🩸Drugged Hugs (pt.22)🩸

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She groaned as I heaved her off of my chest. It was strange to see her asleep. Cleo barely ever slept, and it was usually during the afternoon.

I licked my lips, they were too dry.

"What? What's wrong?"
"There's somebody outside."

"What?" She lifted her head up and sighed.

I started to sit up and she gently pushed me down by my shoulders.
"Stay here." She said, kissing my forehead and getting up.

She opened my bedroom door and peered downstairs. Her head shot down towards the floor and she cursed.
"I'll be right back, babydoll."

"Seriously?" I tugged on all my fingers.

Looking back, she gave me a small smile, then ran downstairs.

I could hear light thumping around the house. She seemed to be inspecting the place. I slowly sat up again, groaning softly as I held my stomach. The front door creaked open wide, she was looking outside.

It was beginning to turn into winter, the air was thick with breezing cold wind, and rain threatened to turn to snow. As Cleo came up the stairs, she slicked back a few strands of wet hair out of her eyes and plopped back down next to me.
There would be no sun for quite some time.

"I locked the door. No one's getting in, even if there is somebody out there."

"I heard it," I said softly, staring off into the wall. Cleo pushed me back down into the covers.
"Heard what, exactly?"
"The front door! I heard..."

Thoughts seemed to be trailing out of my mind.
"Someone...there was someone! God, I don't remember."

"Do you need to eat?" She asked as she brushed my hair behind my ears, "You're acting strange."

"I'm fine!" I giggled nervously.

"Babydoll?" Her face was covered with worry and curiosity.
"I don't remember." I whispered.

She bit into my neck.

"C-can't you ask first?" I grunted. "Geez!"

"Not now," she grimaced, pulling back, "you've been drugged."


"Satan's tæve. Jeg er en idiot," she muttered under her breath.

"I...can't believe I let you get hurt. Again."

"It's not your fault, Cleo."
"Just because I was tired. I'm sorry."

"Stop saying sorry, it's fine, bubby," I gently put a hand on her shoulder.
"Did they take anything?" She leapt up and searched the room.

"Aren't you the one with exceptional hearing?" I whispered.

"When I've eaten," she grumbled. "When I'm not so fucking tired."
Cleo foraged through the room, searching for anything possibly out of place or missing.

"I'm sorry, Cleo," I said suddenly.

"I'm sorry I'm helpless, I'm sorry you always have to save me because I'm stupid. I'm sorry I'm always pushing you. I'm sorry you were tired because of me, because I know you're never tired, because you probably don't even need to sleep in the first place-"

"Honey...no." She looked back up at me with dipped eyebrows.

"You were. You were tired because you had to save me again, like you always do because I'm a helpless dumbass." I mumbled.

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