Chapter 3

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Cheree's POV

I made my way into the driveway of my average middle class, split-level home. After parking my car, I just sat there, staring. At what, you ask? I don't know. I do that a lot.

Sighing, I got out of my car and made my way into the lonesome house I called home. As I walked inside, I shut the door and shouted, "I'm home!" Chuckling sadly at myself, I added, "oh yeah, it's just me."

No, I do not live alone. I live with my Aunt Jessi. She travels, a lot being a flight attendant and all. She works as much overtime as possible. I love my aunt — she's more like a big sister to me than an aunt. I have the utmost respect for that woman. She's only 26, and 3 years ago I was basically dropped off at her door for her to take care of. And, with her big heart, she took me in.

My phone went off.

"Hey, Aunt Jess."

"Hey, I can't talk long, just wanted to see how your first day back went."

"It went." We both laughed. "You know when you'll be home?" I asked in a hopeful tone.

I heard her sigh and then pause. "I don't know sweetie, I'm hoping next week. But, if not, I'll transfer more money to your account for food, okay?"

It was my turn to sigh. "Yeah, okay, just hurry home, I miss you."

"I miss you too, Cheree. Love you. I got to go."

At that, she hung up.

Before I could put my phone back in my pocket, a number that I've never seen before showed up on my phone screen. They could leave me a voicemail if it's important.

I made myself a snack and sat down to watch some Netflix. Namely Courage the Cowardly Dog. Do not judge me.

I started to drift off into my own little world. The girl from earlier today invaded my brain. Cassidy. I internally sighed. I had never seen such soft-looking, silky brown wavy hair. I just wanted to run my hands through her hair... that would've been creepy. Good thing I didn't.  And her eyes... so unique. Blueish-green, like the ocean. The way she towered over me made me feel secure, I guess. But, I mean, I'm only 5'3, so everyone is Goliath to me. She had this bad ass persona to her, regardless. And not the 'Queen B' type badass like Brooklyn, but more of a punkish attitude.

I'm not one to stereotype, but just the way she carried herself and the way she dressed made me think she definitely had a wardrobe that screamed punk. I also noticed the tattoo on the inside of her forearm when she touched my cheek. But, who knows, she could be a softy.

The doorbell going off cut me out of my daydreaming. I quickly looked at the clock and noticed it was only 6 pm, still... nobody ever comes over but Layne. And she has a key. Who the hell...

I peeked through the side door window and gasped at who was standing there impatiently.

Brooklyn's POV

After my little... playtime with Dakota, I made my way out to my car and started to drive. I thought about London hurting Cheree while she just laid there, helpless, curled up in a ball. I got pissed just thinking about it. Oh London, your life is going to be hell tomorrow.

Then pictures of Cheree and that stupid new bitch popped into my brain. Cheree... the way she smiled at her... and blushed... arghhh! Again, I was getting angry.

What if that new girl gets close to her? What if Cheree lets her? What if she starts dating her? No, no, no. She could have just been friendly to her. Cheree was a shy girl, so that could explain the blushing. For all I knew, the bitch could be straight. Although, judging by her appearance, who knows?

Images of Cheree laying on the ground popped back in my head. Shit. I hope she's okay.

I tried calling her. She didn't answer. I figured she didn't know my number.

Fuck it. I have to see her.

Cheree's POV

Okay, so do I open the door or...?

"Cheree, I can see you peeking out the window," she said in a bored tone.

Shit. I opened the door, revealing Brooklyn in all her glory. I swear she glows.

"Uh, wh-what are you doing here? More importantly, how do you know where I live?" I asked her curiously.

"I, uh... I just — I saw London laying it on you earlier and wanted to see if you were alright..." Brooklyn explained, with a slight tint of pink forming on her cheeks. Did she just...?

"But, now that I see you are, I'll be on my way." She went to turn around and I somehow got the words to speak.


She stopped and turned back around to look at me with... concern?

"Why did you come to check up on me?" Just like that, the concern left her face and was replaced by that damn smirk of hers.

"Had to make sure you were okay enough to come to school tomorrow. I mean, what's a bully without her beautiful victim?" she remarked, then winked the same wink from earlier today.

She left me standing there completely flabbergasted.

What the hell was that?

Cassidy's POV

"Cass, I got somethin' for ya," my father said, handing me a flyer.

"Temple Underground, seriously?" I said, irritated.

"Cassie, you can't get expelled again for fighting. Your therapist even said getting into things like this could help with your anger and stress. You get angry too easily," he said sympathetically.

"Dad, I think I'm fine. There was this wench beating up this tiny, may I add, beautiful girl, today. All I did was tell her to scram," I added, proud of myself.

My dad sighed and moved closer to me on the couch. "Cassie, just think about it. You love this kind of stuff. You punch the shit out of your punching bag all the time. You work out non-stop."

"I'll think about it dad, although I don't think mom would like it too much," I replied, both of us laughing.

"Now, where's my dinner, pops?" I smirked at him. He rolled his eyes and made his way to the kitchen.

I followed him into the kitchen to get myself a Mountain Dew.

"So... a beautiful girl, huh?" I looked over at my dad prepping dinner.

"Yeah, her name is Cheree. She's small, shy, and cute. Beautiful blue eyes." I sounded like a fangirl fangirling over some pop star.

"Wow, sounds like you've got a little crush there, Cass," my dad pointed out, turning his head and smirking at me.

"Meh, I wouldn't go that far. But I definitely want to get to know her. She's... different," I explained.

I walked back into the living room and smiled at the thought of making Cheree blush again.

After I had dinner, I laid in bed thinking of those beautiful blue eyes I had met earlier today. Hopefully, this school year won't be like the past ones. At that, I slowly drifted off into sleep.

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