🩸Antidepressants (pt.26)🩸

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‼️TW: This chapter mentions sensitive subjects, such as self harm and suicide.‼️


"Mm?" She answered sleepily, her head rested in my lap.

"You never kiss me," I said, "sometimes you'll kiss my forehead or something...but you barely ever kiss me."

She lifted her head to reveal her tired eyes, and suddenly her lips were plastered against mine.

"Like that?" She whispered, her hands were around my shoulders.

I kissed her again, "Yeah."

A smile formed my lips as she put her head back in my lap.

"While I'm asleep, look at house listings. Whatever appeals to you."


She looked up at me, deadpanning.

"Right," I giggled lightly, "yeah, I will."

Cleo smiled and went off to sleep, clearly satisfied.

There were many houses on the market. Although I wouldn't doubt it, I was sure she wasn't about to spend a million dollars on a house.

Most of them were modern, big, open living rooms with lots of windows. That was all something I wasn't used to, I'd grown up in a cabin my whole life. They were all pretty, and in relatively nice-looking neighborhoods.

When Cleo woke up, I showed her all of them that had appealed to me so far.

"This is all?"

"Is something wrong?"
"No, everything's fine. I just thought these were a little lower than our price range."

"I know you're a multi-millionaire...b-but.."
"Correction, we are multi-millionaires, and for a family, we'll need something better than these. I see the look you're going for, though."

"I checked the bedrooms-"


I wasn't going to complain, she wasn't wrong, I was just scared of using her money. It wasn't like this was a casual purchase, either. I went with her words.

Eventually, we did decide on something, I couldn't believe we were even putting in an offer.

"There are no other offers, babydoll."
"Probably because of the price," I mumbled.

"You're very worried about this?"
"A little,"

"My love," she pulled me in close, "it's okay. This is nothing, even between rent and...what, insurance? Adult things," she scoffed. "We'll be fine."

"Do you have a fake ID?"

Cleo scoffed, "Do I have a fake ID? Of course I do."

She paused. "You didn't grow up poor, did you?"

"No, my father was a police officer, and my mother worked in retail at one point." I answered.

"There is nothing to be worried about concerning money, babydoll,"

"I know, I just hear it's hard for a lot of people, and I..." I sighed.

"I understand, it's fine."

Cleo kissed my forehead and loosened her grip on me.

"Can I talk to you about something...intimidating?"

I hesitantly nodded, resting my head on her chest. Deep down, a part of me knew what she would ask.

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