Chapter 8

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Cassidy's POV

I met a group of kids more of my style at school and started hanging out with them. I guess you could call them "punks" or whatever. One of the girls in the group, Naomi, approached me yesterday outside of school while sneaking a smoke. She is definitely a looker... short black hair, just above her shoulders, side bangs covering her chocolate brown eyes, little freckles on her cheeks, pale skin, and she was only about an inch shorter than me. But man, her rack... whew... her nice slender body... so fuckable.

I decided to sit with her group at lunch and definitely caught on to her flirty advances towards me. Let's just say I'm a huge flirt. Back at my old school, I wouldn't necessarily say I was a player... but, let's just say my numbers were in the double digits, if you know what I mean.

"You know, Cass, we can totally skip this lunch and go hang out somewhere else, in private," she said winking at me, putting emphasis on "hang out". God, it's been so long since I've been laid. I threw my arm around her shoulder and seductively whispered, "And what might this hanging out consist of, Naomi?" She giggled and started whispering very naughty ideas into my ear.

I felt eyes on me, so I took a second and noticed that to my right, Cheree was looking at me with a frown covering her beautiful face. Feeling guilty for some reason, I quickly unwrapped my arm from Naomi's shoulders and lost all sexual appetite for the girl next to me. Cheree looked away and continued eating her sandwich.

What really caught my eye, though, was Brooklyn sitting next to Cheree, and, even worse, her hand resting on her knee. That, my friends, was the first time Cassidy Rylee Schroeder, experienced jealousy. And I hated it.

Brooklyn's POV

I was starting to think that maybe the party at Cheree's place wasn't a good idea. With her having a panic attack and continually spacing out that day, I just didn't see it going very well for her.

It's weird that I was actually putting someone else before myself. But as I've said many times before, Cheree was different. Love makes you do things you wouldn't normally do.

After school was finally over, I met Angel and Lindy out by our cars to have a little chat.

"Sup, hoes," I said, nonchalantly leaning against Lindy's wonderful black Challenger. She scowled at me for such actions. "You know, Brooklyn, it's not very nice to refer to us in such a manner," Lindy said matter of factly.

"I need a favor," I said, lighting up a smoke. 

"You really shouldn't smoke, B. Your cheer coach would ring your neck," Angel said with concern. 

"Yeah, well, I'm no longer her problem." 

I paused for a moment thinking of how to put what I was about to ask. I took a long drag, blew the deadly smoke out of my nose, and looked up at that two of them.

"I need you guys to at least try and keep an eye on Cheree tonight," I said, my eyes making their way to the ground waiting for their reaction.

First, silence and then... 

"I fucking knew it!" Angel shrieked, startling both Lindy and I. "You fucking like her! I knew it!" she said with a smug smile on her face. 

"Angel, shut up," I muttered, glaring at her.

Angel giggled once more before quieting down and getting a serious expression on her face. "B, it's okay. I'm not judging you. It's just adorable; you've been picking on her since freshman year, but I've always seen the looks you give her when you think no one's watching." She smiled genuinely at me. I smirked back.

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