🩸Cottagecore (pt.32)🩸

555 19 42

(A/N, sorry this took so long! had a very...interesting, emotional breakdown-y week. Also i'm sick. But i'm here to deliver :) love you <3 This chapter actually ended up being around 3,400 words, lol.

also i took a moment to give PhoenixFeather8 their request.)

Cleo and I seemed more inseparable than usual. We spent our time sprawled out under thick, fluffy blankets in bed, and I'd been forcing her to watch a bunch of vampire movies. Which she found extremely dumb. Twilight was a victim.

I curled into her side, burying my head in her bare skin. She was shirtless, only wearing a simple unlined, black bra. Her sweatpants were pulled down just below her stomach because she knew I enjoyed touching her. I loved her tummy, the squish, the temperature, everything about it.

She wrapped an arm around me while I put both of my arms drooping over her stomach under the covers.

"Cleo," I whispered, muffled.
"Yes, my love?" I could tell by the tone of her voice she was partially distracted.

Her hand was subconsciously playing with my hair. I glanced up at her, desperate for her attention. Her eyes were glued to the TV screen.

"Cleooo," I whined.

"Pay attention to me," I moped.

"I am, babydoll. You're right here." She only partly glanced down at me, not bothering to make eye contact, before looking back at the movie.

I huffed, before grabbing her arm and biting it.
It caused her to look down at me, finally.

"Excuse me?"
"You do it to me all the time,"

"You're silly." She snorted, before going back to the screen.


"I just want you! I just want you to pay attention to me!"

Cleo let out a small chuckle, sounding partially in pain. She grabbed the remote from her nightstand and paused the movie.

She then scooped me up onto her body. As I rested on her stomach, I sprawled my legs out on hers and wrapped my arms around her neck, nuzzling my head in above her collarbone.

My legs didn't reach the end of hers. She was taller than me.

My breathing slightly softened as I lay on top of her, I could hear her smile out a sigh as her lips made gentle contact with the top of my head.

Peace washed over me, being in her grasp. Cleo still filled me with so many butterflies and pink cheeks, contentment.

"I love you."
She softly snorted, "I love you most,"

"...Oh yeah? Well-"

I paused, trying to think of something.
"I love you more."

"Is that all you've got?" She queried.
I huffed, "Fine, you win," I said. "But just because I'm tired."

I looked up at her and lightly ran my hand down her jaw. Cleo had a sharp jawline, which may have made her look intimidating, but I knew how soft she could get. Her vulnerability alone was what had helped me to fall in love with her.

I took my time, my fingers feeling each small blemish on her skin, I trailed my hand across her lips, the gentle brush of my fingers stopping to caress the soft skin.

"Marine..." She spoke quietly, her voice was silky.

Part of my forehead hit her neck, and I could feel the soft vibration coming from her throat as her lips gently formed the words.

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