forty seven

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Liked by 22,482,372 people @dailymail: Charles Leclerc seen out in Qatar on October 7th with mystery girl? Is this the end for Melody Verstappen and Charles Leclerc as she was nowhere to be seen on race day?

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Liked by 22,482,372 people
@dailymail: Charles Leclerc seen out in Qatar on October 7th with mystery girl? Is this the end for Melody Verstappen and Charles Leclerc as she was nowhere to be seen on race day?


user28304: melody is too good for him.

charlesfan2839: what????

melodyfan2739: dickhead

ferrarifan: oh my god.

usee18203: he deserves better than melody anyways 🤷‍♀️


Charles was planning on leaving the next day but came back home later that night instead "So the cats have been taking my place in bed huh?"

I opened my other eye and allowed in the light "Charles you're home." I smiled at him as he climbed out of his clothes and got straight into bed next to me and the kittens.

"I couldn't stay away anymore." He whispered to me softly as I got closer to him in bed, despite me being in there longer he was still warmer.

"I'm sorry Charles." I told him and he apologised also before shutting his eyes and heading to sleep, he never sleeps on flights.

But now I had been awoken I couldn't get back to sleep so I grabbed my phone and began scrolling away when a call from Kelly came through.

"Pen you need to stop taking mummy's phone so early in the morning." I chuckled awaiting the small girls voice to be on the other side.

"No it's Kelly. Have you seen the daily mail this morning?" She asked me, firstly why the hell was she up at six in the morning and secondly no.

"Um no why?"

"Oh god I'm the bearer of bad news okay. Just have look alright?" Kelly told me and I listened before eagerly scrolling to the dailymail.

"What the actual fuck? Is that louise?" I asked confused zooming in the on the photo that quite clearly showed Charles kissing some girl in Qatar.

"Is he home yet? Max isn't so I assume-

"He's sleeping centimetres away from me right now Kelly." I told her confused and quite heartbroken.

"Oh god," she sighed "Ask him about it first. He may have a completely different perspective on what happened I mean paparazzi are always trying to make something out of nothing.."

"No we had an argument before he went to Qatar," I whispered cautiously "Fuck Kelly."

"Just ask him alright? Call me back later." She said sadly down the phone hanging up.

I looked at him sleeping so peacefully, if he's the man i think he is there's no way in hell he would be able to just climb into bed with me without tearing himself apart if he cheated on me.

But we've been dating less than a year, Max told me he had a reputation before we started dating I just refused to believe him.

Oliver and Otis were sat sleeping on me as I remained quiet unsure whether to disrupt Charles' rest or not, but I didn't have to.

His phone began ringing moments later, he looked around to see me awake stroking the cats as he grabbed his phone and put it on speaker.

"What the hell did you do you absolute fucking idiot?" Maxs' voice loudly came through the phone, guess Kelly had told him.

"What?" Charles asked groggily and confused.

"Oh save it mate. We all already know. It's fucking everywhere." Max seethed through the phone as Charles showed a confused face at me.

I picked up my phone and showed him the picture of the mystery girl and himself in the streets of Qatar, as I climbed out of bed leaving my phone with him.

I picked up the kitties and took them to the living room and placed them on the sofa to continue sleeping as I decided to make myself breakfast, I wasn't sure what to do.

Part of me thought Charles would never cheat on me.

Part of me also thought he would after an argument.

Within five minutes he came downstairs and Max was no longer angrily on the phone to him.

"Melody. Let me explain." He said defensively lifting his arms into the air.

I poured my cereal into the bowl and took my two pills for my hyperthyroidism "Mel it isn't what it looks like. It looks really fucking bad but I promise I wouldn't do that to you."

"Mel baby, say something."

"So you didn't meet up with a girl and kiss her thinking I'd never find out about it whilst you happened to be annoyed at me?" I asked him grabbing orange juice from the fridge avoiding eye contact.

"No I bumped into your old manager and I went to greet her and the angle is really messed up I swear. Carlos was with me the whole time I was in Qatar." Charles admitted.

"It looks really bad Charles... really bad." I said truthfully, angle or not it was a bad image that I didn't want in my head.

"I know Mel, I'm so so so sorry. You deserve better than this."

"It's the fact this happened during this week. If that photo came out weeks ago I would've said absolutely no not my Charles. But I'm not so sure now." I looked up at him for the first time.

His sad face absolutely broke my heart "Melody, it's not what it looks like okay? Ask Carlos right now."

I picked up my phone to see floods of messages from friends and others coming in, the photo of the daily mail now had two hundred million likes and four million comments.

Isa was ringing me before I got around to Carlos "Mel what's happening is he kicked out of the house yet?"

"Your on speaker." I told her sadly as I responded.

"He's still there?? Fuck you Charles-

"Isa is Carlos there?" I asked her and she responded yes.

"Can I talk to him please?," I paused "Charles says he never went anywhere without Carlos."

"Melody! Nice to hear from you." Carlos joked and heard Isa telling him to grow up on the other side of the phone.

Isa was angry.

"Carlos, were you with Charles when the photo was taken? Did they kiss?" I asked him quietly awaiting his answer, Charles' eyes never moving from mine.

"Melody, on Isas life I was there and they didn't kiss. I promise you that, Isa would kill me if I lied to you. We saw Louise in the distance and she came up to us and greeted us both, I mean she was a nut I wouldn't be surprised if she called the paparazzi to take that photo herself." Carlos admitted, to his defence he sounded truthful and he was damn right if he lied to protect Charles Isa would kill him in this life and the next.


"Swear. I'd tell you melody I can promise you that." He told me honestly and I thanked him before he passed the phone back to Isa.

"What do you think Isa?" I asked her and she sighed.

"I think he's telling the truth. I know you guys had an argument but I don't think Charles is actually capable of doing something that bad." Isa dismissed as we eventually hung up.

"Melody what can I do to make it up to you?" Charles asked close to tears, I put my cereal to the side no longer hungry.

I shook my head "I'm sorry for doubting you."

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