Chapter 23

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Brooklyn POV

I don't know what just happened. All I know is, Cheree just ran out of the cabin, London is lying on the floor with a bloody ass face and Cassidy is looking at me like she's about to eat me alive.

5 hours earlier...

"Ugh, Layne... This is too many people. I knew there would be a lot, but not this many." Cheree said pouting at Layne.

Layne just shrugged her shoulders and smiled. "Aren't you and Brooke going to be in the bedroom anyway?" Cheree sighed and walked through the crowd towards the room.

I sighed, "I'm going to go keep my lady company, have a good night."

I made my way towards the bedroom and felt someone grab my wrist... Fucking London.

I roughly yanked my wrist away and glared at her, "Dont touch me." I spat out at her. "Now, if you don't mind, I have a girlfriend to go attend to." I smirked at her and she fucking smirked back. "Oh Brooklyn, you know we had some great fucking sex." She said, crossing her arms, her smirk getting bigger. She began to rub her hand up and down my arm. I looked at her hand disgusted. I shoved her hand off of me again and ran off to be with my girl.

When I walked into the room, I slammed the door behind me, startling Cheree. She gave me a weird look and I realized I still had a scowl on my face. My face softened and I made my over to the bed. I laid down next to her, my back against the head board and my legs stretched out in front of me. I motioned for Cheree to come and cuddle. She placed her head on my chest and placed her arm around my torso. I smiled and kissed her forehead.

"You okay?" She said concern in her voice. "Yeah babe. What do you wanna watch?" I asked going through the movies on Netflix.

She hummed and slightly lifted her head from my shoulder to look up at me. "Can we watch Breaking Bad? Layne is always telling me I need to watch it." I saw the hope in her eyes. I smiled, "Of course babe."

Cheree POV

We're on episode three of Breaking Bad, and the party is even louder than before. I really have to pee like a damn donky, but, I really don't wanna go out there. I lifted my head and looked up at Brooklyn, who was passed out. Guess she wasn't a fan of the show. I mentally giggled.

Not being able to take the fullness of my bladder any longer, I slowly untangled myself from Brooklyn.

When I made my way out the bedroom, I noticed the big fucking mess, drunken, horny teenagers everywhere. I quickly made my way to the restroom and walked in on two Guys making out. Anger fueled me...

"Seriously, its a fucking bathroom! Not a damn brothel!" I yelled. Startled, they scurried out of the bathroom. I slammed the door shut and did my business.

When I was done, I opened the door to be greeted by a surprisingly sober Cassidy with some chick on her arm. She gave me a worried look. "Cheree, I need to talk to you. It's important." I rolled my eyes and tried to walk away.

She quickly grabbed my wrist and her expression was of worry. "Cheree, you know I'm sorry. But, what I need to talk to you about. It's about your relationship. London she's..." Cassidy was cut off by an angry Georgi.

"Cassidy, you're not welcome here especially around her." Georgi yelled, pointing at me. "Look, all I'm trying to say is I saw London going into the room you came out of." She sadly smiled at me and walked away.

As much as she's hurt me, physically and mentally over the past couple months... I can't help but miss the friendly times we had. A frown graced my face.

Georgi tenderaly put a hand on my shoulder with a sympathetic look, You okay, Cheree?" I smiled and nodded.

Wait, London is in the bedroom? I practically ran to the bedroom and shoved the door open... And what I saw... Shattered my heart.

Cassidy POV

I can't believe I just went along with this. I just want her to be happy. But now, her heart is going to be broken. I can't stand myself right now. I left the girl that's been basically trying to ride my non existing dick all night behind and went out to get some fresh air. The weather is so cold, snow on the ground... Tree's surrounding the cabin. It's quite beautiful actually.

I sat on the porch steps hugging my coat tighter to my body to keep warm. I pulled out a cigarette from my pocket and placed it between my lips. Right as I brought the lighter up to my cancer stick, I heard the front door fly open and a tear stricken Cheree running out and past me into the woods.

Oh no.

I heard shouting and the music abruptly turned off.

"FUCK!" I heard Brooklyn yell running outside. "FUCK, YOU DID THIS!" I turned thinking she was yelling at me, but I saw her yelling at the caramel skin toned girl making her way out the door. London just smirked, then looked at me, smirking again.

She actually fucking did it. I can't believe Brooklyn did anything with her.

Next thing I know, London is on the floor and Brooklyn ontop of her. This time, I didnt stop her.

I saw Georgi and a very pissed looking Layne following behind him. Georgi was yelling at Brooke to stop and finally pulled her off London. Which whom by the way, is unconscious.

"Brooklyn, please tell me you didn't." Layne pleaded. Brooklyn looked at Layne who was about to cry. "I don't know what happened." Brooklyn choked out.

I stared Brooklyn down, how do you not know what happened. Obviously you do or your girlfriend wouldn't have just ran out into the woods with tears streaming down her beautiful face.

Speaking of which, shouldn't one of us be going after her its cold as fuck.

Brooklyn POV

As Cassidy just stared at me, I started to panic. Seriously I don't know what the fuck just happened. Before Layne or anyone could question me further, I glanced back down at the stupid, non good whore, unconscious on the ground and took off into the woods to find Cheree.

I can't lose this girl.. Shes my everything... I can't live without her.... I finally have her.....


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