🩸Eighteen (pt.3)🩸

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(A/N: SFW this time lol, you're safe
although please drop your smut requests right here! :))

𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝟏𝟖, but I wasn't really doing things normal eighteen-year-olds would do. Like going to parties or anything like that, being rebellious. Although, I assume having sex with a vampire in the middle of the night in a spooky forest wasn't exactly holy or obedient of me.

I wanted to go to a club. Unfortunately the strip clubs were off limits, due to age, not because I didn't want to. Going to a club seemed like something a real eighteen-year-old would do.

With a fake ID of course.
My father was a police officer, so it was a little ironic.

Everything was going well, the lights were blinding, and holy shit I was drunk. The lights were colors all over the wheel. People grinding against each other in corners. The music loud and blaring, almost piercing through my eardrums.

I'd never been drunk before, and I didn't have anyone there to help me with my trial.

Bad idea.

Many men came up to me, some asking for sex right off the bat.

At least nothing worse happened.

I can't imagine what would've happened to me if Cleodare hadn't shown up.

When I saw her coming towards me, time stopped. She'd turned her skin just pale enough to pass as human, but had let her fangs out. She smirked at me as I stared at her up and down. She was wearing a black satin dress shirt- the V neck deadly low- an unbuttoned black suit on top, and black dress slacks. A belt tied everything together. The looseness of her clothing still shaped her body beautifully, she was shining radiantly under the club lights.

I began to sweat just looking at her.

She walked over to me, and I was still awestruck by her figure. She tucked my hair behind my ear, "You know it's not nice to stare," her voice was as sulky and deep as I'd remembered it.

"H...Holy shit..." I muttered, flustered and bright red.

I didn't even know how she found me here, but I was astonished by her presence, and so drunk, I didn't ask.

She yanked my drink out of my hand, "Naughty girl..." She took a small sip, dissatisfied, she put it back down.

Somehow, my head ended up falling onto her chest, and she stroked my hair with her long fingers.

"Drunk, are you?"
I moaned in response.
"That explains how impolite you've been," she traced her finger around on my head.

"I-I'm sorry, Mommy..." I gasped.
She sighed, dismissing the matter, "You are forgiven, my love."

"You've made me horny..." I whined.
"How blunt," she said, laughing lightly.

"Can you whip me?"
"God, you're wasted, baby," She grabbed my chin and lifted my head up, planting a kiss on my lips.

"I can taste it on your lips,"
"Really?" I giggled.
She nodded with an eye roll, tired of my shit already.

"But yes, I will most certainly whip you." She smirked again, I moaned out loud just at the thought of her belt smacking my ass like that.

She put a finger over my lips, "Be good and shut your pathetic mouth until I take you home,"
"Oh my God, YES!" I giggled again.

She glared at me, then established her place with great dominance, slipping two of her fingers into my mouth to shut me up. Her glare remained as she stared down at me. She slowly started to lightly thrust her fingers in and out of my mouth.

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