Chapter 3 : Study Date?

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Anya twirled her finger around the phone cord mindlessly as she answered her father's many, many questions.

Damian had invited her to study with him after she asked if they could be friends, and unfortunately for Anya, Damian seemed to think that was the best way to make friends.

"Yes, papa, I'll be home by 5:30. No, you don't have to pick me up, Damian will take me home. Yes, we're going to actually study. Can Anya go now??"

After a few more incoherent mumbles, but a reluctant 'Yes, I suppose,' Anya hung up, speeding out a "Thank you papa! Love you forever!" Before putting the school phone back in its slot at the speed of light.

Anya looked over to Damian, smiling softly at him despite slightly damaging the phone detailed with solid gold she was graciously allowed to use. Well, not really allowed to use, but Damian was allowed to use it, and he allowed Anya to use his.

The school didn't really trust her with expensive things after the incident of '09. She wasn't allowed to touch things over three million dalc, and for some reason, Eden decided to make their phones the best of the best.

"Well," She spoke, knocking Damian out of his thoughts about possible tonitrus bolts. "are we gonna get started? We only have like, two hours."

Damian blushed a little—being around Anya this much sure did get his blood circulating!—nodding as he forced himself to look at the pinkette. "Y-yes, let's begin." He stammered out before stepping to the side, letting Anya go forward and take a seat at the table she wanted.

"Yes, I suppose..." Loid reluctantly said, immediately getting a swift "Thank you papa! Love you forever!" From his daughter before the line went dead. Loid took a deep breath in, calmly putting the phone down.

Yor looked over to him from the couch. Was he... shaking?

"Uh... Loid? Are you feeling alright...?" She asked, Loid just sighed, turning around to his wife with a soft smile, "Yes, I'm alright, it's just that... something Anya said reminded me I had an appointment tonight for work. One of my patients has been having psychotic breaks quite frequently, so I planned to be there to stop them before they do anything too damaging to their progress." He explained, also very calmly.

Yor pouted, hugging her knees to her chest. "I'm sorry, you deserve a break."

Loid smiled at the ravenette, she was so thoughtful of him. He walked over to his wife, giving her a gentle kiss on her lips. "Don't worry, love, it won't take too long. Just make sure to be here when Anya comes home if I'm not back by then." Yor blushed from the sudden kiss, but she just nodded, waving to Loid as he left the house, the blond happily waving back.

Once Loid left, however, his entire demeanor changed, from a happy husband, to an extremely concerned father.

What was Anya even doing? Last time he checked, her and Damian hated each other—which, to be completely honest, didn't really help with his mission, but he still didn't want Anya hanging out with that boy. He was Donovan's son! Who knew how'd he'd treat her? Especially after the years of teasing he's put her through.

The only way he'd allowed them to be together, was to supervise.

And since Anya wouldn't want him there with her, he had to put his spying to good use.

"So, if you subtract the 6 from each side, then you divide the 21 by itself and the 189 by 21, then you get 9! So x equals 9." Damian explained with a grin, "You understand?"

Anya glanced down at the math Damian was writing down, and then back to the green-haired boy, a light smile on her face. "...Why's there a letter in math?"

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