Final Goodbye (Leeseo)

247 17 5

Genre : Angst

3rd Pov

The deafening roar of the crowd was a world away from the quiet comfort of Leeseo's practice room, a place that used to be their haven. Y/n watched her through the glass wall, once his sunshine, now a distant supernova. Her smile, practiced and blinding, sent a shard of ice through his heart. Leeseo, his Leeseo, the girl who used to giggle at his dumb jokes until her stomach hurt, was gone. Replaced by Leeseo, the idol, a flawless, untouchable being.

Six months ago, things were different. Before the meteoric rise to fame, before the screaming fans and the flashing cameras. Back then, stolen kisses tasted like strawberry candy, and whispered promises were their currency. Leeseo used to confide in him, her anxieties about the upcoming debut, the exhaustion of grueling practice sessions. He was her rock, her confidante.

"Y/n," Leeseo used to say, her voice thick with sleep after a long day, "promise you'll always be here, even when I make it big?"

Y/n, ever the optimist, would pull her close. "Always," he'd reply, his heart swelling with a fierce protectiveness. "We'll take on the world together, remember?"

But the world they conquered wasn't the one they envisioned. Leeseo's schedule became a whirlwind of interviews, photoshoots, and overseas promotions. Their phone calls dwindled to hurried exchanges, punctuated by apologies and tired sighs. Dates became a distant memory, replaced by stolen moments backstage, her touch fleeting, her eyes distant.

One evening, after weeks of radio silence, Y/n decided to surprise her at the dorm. He buzzed himself in, a familiar warmth blooming in his chest at the sight of their favorite takeout place's empty boxes scattered on the coffee table. He called out her name, his voice echoing in the sterile silence.

He found her in her room, giggling, a sight that used to make his heart skip a beat. But this time, a cold dread coiled in his gut. Leeseo wasn't alone. Han, the rising male idol known for his boyish charm, was sprawled beside her, his hand brushing against hers. The air crackled with a tension Y/n couldn't decipher.

"Leeseo?" Y/n's voice was a broken whisper.

Leeseo's smile faltered, her eyes widening in a mix of surprise and something akin to fear. "Y/n! I, uh..." she stammered, her gaze darting between Y/n and Han.

"We were just practicing lines," Han chimed in, his voice smooth like honey. "For the upcoming collaboration stage."

Y/n's world tilted on its axis. Collaboration? Lines? The pieces refused to fit. But the look on Leeseo's face, a flicker of shame quickly masked by defiance, told a different story.

The next few hours were a blur of choked sobs, accusations, and deafening silence. Leeseo, the girl who swore they'd conquer the world together, offered a hollow apology, laced with justifications about the pressures of fame, the burden of expectations. But her words rang hollow in the face of her betrayal.

"I never asked you to be a trophy, Leeseo," Y/n finally managed, his voice raw with emotion. "I just wanted you. The girl who loved cheesy rom-coms and practiced aegyo in the mirror."

Leeseo looked away, a tear tracing a glistening path down her cheek. But it was a tear for a career on the brink, not a love lost.

The following weeks were a nightmare. The news exploded, painting Y/n as the possessive boyfriend, the obstacle in Leeseo's shining career. Leeseo, with tearful apologies on variety shows, emerged relatively unscathed. Y/n, his heart shattered into a million pieces, became a social media pariah.

He retreated, the world a suffocating reminder of what he'd lost. The whispers, the judgmental stares, it was all too much. He packed a single suitcase, the weight of it heavier than anything he'd ever carried.

At the airport, he wrote Leeseo a final message. No accusations, no dramatics. Just a simple goodbye, a silent acknowledgment of the love that turned to dust. He boarded the plane, a one-way ticket to a future devoid of Leeseo's blinding stardom.

As the plane soared into the clouds, Y/n closed his eyes. He knew, with a chilling certainty, that Leeseo, the girl he loved, was gone forever. In her place was the idol, a distant star, forever out of reach. He was a shooting star, his brief blaze extinguished, leaving behind a trail of aching emptiness.

Months bled into years. Leeseo's career continued its meteoric rise, awards adorning her shelf, her face plastered on billboards. Yet, the hollow ache in her chest remained, a constant reminder of the warmth she'd discarded. The cheers of the crowd felt like a mockery, their adulation a cold comfort.

Interviews were a minefield. Any mention of relationships was met with a practiced smile and a vague, "Focusing on my career." The fans ate it up, but the lie tasted like ash in her mouth. The truth was, every time she saw a couple holding hands, every love song on the radio, it was a punch to the gut, a stark reminder of what she'd thrown away.

One rainy afternoon, a familiar melody drifted through the speakers in her practice room. It was their song, the one they used to sing in hushed tones before falling asleep. The memories flooded back - stolen kisses under the cherry blossom tree, whispered promises under a starlit sky. Leeseo crumbled to the floor, tears blurring her vision.

News of Y/n's disappearance had died down, replaced by newer scandals. But for Leeseo, it was a constant thrumming in her head. She'd tried to reach out, a half-hearted apology sent to an old email address, a desperate message on a deactivated social media account. But there was nothing. Y/n had vanished, leaving a gaping hole in her world.

One day, a fan sent her a picture - a picture of Y/n, smiling brightly, standing in front of a quaint bookstore in a foreign city. He looked happy, genuinely happy, with a warmth in his eyes that had been missing during their final days together. The caption read, "New beginnings, new adventures."

A single sob escaped Leeseo's lips. Her selfish pursuit of fame had cost her the one person who loved her for who she was, not who she was expected to be. The weight of her actions pressed down on her, suffocating.

The loneliness that had always lurked beneath the surface of her idol life now consumed her. The cheers of the crowd echoed in the vast emptiness of her heart. Leeseo had her world, a world Y/n was no longer a part of. But it was a world devoid of the simple joys, the genuine love she'd once taken for granted.

As the years rolled by, Leeseo's stardom began to fade. The whispers of a "washed-up idol" started to sting. But the sharpest pang remained the absence of Y/n. Every award felt hollow, every achievement meaningless. The ghost of his love haunted her, a constant reminder of the greatest mistake of her life.

One night, sitting alone in her luxurious apartment, Leeseo stared at the picture of Y/n on her phone, the one sent by the fan. Tears streamed down her face, a silent apology to the man she'd loved and lost. The rain outside mirrored the storm within her, a torrent of regret washing away the years of chasing a fleeting dream.

Leeseo knew, with a heart-wrenching certainty, that Y/n was gone forever. He had found his own happiness, a life where he wasn't a footnote in her story. And she, the once-rising star, was left with the ruins of her own choices, forever burdened by the memory of a love she'd cast aside for the fleeting light of fame.

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