He feels relaxed.

WL - Hmm?

LZ - That felt good and warm. Like mother.

WL - Want me to do it again?

He nodded. I smiled and pat his head. He leaned in the touch. Oh my god! He looks so cute. I took my hand away. He looked at me with a face saying ' Why did you stopped?'

WL - What if someone saw us? They will make rumours.

LZ - Nobody comes here. And even if they make rumours I don't care.

He looked at me with puppy eyes. Lan Wangji, do you wanna kill me with your cuteness?

LZ - Can I call you Shijie?

WL - You can. If you let me call you A-Zhan.

He nodded. I hugged him. He seems surprised, but eventually relaxed. And he hugged me back.

WL - If you wanna talk about anything, or just wanna cuddle. You can come to me. Or just send me a message.

He nodded. We parted. He seems reluctant.

LZ - You can also come here, if you want to calm your mind. People don't come here.

WL - But-

LZ - You're allowed. I allowed you.

WL - I don't know the way though.

LZ - I will take you here myself, if you want to. Until you learn the way.

WL - Thank you so much.

I smiled at him but then realised why I was here in the first place.

WL - I need your help, A-Zhan.

LZ - What is it?

WL - I told you , I was lost. I was searching for Zewujun. Can you take me to him?

LZ - He most probably is in Hanshi. I'll take you there.

WL - Oh! Okay. I know the way from there.

He took the lead and I followed him. I don't know how much twist and turns he took but we're finally in front of Hanshi. He knocked.

LZ - Xiongzhang.

LX - Wangji?

He opened the door. He looked at Lan Zhan then at me. I bowed to him.

WL - Greetings, Zewujun.

LX - Lady Wei. How come you're with Wangji?

WL - I got lost, Zewujun. I asked Lan-er-gongzi for the way. And here.

I gave him the jade token.

WL - Thank you again. I'll take my leave now.

I bowed to him and went away. Wow! People make friends, I am here going around making brothers. Now, one more person added in my protection list. Not like he wasn't. But it's official now.

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