Her dangerous Game (Wonyoung)

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Genre : Yandere

3rd Pov

The spotlight bathed Wonyoung in a harsh white glow, but her eyes were fixed on a single figure in the screaming throng. Y/n. His goofy grin, plastered permanently across his face, sent a jolt through her that had nothing to do with the thumping bass. It wasn't just his devotion that captivated her; it was the way his entire being resonated with a darkness that mirrored her own, hidden beneath the layers of manufactured pop princess.

But tonight, a sickening sight marred her perfect vision. A girl, his hand possessively interlaced with hers, swayed oblivious to the storm brewing within Wonyoung. This couldn't be.

Backstage, the mask crumbled. Wonyoung ripped off the heavy makeup, her reflection a twisted parody of the innocent idol she projected. "He can't be with her," she breathed, the words a low growl. "He belongs to me."

A plan, meticulous and unsettling, bloomed in her mind. An anonymous message, a cryptic invitation. The venue - an abandoned theatre on the city's outskirts, a fitting stage for the twisted play she was about to orchestrate.

Y/n arrived, apprehensiveness flickering across his chocolate eyes, the message luring him with promises of a secret encounter. The stale air inside the theatre, thick with dust and decay, was lit only by a single flickering bulb. Wonyoung materialized from the shadows, an ethereal vision in white - stained a crimson that mirrored the lipstick blooming across her lips like a predator's smile.

"Y/n," she purred, her voice a silken caress that sent shivers down his spine. "So happy you could make it."

A single spotlight snapped on, illuminating Y/n. His grin faltered, replaced by a dawning realization. "Wonyoung? What... what is this place?"

A low chuckle escaped her lips. "Our place, Y/n. You see, I couldn't bear the thought of you with that... her." Her voice dipped, laced with a dangerous possessiveness. "You belong to me."

Fear battled with a strange thrill in his eyes. "Wonyoung, I..."

"Hush, my love." She glided closer, crimson staining the white fabric as she brushed her hand against his cheek. "There's no need for words. Your eyes... they tell me everything."

Her gaze dropped to his lips, sending a jolt through him. "Don't you feel it, Y/n? This connection... it goes beyond a fan and his idol."

He swallowed hard, the air suddenly thick with unspoken desires. "I... I shouldn't be here."

"But you are," she purred, her fingertips trailing a path down his arm, sending a delicious fire igniting across his skin. "And now, it's just you and me."

The touch ignited a dormant spark within him. He reached out, a hesitant hand brushing against the bare skin of her shoulder. "Wonyoung, this is crazy. I have a girlfriend."

She laughed, a sound that sent shivers down his spine. "And do you love her, Y/n? Do you feel this..." she squeezed his hand, her touch sending a searing heat throughout his body. "This raw, consuming need when you look at her?"

He stared into her eyes, a storm brewing within their depths. "No," he admitted in a whisper, the truth escaping his lips.

"Then let go of the lie," she whispered, her voice a siren song. "Embrace the darkness, Y/n. Embrace me."

And with that, the night unraveled in a tangled tapestry of fear and desire. Wonyoung, no longer the innocent idol, devoured him with her touch, her lips whispering promises of a love as intense as the storm raging outside. Every gasp, every whimper, fueled the flames of her obsession. His fear became a perverse aphrodisiac, twisting her insides with a delicious pleasure.

But Y/n wasn't entirely a pawn. The darkness within him, awakened by her touch, began to stir. He pushed back, exploring the boundaries of her control, his hands tracing a path down the exposed skin of her back.

"You're mine, aren't you, Wonyoung?" he rasped, the words laced with a possessiveness that mirrored hers.

She laughed, a breathless sound. "A dangerous game you play, Y/n. But one I'm willing to indulge in."

Their twisted love story played out in the decaying theatre, a symphony of moans and gasps echoing off the dusty walls. They were two souls teetering on the edge, their love a beautiful and horrifying dance between madness and desire.

As dawn painted the sky a pale grey, they emerged, leaving behind the remnants of their forbidden passion. Y/n, his eyes reflecting As dawn painted the sky a pale grey, they emerged from the decaying theatre, a shared secret clinging to them like the dust that shimmered in the weak light. Y/n, his eyes reflecting a mix of fear and exhilaration, stumbled slightly. Wonyoung steadied him, her touch sending a familiar spark through him.

"This can't happen again," he rasped, the words catching in his throat.

Wonyoung, her crimson lips curved in a predatory smile, leaned in close. "Why not, Y/n? Don't you feel it too? This connection, this... darkness that binds us?"

The memory of her touch, the intoxicating dance between fear and pleasure, sent a tremor through him. He couldn't deny the pull, the way she awakened a part of him he never knew existed. But the guilt, the knowledge of his lie, gnawed at him.

"I have a girlfriend," he said again, the words tasting like ash in his mouth.

Wonyoung's smile faltered for a split second, a flicker of something akin to jealousy crossing her eyes. Then, with a steely glint returning, she cupped his face, her voice a low purr.

"Forget her, Y/n. She doesn't understand. This... this is something special. We can rewrite the narrative. We can have a love story no one will dare question."

The possessiveness in her voice sent a shiver down his spine. This wasn't just about stolen moments anymore. Wonyoung craved complete control, and a terrifying thought bloomed in Y/n's mind.

"What about your career? What about your fans?" he asked, a sliver of defiance creeping into his voice.

A dark chuckle escaped her lips. "They'll understand. They'll have to. After all, they wouldn't want their precious Wonyoung to be unhappy, would they?"

Her words hung heavy in the air, a chilling reminder of the power she wielded. Y/n knew he was caught in a dangerous game, a twisted web woven from obsession and desire. He craved the darkness she offered, but a part of him, the part that still held onto a shred of normalcy, screamed for escape.

"We need time to think," he managed, his voice barely a whisper.

Wonyoung's eyes narrowed, but she conceded with a curt nod. "Fine. But remember, Y/n, this isn't over. You are mine, and our love story will play out, one way or another."

Leaving her standing amidst the ruins of the abandoned theatre, Y/n stepped out into the cool morning air. The world seemed different, sharper, as if the encounter had ripped away the veil of normalcy. He was no longer just a fan, and Wonyoung was far from the innocent idol he'd once adored. They were two souls teetering on the edge, bound by a love as beautiful as it was terrifying.

The question that echoed in the silence was deafening: would he succumb to the darkness she offered, or would he find the strength to break free from her twisted game? The answer, like the rising sun, remained veiled in uncertainty.

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