Either Way (Yujin)

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In the small town of Willowbrook, Yujin and Y/n had always been inseparable. They were childhood friends, their bond growing stronger with each passing year. As they entered high school, their friendship blossomed into something deeper, something unspoken.

One crisp autumn afternoon, as the leaves fell around them, Y/n gathered the courage to confess his feelings to Yujin. They were sitting on the swings at their favorite park, the sun setting behind them in hues of orange and pink.

"Yujin," Y/n began, his voice trembling, "there's something I've been wanting to tell you for a long time."

Yujin turned toward him, her heart pounding. "What is it, Y/n?"

He looked into her eyes, his gaze unwavering. "I love you, Yujin. I've loved you for as long as I can remember."

Tears welled up in Yujin's eyes as she realized that her feelings mirrored his. "Y/n," she whispered, "I love you too."

Their lips met in a sweet, tender kiss, sealing their love beneath the fading autumn sun. For a while, everything felt perfect. They were the embodiment of young love, their hearts beating in harmony.

But life has a way of testing the strongest bonds. As they graduated high school, the uncertainty of the future loomed. Y/n received a scholarship to a prestigious university on the opposite side of the country, while Yujin chose to stay close to home to care for her ailing mother.

They faced a choice: pursue their dreams separately or sacrifice their aspirations for the sake of their love. It was a decision neither of them wanted to make. Tearfully, they agreed to part ways, promising that their love would endure.

Years passed, and the ache of separation only grew stronger. They exchanged letters and phone calls, each conversation a bittersweet reminder of what they were missing. Time, distance, and their own dreams conspired to keep them apart.

One fateful day, a letter arrived from Y/n, bearing the weight of his heartache. He had met someone else, someone who had filled the void left by their separation. Yujin's world crumbled as she read his words, realizing that she too had been avoiding the inevitable.

She decided to confront her own feelings. It was time to let go. She knew that their love was a beautiful chapter in her life, but it was time to turn the page.

Yujin penned a heartfelt letter to James, wishing him happiness and telling him that she too had found someone special. It was a lie, but it was a necessary one to let him go.

As they went their separate ways, Yujin and Y/n found new loves, new dreams, and new lives. Yet, their hearts would forever carry the bittersweet memory of a love that was meant to be but was destined to fade away.

In the end, they both knew that either way, they had made the right choice, for sometimes, the most painful decisions are the most selfless ones, and their love story remained a cherished, albeit sad, chapter in their lives.

"Either Way"...

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