Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Cheree's POV

There she was, staring at me on the other side of the gym's locker room, looking like she's ready to pounce on her prey if it makes a sudden movement.

Brooklyn Jameson.

My bully. Well, one of my two bullies. I never understood why, though. Ever since freshman year, it's been the same routine: I walk into school, she goes out of her way just to shove me into a locker or trip me. Then at lunch, my other bully, London, will go out of her way to make me miserable. Brooklyn will tell her to leave me alone, then proceed to give me a shove. It's an ongoing cycle. I had no idea if it was because she was jealous that I had another bully or if she actually had a little bit of a heart under her stone-cold appearance.

But, there I stood on the first day of school, quickly getting my things out of my gym locker so I could hurry to lunch. Strangely, Brooklyn hadn't harassed me all day. All she'd done was stare at me, creepily may I add.

As I shut my locker and closed the lock, I took one last glance at Brooklyn, made sure she was at a safe distance, and scurried out of the locker room.

Brooklyn's POV

Cheree Lambert—my little short stuff. I watched as she threw the last of her gym clothes back into her locker before running off, probably from me. Man, she'd really changed over the last couple of years. She cut her butt-length light brown hair to just below her shoulders. I think her face might have gotten a little fuller. Her once flat chest has grown a little over the years to probably a C cup, maybe even a D. Her eyes are the perfect sky blue—I could lose myself in them. And that fucking dimple of hers drove me insane. I just wanted to kiss her all the time. Don't even get me started on that ass; it was my favorite thing about her. It was perfect. Seriously—it wasn't flat, but it wasn't huge either. It was just a cute bubble butt. And her short legs were adorable.

"You going to that party this Friday, B?" my friend Angel asked me, interrupting my daydreaming.

"Uh, yeah, of course. I mean, come on: me, Brooklyn Jameson, missing the first party of the school year? That would be funny," I answered sarcastically.

I mean, I was Brooklyn Jameson. I was the life and the flirt of every party. It would've been so much better if Cheree actually went to the parties though. I could just imagine that ass grinding into my crotch.... ugh. As much as I'd love to, I couldn't act on impulse.

She was the shy, socially awkward girl of the school, and head of the Creative Writing club, while I was the queen B: the bitchy, outgoing, fun captain of the Cheerleading squad. I couldn't tarnish my reputation. What? Call me egotistical or a bitch, but I couldn't help it. Since I couldn't have Cheree, I simply got rid of my fantasies about her at the end of the week with a pretty lady at a party.

"Hello? Earth to Brooke?" Angel said snapping her fingers in my face.

Angel was so beautiful; tall, a bit lanky, with chocolate eyes. But HIGHLY fucking annoying. She was a star basketball player, though. If she wasn't so annoying, I'd probably tap that.

"Yeah, sorry. Let's go get some grub. I'm hungry," I said, rubbing my tummy and pouting.

"You're such a dork, B!" Angel laughed, taking my hand and dragging me out of the locker room to the cafeteria.

As I walked into the cafeteria, I saw London fucking around with Cheree.

Cheree's POV

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