🤍Chapter Two💜

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Cassie's POV
I hear a knock at my door and rush down to open it before anyone else can and I see Sergio standing outside my door wearing a really nice leather jacket with a white T shirt some blue jeans and some regular black high top converse with some beaded black bracelets and his golden chain with a cross on it around his neck his hair looking the same but nicer almost and I can smell his cologne but not in an overpowering way he probably looks like he's more dressed up than usual cause I like him but to others he probably looks casual I'm wearing a black choker over my bullet necklace to make them look like one necklace and changed my earing to cute little dangling black cross earrings my hair I put up in a high pony tail with my bangs out I had changed cause I wanted to be comfortable in my sleepy time clothes so I had changed to a band t shirt that was cropped and a pair of black shorts along with my netted stockings and combat boots my makeup still looked fine just a little touch up here and there and it was good to go I had to put on a belt because my shorts were starting to fall and since my older brother was the only one with a belt I borrowed his which had a very country like belt buckle if you've ever seen one it looks country as hell but I digress I look around my house feeling as if I was forgetting something important but I couldn't seem to remember what it was then suddenly Sergio speaks pulling me from my thoughts "shall we go?" He says I take another look trying to remember but just can't seem to and say "ya I think I'm ready to go" I close the door as I walk out he runs to his car and opens the door for me "oh thank you" I say sorta surprised "no problem I am a gentleman after all" he says doing a boy and chuckling which made me kinda blush on the account of I like his laugh and smile cause their cute his car is a truck which is a nice Old its a pretty well kept car in a beautiful Red he starts driving and I sit very still with my hands on my lap the silence in the sir is so think it would have to be cut with a Laser to get through one layer "hey uh wanna listen to music?" Sergio asks looking nervous "uh ya sure" I say nervous as well "uh you can pick the song my phones already hooked up right there" he says grabbing his phone and handing it to me "the password is *****" He says, still looking ahead I type in the password and go to apple music and type in dear life by high valley and let their album play till we get to the roller rink I hop out of the car and put my phone wait... Well, I tried to put my phone in my jacket, but I realized I forgot it at home "no no no no no" I said panicking "what's wrong?" He says,"I forgot my jacket!" I say frantically "its okay it's okay I mean do you really need it" he says looking at me confused I take a deep breathe "I'm sorry your right I don't need it let's go have fun" I say calmed down and give a smile he looks a little taken back by what I had just said "wait really your really not going to freak?" He said turning his head like a puppy I stare at him for a moment and say "no It's a jacket sure I was being like ah my jacket but that's only cause I was shocked for a minute" I say confused he seemed to have clicked something in his brain and turns away from me and starts walking from the distance I hear him say "your smile is pretty you should smile more often" as he walks inside I break into a blush and scurry inside quickly we get skates and move to the skate floor "okay just so you know I pretty much suck at skating I haven't skated in so long" he said chuckling nervously "don't worry I'm pretty much a pro" I say jokingly cause I also suck at skating but he ain't need to know that we start skating with each other and having fun acting like five year olds which was surprisingly fun I mean I knew he was fun but I didn't know it was my type of fun in a way "hey uh why didn't Kira come?" He says "well she needs a ride and also to ask for permission from her dad, which he would say no, " I said nonchalant "oooooohhhhh" he said we both laugh "well I guess we can't hang out anymore" he says crossing his arms and faking a sad puppy dog look "why cause I'm a girl any your a boy?" I say laughing he looks at me with a fake gasp, and I'm hurt, look,"A very handsome boy!" He says, stomping his foot and crossing his arms and turning his body away. I roll my eyes and go to text Kira when suddenly "woah ah uh oh Ah!" Next thing I know, my arm is being pulled and a big crash, and I'm laying on something. I open my eyes and realize just how close we are. I'm talking about face to face on the ground, right as the somg perfect by Ed sheeran starts playing I blush and scramble to my feet, failing so badly to stand up, and I keep stumbling on him. He laughs and grabs the wall, picks himself up, and then extends his hand to me for me to grab it. I look at him, then his hand, then back at him and grab his hand, and he helps me up as I wobble half cause I'm bad at standing in skates and the other half is because of him making my knees feel like jelly right as the line hits perfectly saying now I know I have met an angel in persons and she looks perfect baby I don't deserve this baby you look perfect tonight I finally stand straight and we both smile at each other and of course I blush like an idiot and we both go "wahoo!" Holding out hands in the air except I realize we are still holding hands "uhhh you gonna let go or?" I say, pointing at my hand."Nope!" He says all