Chapter 14

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Cheree POV

Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy SHIT. My lips are pressed against Brooklyn's soft pink one's. And, my god. Where did I grow the balls to kiss her. She brought her hand up to my cheek with her thumb lightly rubbing my cheek. She gently then pulled away with glazed eyes and smirked at me.

"Well, I imagined me being the one kissing you, but that works" she whispered huskily. In return, I blushed beat red. "I um, Brooklyn. I, think we should get to know eachother more. I like you, Brooklyn." I formed a small shy smile, which she smiled back. "That sounda good to me" Brooklyn replied. She finally let go of my hand, and started up the car. She put the car in drive and grabbed my hand again, lacing our fingers together.

What is happening? I know I really shouldn't like this. But, it's true. Brooklyn, gives me butterflies, and makes me hot. And, even after all the picking in she's done to me, she makes me feel good too. I mean, her always sticking up for me when London would pick on me. I always, secretly loved it. The first time London ever picked on me, Brooklyn had already been harassing me for a good two months.


I was sitting at my usual lunch spot, waiting for Layne to come and join me when I felt a presence behind me. "You know, you shouldn't eat greasy burgers, you're already chubby, you'll hust get chubbier." I turned around and was met by a caramal skinned, black haired, dark brown eyed girl who was a couple inches taller than me. Super thin.

Did that girl just basically call me fat? What the hell? "Well, London, I dont think she has a ounce of fat on her. Sure, he cheeks are a little chubby. But, what's wrong with that. I mean, just because a girl has slightly bigger tits than you, doesn't make her Chubby". Did, Brooklyn just stick up for me. I thought she hated me. Ever since I ran into her in the hall way a couple months ago, she has made me miserable. London and Brooklyn have been having a staring contest for a good minute or two now. "Goodbye, Brooklyn, Goodbye fattie" and, as she walked away, Brooklyn stuck her foot out, tripping London, making her fall face first into the ground.

Flashback over

Brooklyn POV

I pulled into Cheree's driveway and shut the car off. I looked over at her and she looked at me at the same time, "Thank you, Brooklyn. I had a great time." I leaned over and kissed her cheek, then her lips. I pulled back and she smiled at me. I love being the reason she smiles. My heart grew two sizes today.

Cheree went to get out of the car and so did I. I followed behind her up to her door. She stopped before she unlocked her door and looked at me confused. "Just making sure you get inside okay. Don't worry, no ulterior motives, beautiful." She blushed, I smirked. "Goodnight, Cheree". "Goodnight, Brooklyn", and with that, she opened her door and made her way inside. She smiled at me again before shutting her door.

I mentally danced in my head, "holy shit" I whispered to myself. This is happening. After I got into my car, my pocket vibrated, I took my phone out and saw that Lindy sent me a text.

From Lindy: dude, details.

I smiled. I told Lindy earlier today what I was doing. She said she "shipped" us. Whatever the hell that means.

To Lindy: A girl never kisses and tells

I waited a couple minutes, then Lindy called me.

Brooke: Yes?
Lindy: You kissed her?! She shouted in my ear.
Brooke: Technically, she kissed me
Lindy: Awwwwwwww, dude. This is like, amazing. Someone finally has your heart. Dakotas gonna be pissed when her once a week fuck turns her down.
Brooke: meh, who cares. I only care about one girls feelings. I'll talk to you late Lindz.

I hanged up the phone and madey way home.

Cheree POV

I made my way inside the house where Aunt Jessi was watching some HGTV show. Woman always watches house shows. "How was your night?" She asked sincerely. "It was very nice" I made my way to the couch and sat beside her laying my head on her shoulder.

"Does that girl, Brooklyn was it? Like you? I noticed how protective she got this morning." I took a second top reply. Not knowing how to tell her.
"I kissed her, tonight" I whispered. I felt aunt Jessi freeze then relax. "About time you had a first kiss, kiddo" we laughed for a second and became quiet again. "Well, if she hurts you... lets just say I know a good place to hide a body." I giggled as she kissed my the top of my head and got up. "Goodnight" "Night".

I pulled out my phone for the first time tonight and noticed it was from Cassidy. Shit. I don't know if I wabt to read this.

From Cassidy- I know not much I can say can make up for what I did, and I cant even explain my actions because, being drunk is not an excuse. But, I will tell you this. I will spend a lifetime making it up to you until I can earn your trust back and make you smile. You mean something to me, Cheree. I'm so sorry, beautiful.

I really don't know what to say.

Cassidy POV

I've literally spent my whole day in my pj's watching stupid b-rated horror movies on netflix. I've been checking my phone every 5 minutes. Nothing.


My phone vibrated and I quickly reached over to my nightstand and grabbbed it... it's Cheree. Holy shit.

From Cheree: I don't know what to say right now Cassidy. I just need some space. You really scared me last night.

I threw my phone across the room and yelled out in frustration. Not at her, not at the fact that I'll probably need a new phone, but at myself.

I need a release. Either I can call Naomi for some nice sexual pleasure. Or, I can go to the gym. Naomi is a no go, considering the fact we just fucked this morning and I can tell she's catching feelings. To the gym it is!

Damn You Brooklyn (lesbian)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon