twenty nine

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"So that's interesting did you know he felt that way?" Carlos asked, I was on FaceTime with Isa but Carlos was chatting too.

"I had no idea it was affecting him that badly, I feel really guilty." I expressed and Carlos and Isa nodded in agreement.

"He's left me at home before to go to the Grand prixs I just don't know why it's hitting him now and not like six weeks ago." I explained but Isa stopped me.

"No the last few Grand prixs you've been in the hospital not at home, maybe he feels that you're safer when you're in a hospital surrounded by medical professionals." Isa claimed and that made sense.

"I guess." I shrugged.

As we continued chatting I got another phone call from the doctors, normally it was a random number but we called so often I decided to save them as a contact.

"Mel you've frozen." Isa said.

"The doctors calling me, do you want to stay on the line or hang up?" I asked them and Isa just shrugged so I kept them on the phone.

Whatever the doctor had to say she could say it to Carlos and Isa as well.

"Hello is this Miss melody verstappen?" My doctors voice echoed down the phone.

"Yes it is."

"Okay and you came in for a blood test yesterday correct?" She asked as if she wasn't the one literally giving me it.


"Right so we received your results back this morning and we finally have an answer for all of your symptoms since the incident." My doctor spoke professionally.

"Alright and that is?" I asked.

"Hypothyroidism it is a common condition where the thyroid doesn't create and release enough thyroid hormone into your bloodstream. This makes your metabolism slow down. Also called underactive thyroid, hypothyroidism can make you feel tired, gain weight and be unable to tolerate cold temperatures. The main treatment for hypothyroidism is hormone replacement therapy." She rambled on and on.

"Right um and this is treatable then?" I asked her again slightly confused.

"Hypothyroidism is a manageable disease. However, you will need to continuously take medication to normalize the amount of hormones in your body for the rest of your life. With careful management, and follow-up appointments with your healthcare provider to make sure your treatment is working properly, you can lead a normal and healthy life." She explained.

"And if not treated is it um fatal?" I quizzed

"Hypothyroidism can become a serious and life-threatening medical condition if you do not get treatment from a healthcare provider. If you are not treated, your symptoms can become more severe and can include:
Developing mental health problems.
Having trouble breathing, Not being able to maintain a normal body temperature and having some severe heart problems. So yes it can be fatal." She cautiously spoke.

"So am I going to need medication for the rest of my life? When can I start?"

"The dose of your medication can actually change over time. At different points in your life, you may need to have the amounts of medication changed so that it manages your symptoms. This could happen because of things like weight gain or weight loss. Your levels will need to be monitored throughout your life to make sure your medication is working correctly." She explained and I nodded forgetting she can't actually see me.

"It can't go away on its own?" I asked her and she responded immediately.

"In some mild cases, you may not have symptoms of hypothyroidism or the symptoms may fade over time. In other cases, the symptoms of hypothyroidism will go away shortly after you start treatment." She expressed.

"Would you say I was a mild case?.." I asked slightly suspenseful.

"For those with particularly low levels of thyroid hormones, hypothyroidism is a life-long condition that will need to be managed with medication on a regular schedule. Melody if I'm honest your levels of thyroid hormones are extremely low so no I wouldn't say you had a mild case." She told me carefully, trying not to hit me while I'm down.

"Right okay. So medication for life but it isn't fatal?" I asked her finally.

"Well this is the thing, if we'd have left this a few more weeks I would say you would have been too late and already had myxoedema and this serve type of hyperthyroidism is life threatening as majority of people who have it end up in a coma or with heart failure, if we start medication immediately you'll be fine." She managed.

"Okay so can I stop with my other medication, like the injections?" I asked her.

"Yes although more testing needs to be conducted as this disease isn't correlating with being physically beaten so we just need to double check everything but you can stop taking everything else and I will have your prescription of levothyroxine sent to you immediately, so if you want to
Come down and get it in half an hour you may." She added.

"Okay um thank you."

"I know it's a lot to take in but I'm confident that if we start medication now you'll be absolutely fine Melody." She said just as she ended the call.

"Damn." I muttered.

"What was she even saying?" Carlos suddenly said and I completely forgot they were on the call with me the whole time.

"I don't even know." I admitted.

"I mean if you think of it this way, you aren't dying you are going to only have to take one pill a day and now you have some closure as to why you feel unwell." Isa explained to me and I nodded.

Carlos was already googling away when he read out "With proper treatment a person with hyperthyroidism usually has a normal life expectancy with little to no decrease in quality of life."

"That's good right Mel?" Isa asked me a little concerned.

"Yeah it is to be fair." I responded just as Charles came in.

"Isa, Carlos say hi to Charles." I said changing the subject as he wandered over to my phone.

"Watching my girl for me guys?" He asked and they laughed at him as I hung up the phone.

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