Life For A Life ( Gaeul )

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Genre : Angst

Gaeul PoV

Being an Idol is hard. You need to have a good name, have a great look and visual, have a good amount of money, have some talent, and most of all guts. But non other than that, that is also one more important thing to be an Idol, and that is your health.

Being an Idol, you need to have a strong body that is capable of working on so many schedule and hours. Being an Idol means, you need to be good at your physical health and your mental health.

But that's not the case for me, I was born with a rare illness, that made the doctor have to take one of kidney away. This definitely affected in my life, as having only one kidney, made my immune system low.

I got contracted with disease a lot. Which meant I can't do anything in a hard scale. I have to be careful and stay safe. This means being an Idol should be hard and basically impossible for me.

But even so through all the hardships, my parents always supported me not to mention my loving boyfriend Y/n. He was always cheering up for me and take care of me. They were the reason I fought hard to be a trainee and one day debuted as an Idol.

Many years have passed, and I'm not yet debuted. I started to think that it may be because of my illness that made become unwanted, unattractive, or even some people might say, didn't fit in the criteria.

I was having some depression, sometimes I was thinking why was I born in the first place, why do God is so unfair about my life, and I keep saying that stuff over and over. But yet, My parents and boyfriend didn't give up on me.

They kept on supporting me, and keeo loving me. As such, I started fight harder and harder until I succeed. And just like many people say, hard work shows. Just by training for 2 year, I've finally earn what I want.

I finally debuted, with my other friends in a group called, IVE. Even though I'm the oldest here, I wasn't picked as the leader, instead Yujin was the one picked as the leader of the team.

Again, I felt the situation happened because of my illness, the higher up wouldn't pick me because I'm sick. But then again I Remember what my boyfriend Y/n said to me.

"Don't ever doubt yourself Gaeul. You're perfect in any way".

This word keep me motivated, and even though the results May been a bit shaky. I still debuted so that's what important.

As we debuted and have some comeback here and there. Somehow it's already been a year, since we've first debuted with our song, Eleven. I can't believe we have made it this far, and not so long again we'll be having a new single love dive.

I suddenly felt happy and proud to all the hard work that I've done. All the support I got from my family and especially my boyfriend Y/n. I felt like my dream was full filed. Well that was until.....


"Gaeul prepare yourself for the Love Dive stage... Enter the room in 3... 2... 1".

"Gaeul... Do you hear me"?


"Gaeul... Gaeul... Gaeul.. ohh my god... Gaeul".

That day, at our comeback stage... I suddenly collapsed. My body was getting weaker and weaker, my body was sweating heavily. And I was having the worse fever in my life.

All my team members decided to continue without me, which was a good decision, cause the fans have been waiting. As I rest on the hospital bed, the doctor came before telling me that horrendous news.

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