Chapter 16 : Ditching Prom

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"Buahm, buahm, fhwap!!" Anya sang out, swaying to the slow orchestra playing Clair de Lune.

How on earth did Damian get himself into this situation?

First, he was going to prom with the girl he'd loved since he was six years old. It was amazing! A dream come true!!

...But now, he was at the prom with the girl he'd loved since he was six years old, and she was acting like a lunatic.

"You look like a lunatic, Damian!" Anya called out as he nervously tried to pull her away from knocking any more food onto the floor from her dancing, thinking about what a coincidence it was that Anya had said that after he thought it.

"Are you sure you're okay, Anya?" Damian asked, even though he asked the same question many times in the past hour.

Anya blew a raspberry, poking the tip of the boy's nose with a smirk. "Anya has no idea," She answered, sounding like she just won an argument. "All Anya knows is that someone added fun to the punch!" She giggled out before tapping the side of Damian's face. "You're lucky I don't punch you, Mr. Desmond. You'd prob be disintegrated just like that one frog girl."

Damian furrowed his brows, looking at Anya like she was some strange specimen. "What do you mean 'frog girl,' what-" He began to say, but then he finally registered what Anya said before that.

'All Anya knows is that someone added fun to the punch!'

Damian looked down at the pinkette, who was now clinging onto his nice dress suit like her life depended on it. Did someone really spike the punch? At Eden College of all places?? He would never thought an imperial scholar would ever...

His mouth suddenly went into a straight line. «If Anya could become an imperial scholar,» He thought, «so could some degenerate punch spiker.»

Anya suddenly pushed Damian away, making him fall back into the wall with a heavy thwap-and even break the wall a little bit, when did Anya get so strong? And how was she so strong while under the influence??-pointing a finger in his face and saying "I'm an amazing imperial scholar!!"

Damian put his hands up in defense, surprised that no one else was interested in what was occurring; maybe they were also drunk?

"I never said you weren't!" He cried out, but he soon sighed and let his hands drop. Now that he knew what was happening with her, she really ought to go home.

"Anya," Damian suddenly said, taking the woozy pinkette's arm. "Let's take you home, okay?"

Anya stumbled in her flats, making Damian make sure she didn't fall before responding with a sloshy grin, "Okie dokie artichokie!"

Damian grumbled something under his breath as he looked outside from under the awning. It was raining. Again. Why did it always rain when he was with Anya?-At least it wasn't as bad as last time, only a light spring shower.

He looked over to Anya, who was struggling to stand. She still hadn't given him back his umbrella, so they'd have to walk in the rain.

Anya however, just pointed to his jacket, seemingly knowing what he was thinking from how she said, "Just use that,"

Damian looked down at his own jacket. Was he really going to use his clothing as an umbrella. Again?

"Yes, of course you will! Everyone loves Anya!!" Anya yelled out, Damian just ignored her meaningless chattering. He took off his jacket and looked over to Anya, feeling a surge of deja vu as he said, "You ready to go out there?"

Eden's Prestige Prom Night |A Damianya Story|Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