🩸Age (pt.34)🩸

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(A/N, I REPEAT. DO NOT. EVER. READ A LATER CHAPTER BEFORE READING THE CURRENT ONE. ESPECIALLY NOWADAYS. i'm looking at you ,KayleeHunter820 , you will regret it.)

January 1st, 2025

The year had seemed to have flown by. Maybe because Cleo and I had been living happily. Everything was perfect. No random FBI agents, and no vampires had found us at the new house, which wasn't that new anymore.

We'd decorated every room just right. It was certainly a home where we'd be having a family, which we'd been trying for quite a while, now. It just wasn't as easy as I'd liked to have thought when we were both cis women. And on top of that, I was the only one who could carry a baby. Cleo had never had a menstrual cycle in her life.

Options were more slim than I could've ever imagined, especially for the new year we were in.

Aside from children, Cleo's birthday was coming up. Truthfully, I had no idea what to do for her. Regardless of the fact that she'd probably had everything done before, I wanted to do something for her. Even if it was stupid.

She was turning 188 years old, and that seemed like a pretty big deal, at least to me.

"Good morning, min elskede," she came up behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist, resting her chin on my shoulder.

Whenever she was sleepy her accent was thick, a tired hum hid in her voice.

"Why so snuggly this morning?" I giggled, slightly rotating my head to kiss her forehead.

"I'm tired after last night," she rasped with a soft smile.

Rightfully so, I'd made her stay up against her will. She'd told me after all the new years it all started to not matter anymore, that they started to blend together. I also believed she was still under the impression the world would just end at any time now.

I don't think it helped that we'd had so many appointments with different specialists for the past few months, she was tired mentally. Maybe even just as tired as I was about constantly having to talk about the same things over and over.

"I feel like I can read your mind sometimes, babydoll,"

"Really?" I said, "What am I thinking?"

She was probably going to be right.

"About me," she whispered, sleep still stroked her voice like a husky memory. 

I smiled, "I'm always thinking about you."

"I win."

She loosely spun me around and kissed my lips. I giggled and hung onto her shoulders.

"You're precious," her lips gently brushed my forehead. "Sometimes I'd like my destiny to be sleeping with you forever."

"Sleeping or sleeping?"

"I was trying to be normal about things," she hissed teasingly.

Cleo leaned back on the kitchen island and smiled at me, sloppily crossing her arms. Her hair was messy and she was in those stupid hot sweatpants that showed her stomach. She was wearing her black unlined bra, which she'd fought with me about being "extremely comfortable."

"Don't look at me like that. It's 9 a.m."

I shook my head, biting my lip to hold back a laugh. "Sorry, sorry, it's hard not to."

I paused, and she just stared at me, amused.

"You'd look good in pink,"

She gave me a stern look, raising her eyebrow, "I highly disagree."
"No, no, seriously! You'd look flashy."

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