Grocery Store (BONUS)

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(Stay for my note at the end, won't you? ;))

~I have no idea about the years in this book anymore because the last time I wrote anything for it was over three months ago <33 so ermm...Theo is around two years old, Melanie four~

Marine's pov:

"What's up with you?" Cleo hissed at me.

"What?" I looked at her, lightly laughing.

We were at the grocery store, and she'd decided she wanted to spend a million years in the cereal section, only God knew why. She sat there, judging the box and then asking me why the hell I'd eat it. So obviously, my answer was always that I, specifically, didn't eat it.

There was nothing wrong with the sugary stuff, but sometimes you had to wonder how many cereals they could make after different candies before it became too much.

We were nearing that point.

I was staring at a guy, mostly just because I was people-watching. It was pretty clear that he was with his girlfriend.

"What are you looking at?" Cleo asked. Her voice was a bit distant like she was partially distracted. I glanced back at her and she was still gazing at the colorful boxes.

"Nothing. I think he's kind of cute," I whispered to her.

She immediately turned and gave me a repulsed look, like I'd just run Melanie's sticky toddler fingers over her face. "Absolutely not."

Theo kicked his small legs in the seat of the shopping cart and grunted, as if agreeing with her.

"You'll grow out of this phase someday, you know," I hummed, joking.
"'s been two hundred years, I'm sure my straight side will come soon."

I grabbed her arm, "No, the alpha has already come."

"Come?" she whispered.

I lightly slapped her, pulling away and biting back a smile. "How old are you?"

"No," she said. She grabbed a random box and put it into our cart. "That joke wasn't for me, it was for you. I knew you'd laugh at it."

"Don't say it like I'm a toddler," I retorted.

I glanced back at Melanie who was on the floor playing with her new dolls.

"Get off the floor, lovely, it's dirty," I told her calmly. She glanced up at me and grunted as I kneeled down and pulled her to her feet.

The guy I'd been staring at passed us and Cleo nudged me. "Your boyfriend's here."
That would've been fine if she hadn't said it so damn loud.

He glanced back at us, giving me a blank stare with hidden confusion. His girlfriend looked stunned, but after a second, she gave him a concerned and wavering smile.
Cleo quickly pursed her lips and yanked my arm, directing me back to the shelves. She was trying not to laugh and I was trying not to flee.

He finally left after just a few seconds. I was ninety percent sure that Cleo had made him.

"D-did you see how he looked at me? God, you only have one volume unless you're fucking me," I muttered to her.

"I can fuck you if you're so desperate." She flashed me a smirk.

I ignored her. "Did you see how his girlfriend looked at me?"

"I'm just trying to give you life experiences."
"Wh-what even was that?"

Melanie tugged on my arm. "I have to go potty."

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