Ch. 21

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Wei Lin's POV

I'm getting used to waking up at night now. I sometimes go to Lan shushu. But I don't want to disturb him. I've minimized it. I woke up, bathed and went out. Everything went the same as usual. It's nighttime and we are all gathered in A-Cheng and A-Ying's room. A-Sang is coming. Well I told them not to do so. Instead of not doing it they dragged me too. I just hope that sushi is sleeping rather than keeping an eye out. He is a whole nuisance.

We heard a knock A-Ying went to open it. A-Sang is there. He came inside and A-Ying put a silence talisman on the room.

WY - Took you long, Nie-xiong.

NH - I brought some peanuts, Wei-xiong.

WL - Okay okay, shut up now.

NH - Shijie you are also here.

I nodded. We were drinking when Nie Huaisang asked about our types. I have the opportunity to flirt.

WL - For me..

They all looked at me.

WY - What's your type though Shijie? You never told us.

WL - My type is someone younger. Someone who is not that much engaged in cultivation. And carries a fan. Likes to paint. Is very smart.

JC - I would've thought you are describing Nie Huaisang, if not for the last line.

Oh you don't know anything A-Cheng.

WY - We'll think about that later. As I am not letting Shijie go anywhere anytime soon. Now, do you know what's Jiang Cheng's type Nie-xiong.

JC - Wei Wuxian, don't you dare!

They started chasing each other around the room. Suddenly door opened and Lan Zhan came in. The scene he saw was Jiang Cheng choking Wei Ying. Nie Huaisang trying to stop him. And me dying of laughter on the side. After we saw him we straightened up. A-Ying went to him.

WY - Lan Zhan! What are you doing here at this time?

LZ - Alcohol is prohibited. You all will go to punishment hall. Shijie? You too?

WL - A-Zhan-

LZ - Don't A-Zhan me.

WL - Lan Zhan, they dragged me how can I refuse right?

When he was looking at me A-Ying put a talisman on his back. And told us all to go outside.

WL - Are you sure?

WY - I'm sure go now.

We went to our rooms. I went to my room, sneakily and slept after taking a bath. I didn't had a nightmare.


I woke up bathed and started to go to class but I saw a crowd. No way, I am getting a dreading feeling. I went and asked a disciple what's going on.

RD(Random Disciple) - Lan-er-gongzi is getting punishment for drinking alcohol along with Young master Jiang, Young master Wei and Young master Nie.

I went in front with how fast I could. And saw only A-Ying and A-Zhan kneeling. A-Cheng and A-Sang standing on the side. I went to them.

WL - A-Cheng! A-Sang!

If you are wondering I didn't drank. I just joined them.

NH/JC - Shijie!

WL - What's going on?

JC - Wei Wuxian is going to have 50 more whips as it was his plan.

NH - And Lan-er-gongzi is going to have 50 more because he is GusuLan disciple.

WL - This much punishment for just drinking alcohol?

I went in front of both of them.

WL - Grandmaster Lan, I think it's enough.

LQ - I suggest you step aside Young lady.

WL - But that's more than enough punishment for just drinking alcohol and they are just teens.

LX - Lady Wei.

WL - Zewujun. It's not right. You also know that.

LZ - Shijie, I'm alright.

WL - No, you're not. I will not let you get hurt in my presence.

WY - A-Jie, it's ok.

WL - It's not ok, A-Ying.

I looked at Lan Qiren.

WL - If it's like this than I should take the remaining lashes.

Everyone looked at me.

NH/JC/LZ/JZ - Shijie!

WY - A-Jie!

WL - I'm the one at fault. As I didn't stopped them. I didn't supervise them rightly.

LQ - If that's what you want, Young lady. But you're going to get both of that's combined.

WL - I accept.

I knelt in front of him. My brothers started to protest.

WL - Step aside.

I said with a powerful voice. Which I've only used once in my whole life. So, they stepped aside.

LQ - Start.

And yeah, I died. How can someone stand this. It's so fucking painful. After 100 lashes. I coughed up blood.

NH/JC/LZ/JZ/WY - Shijie!/A-Jie!

They all came to me.

QJ - What's happening here?

He came forward and saw the scene. His face screaming anger.

QJ - Qiren, what's happening?

He asked with gritting teeth.

LQ - They broke the rules, Xiongzhang.

QJ - This harsh punishment for breaking rules? We have to have a meeting with the elders.

He looked at me.

QJ - Are you okay?

WL - You're..late.

I said with heavy breathing. Oh my god! I can't breathe.

WL - I need help.

I signalled him with my eyes to take me to Cold Pond. He understood and nodded.

QJ - Young master Jiang, Nie and Wei follow me. Nobody will follow us that's my order. Not even you A-Zhan and Young master Jin.

They took me to Cold Pond. And set me inside. I took my mermaid form. And lay there for sometime as I didn't have much energy left. They stand out side for lookout. After that, they took me to my room as how will we explain that I'm perfectly fine. I was very tired so I slept instantly.

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