Chapter 10 : Blushing Cuties

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Anya groaned as she walked out of her Science class. That test was so difficult, even if she could read minds!—Because basically everyone seemed to have forgotten to study, even Damian.

Anya blushed a bit, thinking about Damian right then made her feel... a lot of emotions.

Especially after that conversation—or more like gossip session: long story short, Yuri knows almost every detail about the infamous 'Damian Desmond'—with her uncle the night before.

Anya chuckled to herself, who knew her unkie was so good at boy-talk? And who knew Anya was so good at boy-talk??

Anya blushed again, thinking about why she was so gifted on the subject last nigh. Damian Desmond. Ugh... he was too cute. And he was too kind. Even if he made fun of her all the time, he never actually meant it.

"Anya!" Becky yelled in the pinkette's ear. Anya practically jumped, looking at her friend with wide, shocked eyes—not to mention a set of very pink cheeks. "You were staring at nothing and blushing like crazy, what's up with you?"

Becky gasped, wrapping her arms around her friend with a smirk. "Does it have something to do with last night? Y'know, when Dami—"

"Shush!!" Anya immediately squeaked out, her cheeks so red it made her hair look pale in comparison. The pinkette could hear behind her that Damian was coming up to her, and she didn't want him to hear Beckys teasing.

Anya looked behind her with large eyes, and when her brown-haired friend joined her, she got to see Damian walking up to them, waving with a smile on his face. Becky just snickered quietly, whispering a sly, "Good timing~"

Anya just huffed, softly pushing Becky away by her forehead before looking back to Damian, her heart feeling as if it was beating two hundred miles per second! "Hey Anya," He welcomed casually.

Anya immediately blushed, smiling nervously at the tall boy—while also ignoring Becky's knowing smiles—"H-hi Damian!! D-did you need s-something?" She stuttered, only making herself blush more. Why on earth was she stuttering?!?!

Damian gave her a confused grin, trying to think of reasons why she was stuttering as he spoke. "...I was just gonna see how you think you did on the test?"

Anya felt her sweat drip down her sides. Oh God, what if there were sweat stains on her uniform? Could he see the stains? DID HE KNOW SHE WAS NERVOUS???

"Haha..." Anya fake laughed, crossing her arms anxiously. "I'm uh... Not too sure! Doubt I get anything better than a C+!... ha..."

Damian kept the confused grin on his face for a moment before laughing it off, smirking amusingly at the pinkette. "Well anyways, are we still studying? You gotta work hard to get ahead of me again since you got your tenth stella, right?" He asked, pointing to the new star on Anya's cloak.

Anya looked down at the stella clipped on herself—she was awarded it that morning for her win at the soccer game—she nearly forgot it was there! Her mind was so nervous about Damian she barely even remembered.

Anya giggled, looking up at the green-haired boy with her signature smirk, feeling her nervousness wash away as she teased him. "Dang right I do, sy-on boy!"

Anya looked back to her best friend, running up to her and giving her a large hug. "Is it okay if I go study with him?" She asked, worried that Becky would feel neglected. But when the brunette whispered back, "Heck yes! Go get that prom-date girl!!" She realized Becky would probably be more upset if she didn't go.

Anya gave her friend one last squeeze before going back to Damian. Going with him to go to the library with Becky silently squealing about how cute they were as they left.

Anya smiled as she watched Damian pull out his school books, his mind thinking of ways to teach her more algebra.

«Oh! And then I can teach her about multiplying radicals! And maybe if we have some time after, I can sneak in a little history~!» He excitedly thought, making the pinkette rest her face in her palms as she watched him organize his pencils and pens. How had she never noticed how adorable he was?

She used to think he was just... well, Damian. Nothing special about him other than he was a Desmond.

But watching as his lips curled up as he kept thinking about the little parts of history he thought she would enjoy made Anya realize how blind she had been before. This boy was precious.

Anya giggled, smiling as she watched her sy-on boy organize his erasers. "You're so cute."

"...What did you say?"

Anya's face went bright red. She slapped her hands over her mouth as she looked at Damian's equally pink face. Had she seriously just said that??

The two stared at each other for an uncomfortably long time. Anya looking at him with wide eyes, Damian looking at her with his mouth open in shock. And of course, both of them were incredibly flustered.

"Did..." Damian suddenly spoke, his eyes hopeful as he asked nervously, "...did you just call me cute?"

Anya felt all the blood in her body rush up to her face. How on earth was she still breathing? And she definitely couldn't speak. It was like her voice box just disappeared!

"...Anya?" Damian said nervously, waiting for her response. But Anya just kept sitting there, covering her red face.

After a long fifteen seconds had passed, the pinkette finally ran off, squealing a quick, "Anya will see you tomorrow second son!!" As she did.

Damian furrowed his brows, standing up from his seat as he watched her sprint out of the library. "Wait!" He called out, looking down at the end of the table. "You left your bag!!"

But Anya was already gone.

Damian sighed, walking over to the pinkette's school bag and picking up the cute sheep charm connected to it. «Well, what now?» He thought to himself. Anya needed her schoolwork for the next day—that girl was always seconds away from getting a tonitrus bolt.

The green-haired boy looked down to the table, putting up his school supplies along with Anya's. «I should go by her house and drop this off, she'll need it for tonight.»

A small blush crept onto his face, along with a little smirk as he thought happily, (and flusteredly,)

«And maybe I can ask her if she really meant what she said...»


February, 2nd, 2024.

Word Count
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