Liz Kitchen (Liz)

214 12 0

Genre : Fluff

3rd Pov

The air in Liz's apartment hummed with nervous energy. Flour dusted every surface, a testament to her ambitious (and slightly disastrous) attempt at baking chocolate chip cookies. Liz, the K-pop idol known for her flawless dance moves and killer smile, was currently staring down a tray of charcoal briquettes that used to be promising mounds of dough.

"Darn it!" Liz muttered, kicking the oven door shut with a frustrated groan. "Third batch burnt. Maybe I should just order pizza instead..."

The doorbell chimed, saving her from her self-deprecating spiral. It was Y/n, her boyfriend, arriving with his signature goofy grin and a bag of groceries.

"Hey babe," he greeted, dropping a kiss on her forehead. "Smells... interesting in here."

Liz winced. "Don't mention it. I was trying to bake cookies, but apparently, I have the pyrotechnic skills of a dragon."

Y/n raised an eyebrow, amusement dancing in his eyes. "Burning down the kitchen, huh? Sounds serious. Maybe I should step in and save the day?"

Liz puffed out her chest, a playful pout forming on her lips. "Oh, please. I can handle a little baking. I'm Liz, the idol, remember? I can conquer anything!"

"Right, the indomitable Liz," Y/n chuckled, pulling out a mischievous glint. "But even superheroes need a sidekick sometimes, especially when dealing with fire hazards."

Liz swatted him playfully on the arm. "Fine, fine. You can be my sidekick. But if we end up with another batch of charcoal, I'm blaming you."

Y/n's smile widened. "Deal. Now, let's see the damage."

He surveyed the scene with mock seriousness, picking up a blackened cookie and examining it with a theatrical sigh. "Looks like someone forgot the cardinal rule of baking - don't overcook!"

Liz stuck her tongue out at him. "Easy for you to say, Mr. Perfect Chef. You don't even know where the mixing bowls are."

Y/n raised his hands in mock surrender. "Guilty as charged. But I'm a quick learner. So, where do we start?"

Together, they cleared the disaster zone, Liz giggling as Y/n theatrically disposed of the burnt offerings. The kitchen soon transformed into a whirlwind of laughter and flour fights. Liz, usually so focused on maintaining her idol image, found herself letting loose, a carefree smile plastered on her face.

Y/n, ever the patient boyfriend, guided her through the steps, patiently correcting her when she added a teaspoon instead of a tablespoon of sugar. Every mistake turned into a joke, every spilled ingredient an excuse for a playful hug.

During a particularly floury exchange, their eyes met, and a spark ignited. Before either could react, Y/n's face was inches away from hers. He brushed a stray bit of flour off her cheek, his touch sending shivers down her spine.

"You know," he murmured, his voice husky, "you look even cuter covered in flour."

Liz blushed, her heart skipping a beat. "You're not so bad yourself, Mr. Know-it-all Chef."

The air crackled with unspoken desire. Y/n leaned in, his lips hovering tantalizingly close to hers. Just then, the timer on the oven buzzed, shattering the moment.

Liz burst out laughing, the tension dissipating. "Saved by the bell," she said, breathless.

Y/n chuckled, a hint of disappointment in his eyes. "Maybe next time?"

Liz winked at him. "Maybe. But first, let's see if we actually made edible cookies this time."

They carefully pulled the tray out of the oven, the aroma of warm chocolate chip cookies filling the air. To their relief, the cookies were a golden brown, looking perfect and delicious.

Y/n broke off a piece and popped it in his mouth. "Mmm," he hummed, savoring the flavor. "Just like grandma used to make. Well, maybe not exactly like grandma's, but definitely edible."

Liz, her confidence restored, beamed. "See? I told you I could do it. With a little help from my amazing sidekick, of course."

Y/n wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close. "Always happy to help, especially when the reward is a smile like that."

Sitting on the counter, surrounded by the mess they'd created and the sweet reward of their efforts, they devoured the cookies, their laughter echoing through the room. In that moment, Liz wasn't the idol under constant scrutiny. She was just Liz, a girl in love, baking cookies with the most amazing guy she knew.

The burnt cookies may not have made it onto Instagram, but the memory of their baking adventure, filled with flour-dusted laughter and stolen kisses, became a cherished secret between them. Liz, ever the trendsetter, started a new online series - "Liz's Kitchen Fails." Each week, she documented her (often hilarious) attempts at mastering various recipes, with Y/n as her ever-supportive (and sometimes exasperated) sous chef.

The series became a surprise hit. Fans loved seeing the real, relatable side of their idol, the one who struggled with burnt cookies and overcomplicated recipes. Liz's infectious laughter and Y/n's playful teasing resonated with viewers, creating a sense of connection beyond the perfectly curated images of K-pop life.

One episode, titled "The Great Cookie Caper: Rematch," Liz challenged Y/n to a baking duel. They split the ingredients, each following their own recipe, determined to prove their baking prowess. The competition, of course, was a playful charade. The real prize was the stolen glances, the flour-dusted foreheads as they leaned in to taste each other's creations.

In the end, they declared it a tie, both cookies deemed delicious in their own way. But the highlight of the episode was the final scene, where Y/n, covered in flour from head to toe, recreated the moment from their first baking disaster. He leaned in, his eyes sparkling, and whispered, "You still look cute covered in flour."

Liz, equally flour-dusted and blushing furiously, replied, "Maybe next time, we skip the baking and just have fun making a mess?"

Their kiss, messy and sweet, filled the screen, leaving fans squealing with delight. Liz's Kitchen Fails, initially intended as a lighthearted series, became an accidental love story, showcasing the genuine connection between Liz and Y/n.

The success of the series, however, came with its challenges. Liz's newfound vulnerability as a "normal" girl clashed with the idol image her company strived to maintain. There were whispers of disapproval, concerns about her marketability.

One evening, after filming an episode, Liz found Y/n waiting for her in their practice room, a worried frown etched on his face. He held out a phone, showing her a particularly nasty comment about her "unprofessional" behavior.

Liz felt a familiar pang of insecurity. "Maybe they're right," she said, her voice barely a whisper.

Y/n cupped her face in his hands, his touch warm and reassuring. "Don't listen to them," he said firmly. "You're being you, and that's exactly why people love you. You're showing them that even idols can burn cookies and laugh about it."

He pulled her close, his voice soft. "Besides, I wouldn't trade our flour fights for anything."

Liz leaned into his embrace, a smile blooming on her face. In that moment, she knew she was lucky. She had a career she loved, fans who adored her, and most importantly, a boyfriend who loved her not for her fame, but for the messy, flour-dusted girl she truly was.

"You're right," she said, pulling away with a newfound determination. "We're just getting started. Let's make another mess."

And so they did. Liz's Kitchen Fails continued, filled with laughter, love, and the occasional batch of slightly burnt cookies. They proved that even in the world of K-pop, with its manufactured personas and constant scrutiny, there was space for a little bit of flour-dusted love.

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