Chapter 24

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Cheree POV

I just ran. I kept running for about five minutes until I ended up out of the woods and right in front of a 24 hour gas station.

I took a second to catch my breath and wiped my tear stricken face with my hands. I walked towards a curb on the side of the building and sat down hiding my face in my hands.

Did she even love me? Did she just want to take my innocence and then throw me to the curb? I guess Dakota was right. I thought all these disturbing thoughts, which just made me tear up again.

I can't believe I walked in to London straddling Brooklyn's waist, kissing her while grinding into her... Brooklyn wasn't even fighting her off. I don't get it..

"Cheree!" I cringed at the voice calling my name. I quickly stood to my feet and tried to take off again but was stopped by strong arms around my waist. "Stop! Let me explain!" I froze. My anger rising.

I swiftly turned around, making her release her hold. I scowled at her and before I knew it, my open hand met her face. A loud smacking noise followed. She cradled her face with her hand and and furrowed her eye brows at me.

"I guess I deserved that." She said in a bored tone. "Look, I know what you saw looked really, really bad," she said in worry, "but, it honestly was not what it looked..". Brooklyn was cut off by Layne running out from the woods and towards me.

She quickly stepped in front of me in a protective stance, " No need in explaining. I'm taking her back. Everyone has left the cabin. Georgi is waiting for you at my car and is going to take you home. You're no longer welcome here." Layne said in such a calm but threatening tone.

Brooklyn looked as if she was about to pounce on Layne at any second. She looked behind Layne and made eye contact with me, her face softened and her eyes started to glisten with tears.

"When you get back please call me. I will explain everything. I'm sorry if I hurt you. I do love you. More than this entire fucking world and universe combined." She smiled sadly as tears started flowing down her cheeks. She slowly backed away, eyes not leaving mine. She finally turned and walked back into the woods, disappearing before my eyes.

After her body dissapeared, Layne slowly turned around and looked at my tearful face, she sadly smiled at me, and my tears returned once again. She quickly embraced me, holding me tightly to her.

"I thought she loved me." I whispered, burying my face into Layne's neck.

Brooklyn POV

I can't believe this is happening. This is a big cluster fuck. I didn't even know it was London!


I awoke to a body straddling my waist. Finger tips trailing down my jawline, to my neck to my collar bone, making my skin tingle at the touch. I kept my eyes closed and slightly smiled. I felt warm lips make their way to my sweet spot just below my ear, nipping slightly at the skin.

Well, this is new. I thought to myself. I then felt the lips make their way to my lips, kissing me harder than usual.

Wait.. These are not the soft, kissable lips I'm used to kissing.

As my eyes flew open, so did the door....

I was met with dark chocolate eyes and not the beautiful blue eyes I love so much. I looked at the door and saw a very shocked Cheree with pain written all over face.

What the fuck!

"How could you?" Cheree said through sobs. Oh my god.

Before I could respond she ran off.

When I finally registered what the fuck happened, I violently shoved London off of me and chased after my girlfriend.

Flashback over

I made it back to the cabin and walked over to the car where Georgi was already sitting in the driver's seat. I opened the door and got in. Georgi didn't even look at me. He just started up the car and drove off.

After about an hour of silence, Georgi finally spoke up. "Brooke, I know you were a player before, but, I also know you are deeply in love with her. What the hell happened?" I sighed and stared out the window.

I told Georgi everything and he took my hand in his. "Look, we will figure this out B, just, give her a couple days. Layne said she will return home tomorrow."

I sighed and looked at the time on the car stereo. 12:01am.

Happy fucking New Years.

Cassidy POV

On the drive home, I couldn't help but feel the guilt bubbling in my chest. I'm half responsible for this. I helped break her heart. And, in return, I broke my own heart.

I never should have agreed to this. I was so caught up in my feelings and feeling rejected since she ended up with Blondie. I think, I think I was punishing Cheree out of spite and just didn't realize it.

Sigh... I have to fix this.

My phone rang, bringing me out of my thoughts. London

Cassidy: what?
London: well, is that anyway to greet the woman who just helped you out with your problem? Cheree should be all yours.
Cassidy: this was wrong London. I never should have agreed to this.
London: (she sighed heavily) look, we had a deal. I force myself on Brooklyn, Cheree sees, Cheree leaves Brooke, you get the girl, I leave the girl alone. And, I get to start courting Brooke.

I hanged up on the delusional bitch. She's so stupid. If anything, Brooklyn is just going to kill her. Then, she will attempt to kill me.

I should have just warned Brooklyn like I was going to.

This is so fucked up.

I have to tell Cheree everything. Even though, I know I will lose her forever.

Damn You Brooklyn (lesbian)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora