🩸Promises in Rings (pt.41)🩸

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"Hey, Cleo,"


"Isn't it funny how we can just program our child with anything?"

"What- what do you mean by that?" She looked at me, amused.

"Like, what you said. She could grow up entirely speaking Danish. It could be the only thing she knows. Religion, and types of currency...just things like that,"

"You mean culture, her culture,"

"'Programming' is more fun to say."
"I suppose."

She sat next to me, gently wrapping an arm around my waist.

Most of our time was spent in Melanie's playpen. First time parent things.

Although, not for long, because I'd just managed to get pregnant again. After having talked to Cleo about things, we'd both become extremely comfortable, excited even, at the idea of two children. I was fortunate it had taken only one try, and that was pregnancy for me.

With one month under my belt, I wasn't sure what the baby could be yet. Vampire or human. There wasn't a lot of movement going on so early. But tiredness and fatigue had already started to settle in.

In the corner, Melanie was doing strange motions, like attempting to stand and falling down on her rear, over and over again. We'd tried to help her, but every time, she'd just yell, "No!" and we stopped. So we had just decided to let her do her thing, under close supervision, of course.

Average eleven month old activities.

Little grunts were sounding from her spot as she tried to grab onto anything for support, but there was nothing in the vicinity, she was facing a bland wall.

"Melanie, baby,"

Her head whipped back to look at Cleo. "No!"

"Ah yes, well, that's the end of that, isn't it?" She looked over at me with a snort.


I was suddenly more alert, my head shot up from Cleo's shoulder. She had once again landed on the floor. I wasn't sure what had happened, exactly, why this time it had hurt her.

"Are you okay, lovely?"


Cleo leaned me against the wall and went over to her. "What's wrong, baby?"
Melanie broke out into sniffles.

"Oh, please tell Mama, sweet girl,"
Cleo sat down and pulled Melanie into her lap, sweeping her off the ground.

Melanie pointed to her leg.

"Here?" Cleo gently touched the part she had pointed to.

She nodded frantically.

"Better get the fairy dust," Cleo looked over at me.

"On it," I got up and went to the closet.

I quickly opened the door and grabbed the "fairy dust." It was just a jar of fine glitter. It was somewhat powdery, ranging from pastel pink to blue, all mixed in a small jar.

I handed the jar to Cleo and she popped the lid off.
"Here we go," it stuck to her skin as she pressed her finger into it.

She gently rubbed it onto Melanie's leg. It would wash off fine, and was able to go down the drain, since it was biodegradable.

Melanie just giggled and threw herself into Cleo's arms.



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