forty three

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"So the lawyers what sis they all say about the contract?" I asked her as I bit my lip in suspense.

"Well, for those contracts that are under the Regulations, your customer or client can give notice of cancellation up to 14 days after the contract is made, and may cancel without having to give a reason." Isa continued reading the notes from the solicitors she had spoken to.

"But the contract was made months ago?" I told her and she sighed.

"I know that's why it's so difficult because you as the client have had access to it for longer than fourteen days but usually it should go straight to me and it didn't, so we can argue that the whole deal wasn't done properly or professionally." She continued to explain.

"Okay so what are we going to do?" I asked her slightly confused.

"Well," she paused "The lawyer is going to meet with Stefano today and discuss changing the contact so you would only have to perform at the awards like originally discussed, or we will sue him."

"But I don't want to sue them? It won't end well for any of the guys- isa you know that." I insisted.

"We're just going to threaten to sue, we won't actually. The lawyer is pretty confident that Stefano won't even let it get that far, I mean we have huge blackmail on him now." Isa expressed and damn she was right.

"Angel." I complimented her.

"Melody I don't know how many more times I'm going to have to beg you but Jimmy Fallon isn't giving up on this interview, will you do it?" Isa asked me down the phone.

"I don't know, he's going to ask about my dad and I'm just not sure how I'm going to react to that stuff." I explained and I could hear Isa mumbling along in response.

"I think you should do it, im not going to force you but you may get some clarity from talking about it. It's such a good opportunity for you." Isa bargained and I understood.

"Okay then, when is it?" I asked her and then the phone went silent.


"Tomorrow." Isa muttered as she knew I'd be annoyed that it was so soon.

"Seriously? As in 24hrs from now?" I asked and she replied yes.

"Hm okay, I'm not sure Charles is going to like this." I told her and she booked my flight to the US immediately as I'd have to leave tonight.

"You'll be okay Mel I promise!" Isa responded "Just checking pregnant people can still fly." She teased, still adamant I was pregnant.

I decided to ignore her comment.

I sighed "Will you come with me at least?"

She paused from what ever it was she was doing on the other side of the phone "Like a girls trip?"

"Well not really I only want to stay there tomorrow and then fly right back, Charles will be leaving for Qatar in a few days, don't want to miss him leaving." I told her and she understood as we hung up the call.

"Mel are you done yet?" Charles asked from the living room area of our home, it was quite early for me to be having business calls.

I wandered out to the sofa where he was sat watching drive to survive on the tv, "Look at you watching yourself on tv."

"It's the only thing on." He lied smiling slightly giving him away instantly, the boy couldn't lie for his life.

"I have some news," I paused as he faced me "I'm flying out to America tonight to do Jimmy Fallon tomorrow."

Charles was honestly more confused than annoyed "Bit short notice isn't it? Do you have to?"

"I know, but as soon as it's done I'm flying straight back here to you and then we can enjoy our time before you head to Qatar." I told him cosying into his side.

"Before we head to Qatar?" Charles questioned as I said you rather than we.

I hadn't told him about the doctors.

"Fuck. Um I can't make it out to Qatar." I told him quietly as he paused the tv in confusion.

"Why not?" He asked concerningly.

"I'm going to see doctor Léa, I swear I tried to get a different date but she's only free on the 8th until next year." I told him truthfully as he grabbed my hand.

"Well are you alright? Why do you need to see her? Mel please tell me you're okay." He asked instantly stressing, looking over my body quickly accessing my health.

"She just wants to do some more testing and make sure the medication is at the right dose, I haven't been feeling great recently so she wants to check-

"Well how bad have you been feeling Mel?" He quipped worriedly.

"Stop stressing I'm okay."

"Don't even start telling me not to fucking stress melody. Your health is so important to me I don't want you lying about how your feeling- your condition is serious-

"Charles seriously I've just been sick a few times it could literally be anything-

"Fuck sake melody. Since when do we keep secrets from each other like this? This isn't something to just brush under the rug, if you aren't well tell me." He angrily said standing up from the sofa.

"Oh I'm sorry I wanted you to do well in your fucking races! I didn't tell you because I didn't want to stress you out-

"Save it. I don't want to hear anymore lying." He said beginning to walk away to our room.

"I'm not lying! Ask Isa-

He turned around to face me, "You told Isa but you didn't tell me. Says a lot don't you think?"

"What are you trying to say?" I asked him annoyed.

"Nothing she might as well be your fucking girlfriend at this point, I mean you were sat in our room with the door locked whilst you were on the phone discussing more secrets I bet." Charles was fuming now, like in those cartoons when smoke would come out someone's ears.

"Oh my god you're so jealous! This is ridiculous Charles. You're clutching at straws! I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was feeling bad but don't pin it on me or Isa, I genuinely didn't want you to stress out-

"Anything else you'd like to share Mel? Get it out now hm?" He taunted rudely.

I might be pregnant so why did I say "no."

He held eye contact with me for a few seconds before shutting the bedroom door and locking it as I had done moments ago.

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