fifty five

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"I can't imagine what this is about." I said sarcastically as we entered a small room, it was cold and empty but I stood against the window admiring the outside world.

"Mel- melody. I kissed her and I know it's fucking wrong and I regret it- I should've never done that to you." He rambled through using his hands to explain.

I chuckled "Well done you. Only took you three months to figure that out!"

"No hear me out-

"I'm listening Charles." I sighed turning to face him.

"But I did it for you- the contract Stefano wanted you to sleep with a driver or create a scandal so I gave him a scandal. The girl knew I was doing it so you didn't have to-


"Charles the contact was dismissed. My lawyers pulled out of it in early - mid October. We renegotiated a performance after I had strong apologies and an increased payment." I told him annoyed.

"I didn't know that-

"No you didn't because you never asked Charles, this excuse is ridiculous you can't just kiss girls and tell me that you did it to protect me?" I explained to him failing to see the correlation.


"No charles, you've made me look like an absolute idiot. Not even once but twice. I can't keep up with the humiliation." I expressed as he looked at me sadly.

"But that wasn't the intention."

"Intention or not it still happened." I sighed sitting down on one of the dusty chairs.

"Melody I swear I only kissed her to make your life easier. I didn't want you to have to do the perverted crap on the contract so I did something for you." He tried to explain his reasoning behind his stupid decision.

"If that was your actual aim, why didn't you tell me? A quick 'hey Mel I'm going to kiss some girl but don't worry it's fake! I just want to make your life easier and do a scandal myself because I love you!' It's that easy?"

"I don't know melody."

"Because it's not true. Your digging yourself a deeper grave." I swallowed as he kept his eye contact.

"It is true. I'm just an absolute idiot." He held his head in his hands.

"Clearly. Im done Charles. Stop lying to me to make me feel better you were more than happy to kiss some fucking model in Mexico and you probably cheated on me in Qatar too. If im not good enough for you which apparently I'm not I'm done." I said walking towards the door of the small room.

"Melody- you're too good for me that's the problem." He grabbed my arm as I went to open the door.

"So that's why you had the girl from Mexico at the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix?? I saw her there Charles." I replied.

"I didn't invite her Mel. She just came there for fun-

"I don't think I want to hear it," I turned to face him "I really loved you Charles, you made me feel like shit."

"Melody I still love you. I don't think I'll ever stop loving you." He replied softly as our faces neared closer.

"And that's what makes it so much harder." I whispered turning back to the door and opening it to leave.

I wouldn't give in if it killed me.

"Melody. Please don't leave not again. I can't take it." Charles begged in a hushed tone from behind me.

"I can't take you cheating on me again. Congratulations champion." I spoke sadly and walked back over to my seat at the Ferrari table, is never been to one of these ceremonies but I knew they usually lasted a long time.

"Did you kill Charles and leave him in a room?" Lorenzo joked.

"You figured out my plan!" I jokingly responded but Pascale didn't find it all too funny.

Fred complained "So melody what's the situation with Charles on your end because it's all he talks about and I'm tired of it."

"Well he cheated on me in Mexico. I moved back to Paris with the cats and that's pretty much how it's been." I shrugged filling up another glass of champagne.

"Ah Paris that's nice." Fred muttered as he ordered his dessert but the awkwardness of the evening was getting too much for me.

Charles hadn't even come back to the table.

"Well I hope everyone has a really good evening but I need to get home. Congratulations Ferrari." I smiled at everyone and mostly at Fred.

"Thank you melody." He responded.

"We will see you soon melody?" Pascale asked sort of questioning that herself as the situation with Charles and I was seemingly becoming more messy day by day.

"We will see you soon." Charles said siting down in his chair cockily, he took a sip of his beer.

"I'm moving actually, so probably not unless I'm at the red bull paddock." I smirked before finally leaving the ceremony, at least I was leaving with more money in the bank.


Hey everyone, thank you so much for reading! Part two of the book is called 'adoration PT 2' and I hope you all love it as much as I do, thank you again angels 💌

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