Ch. 16

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Wei Lin's POV

Today is the first day of class. We are walking together. We as in A-Cheng, A-Ying, me and A-Sang. Nie Huaisang. This person is making me feel things. There is not much difference in our age. That's a plus point. Because I think I like him. I don't show it. I can't go around for my love story when there is a war coming. I don't know what the hell these three are talking about. I am walking behind them.

We are now settled in class. Everyone is done and it's YunmengJiang's turn for pleasantries. A-Cheng, A-Ying and me went in front. A-Cheng in center, A-Ying on his right and me on his left. We kowtowed.

JC - I, Jiang Wanyin courtesy name Cheng presenting YunmengJiang as the heir greets-

WC - I didn't thought it would be this difficult to enter Cloud Recesses.

Oh My Fucking God! Totally forgot about this piece of shit. You can't expect me to remember every single thing after these many years right? And I tend to forget useless things.

WY - You interrupted my brother.

WC - Who are you? How dare you speak to me like that!

WY - You-

JC - Stop it.

LX interrupted to ease the tension.

LX - We were not informed you were going to come, Wen-er-gongzi. Wen clan never sent their heirs for classes.

WC - I am not here for classes. I don't need them. I am here to escort someone.

Just one word. Rude.

WY - You should still have manners at least. Idiot.

WY my baby. You should shut up sometimes. Even though I want to kill WC I can't just do it here. Wens unsheathed their swords and pointed at him. People in the room also unsheathed their swords and pointed at them. Except Nie Huaisang. He is scared. Oh no! My baby is scared. Hey stob it. The situation is getting out of control. I have to stop it. I came in between A-Ying and Wen Chao.

WL - Wen-er-gongzi. Calm down. A-Ying, A-Cheng put your swords down. Everybody put your swords down please. Wen-er-gongzi, tell them to put their swords down. We don't wanna fight now do we?

Everyone put their swords down. He motioned Wens to put their swords down too.

WC - Now who's this beautiful young lady.

He said looking at me while smirking.

WL - It's Wei Lin, young master Wen. And if you are done escorting you should leave.

One thing I learned after coming here is confidence. And it's very helpful in these type of situations.

Right now, I am feeling so disgusting. I clenched my fists so hard my knuckles turned white. He is eye-raping me. I just wanna punch his face so hard and pull his eyes out. But I don't wanna worsen the situation.

WC - Yeah, I'm done. I'll leave. But would you like to accompany me tonight.

Ewwwwwww! Yeah this motherfucking piece of fucking fuckers shit. I really wanna fucking cut this fucking fuckers dick off.

And here comes my protection squad. Five young men from prominent clans standing in front of me. A-Ying, A-Cheng, my baby A-Sang, A-Zhan and Jin Zixuan.

WY - Keep your filthy eyes away from my A-Jie!

JC - I won't hold back if it comes to my Shijie!

He called me Shijie. OMG! I don't know why but I feel so good after hearing that.

LZ - I'm gonna forget 'Killing is prohibited'.

JZ - I dare you to touch her.

NH - I can be scary if I want to be.

Oh! My baby. He is so cute and scary. Okay! But why are they saying these type of dialogues. Trying to be cool? It's so cliché.

WL - Okay, okay. Guys go to your seats.

I looked at Zewujun. Please! Just send him away already. He seemed to get what I want to say.

LX - Wen-er-gongzi, I'll send a disciple if you want to stay for some days.

WC - No, we're going back.

They left. Except Wen Qing and Wen Ning.

LX - I will send a disciple to keep your luggage in your rooms. You can take seats for now.

Huh! Wow! My brothers are protective. All went to their seats and we finished the pleasantry. Now, master Lan is telling us rules. Yeah! Nothing much happened in today's class.

After class, we went to do whatever we wants to. Obviously, making sure not breaking the rules too.

Now, I have to start the first step of my saving everyone plan. I have to get Qingheng-jun out of seclusion. But I don't know where he is. I know what to do. Today, Wen Chao came. Means something unusual happened. Lan Xichen will definitely go and tell his father. I just have to follow him and memorize the way.

I am following him all the time. And making sure he doesn't suspect anything. And one thing I came to know about him is, this man works all the time. He don't even rest. But that aside he is finally going somewhere secluded. He knocked on a door and the door opened after sometime. I saw a hint of white robes. It should be Qingheng-jun. I know where to come now. I'll see you later Qingheng-jun.

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