It's her or me? (Wonyoung X Male Reader X Yujin)

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Genre : Love Triangle, Fluff, Happy Ending?

3rd Pov

The cafe bell chimed, announcing the arrival of Wonyoung, the hottest rookie idol in Korea. Heads swiveled, phones whipped out in a flurry of furtive snaps. Y/n, the ever-smiling barista, remained focused, a playful glint in his eyes.

"Usual?" he asked, already reaching for the syrups.

"Make it a double caramel macchiato, extra sweet, Y/n," Wonyoung purred, batting her eyelashes in what she knew was a killer move. Y/n chuckled, the sound like warm honey. "Coming right up, Wonyoung-ssi."

It had been a month since Wonyoung discovered this hidden gem of a cafe, and a month since she discovered the even bigger gem behind the counter. Y/n - his name rolled around her tongue like a delicious candy. He was cute, attentive, and his smiles could melt glaciers.

Just then, the bell chimed again. This time, it was Yujin, Wonyoung's best friend and fellow idol, walking in with an air of cool confidence.

"Hey, Y/n," Yujin greeted, her voice husky and low. "One Americano, strong as your biceps, please."

Wonyoung gritted her teeth, forcing a smile. She knew that was Yujin's way of flirting, the subtle compliments hidden beneath a facade of nonchalance.

Y/n, oblivious to the silent competition brewing, winked at Yujin. "Coming right up, Yujin-ssi. Strong coffee, strong girl, that's my motto."

Wonyoung fumed internally. It wasn't fair! Yujin practically lived here, spending hours at the cafe under the guise of "needing inspiration" for her songwriting. Wonyoung, on the other hand, had busier schedules, leaving precious few moments to steal a glance at Y/n.

The next few weeks were a blur of escalating tactics. Wonyoung would come in wearing impossibly short skirts and crop tops, blowing kisses at Y/n across the counter. Yujin, in turn, would lean in conspiratorially while ordering, whispering suggestive things in Y/n's ear that made him blush.

The poor boy was overwhelmed, his usual sunny disposition clouded by confusion. One day, as Wonyoung waited for her coffee, she noticed Y/n staring at a picture on his phone.

"Who's that?" she asked, unable to hold back her curiosity.

Y/n's face lit up. "That's my sister, Jiwoo. She's in college, studying to be a vet."

Wonyoung deflated slightly. A sister? That explained the innocent way he looked at her and Yujin. He probably thought of them both as... well, sisters from another mister.

A mischievous glint entered Yujin's eyes when Wonyoung confided in her later. "Leave this to me," Yujin smirked, pulling out her phone.

The next day, Yujin walked into the cafe with a shy smile. "Hey, Y/n," she started, "I was wondering... would you want to maybe... go see a movie with me sometime?"

Y/n's eyes widened. Finally, a date offer! He glanced nervously at Wonyoung, who was seated at a corner table, glaring daggers at them both.

"Actually," a voice cut in. It was Wonyoung, standing with a forced smile. "I was going to ask Y/n the same thing. How about we all go together? Triple date!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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