cheeky. What the hell did he just say? I was so confused that I had to do a double take "what what do you mean, no?" I say, confused as hell."I mean, no, you want to hear it in Spanish, no," he says, copying stiles from Teen Wolf. I'm surprised he knows that TV show "why not?" I say now really confused on what's happening and if this was really happening "well you could fall again, and I was gonna lead us to my car I kinda wanna go somewhere else to hang out" he says nonchalant like it's no big deal well I guess to him it might not be cause he doesn't like me like that but to me it is I'm so confused I just say "okay lets go" we start skating to the worker you return your skates to and I look down at our hands and let it fully sink in and blush suddenly I just feel my other hand slap my forehead so hard I almost fall back over "Are you okay!?!?" He says, skating in front of me and grabbing my other hand, removing it from my forehead "ya I'm fine. Just uh, I realized I forgot to send the text to Kira." I say nervously he looks at me, and then I feel him flick my forehead and laugh. "idiot," he says. I look at him then furr my eyebrows. "Hey!" I say,"Let's go dork," he says, pulling me off the rink I blush angrily."Don't call me a dork Kira's step, Daddy!" I say, stomping my foot like a toddler "Wait what?!" He says, confused "ya don't you remember in tenth grade you said to Kira after she was talking about her Dad's dirt bike i'ma make your daddy my daddy and she says that's my father then you went not the same meaning" I said looking him dead in the face not cracking a smile he looks at me blank then his eyes brows slowly raise as he realizes what I was talking about then he cracks out laughing "I forgot about that!" He says wheezing. I am so confused at this point. he finally stops taking a deep breath and then composing himself. I look down and realize he still hasn't let go of my hand yet... I don't want to pull my hand away his hand in mine has a warm and fuzzy feeling I can feel how his hand is way bigger than my hand and softer to like awww I wish my hands were this soft his hand is very defined on account of him being skinny and his hands are warm compared to my cold hands which Kira can account for my hands are always cold but he's not complaining nor pulling away we finally return our skates and finally letting go of each other's hands I'm not gonna lie my hand felt colder than it's ever felt when he let go I'd put them in my jacket but I forgot it we put our shoes on and leave I take a second to tie my shoe making Sergio get impatient and grabbing my hand again leading me outside he opens the door for me and closes it hopping in the driver's side "so where are we going?" I say curiously "thats a surprise, but hey, you hungry?" He says, looking behind him to back up."Uh ya, I could eat. I didn't eat school lunch today it was nasty," I say, looking down at my hands."Pizza? I know a great pizza place, " He says, now driving, "sure why not, " I say, shrugging my shoulders we drive to the pizza joint hop out of the car and head in "hey Jackie" he says waving at a girl with black hair and brown eyes with a pizza uniform on she is very pretty compared to me honestly "Hey! Sergio!" She says, running over and hugging him as I stand there awkwardly she looks over at me and looks me up and down, giving me a dirty look I was taken aback by this like what the hell did I do? Bitch. But my face remains nutrual with my eyes slightly looking angrier he pushes her off then turns to me "you okay?" He says, looking at me worried I look into his eyes and suddenly my bad mood disappears "ya I'm fine, don't worry," I say, smiling slightly we sit down and order a pepperoni pizza and she brings it out slapping it right in front of me rudly and sits down right next to Sergio as I'm across from him because I want to actually see his face instead of turning my head I ignore her trying to flirt with him because one I ain't his girlfriend and two he is single so he can do whatever we are just friends but by the look of it her advances aren't working I get up "I'm going to the bathroom real quick can you watch my phone?" I say, leaving it on the table as I go to the bathroom when I come back out. I noticed my phone wasn't on the table where I left it."Where's my phone?!" I say panicking."What do you- wait it was just right there!" He says, standing up looking for it. I look around and ask him to call my phone, which he does, and I hear my ring tone start playing from inside his friend Jackie's apron, "Give me my phone." I say, grinting my teeth, trying not to punch her."It's my phone. What are you talking about? " she says, acting innocent."Oh ya, what's the band who made that song called hell? What's the song called!" I say, crossing my arms, she stammers until I say,"It's in the end by black veil brides. You asshole give me my phone." I say now angrily, slamming my hands on the counter. Sergio comes running over to pull me away from the counter when she suddenly takes out the phone and shoves it into Sergio's hands "why is she being so defensive as if she doesn't want you to check it she's hiding something check your girlfriends phone I bet she already has a boyfriend!" She says, pushing my phone closer to him, we both say simultaneously."I'm not/She's not his/my girlfriend!" He hands me back my phone and says, "we are gonna leave now. Bye, Jackie," taking my hand and walking us out and to his car we both hope in and he starts driving till we finally get to where he wanted to take me at this point it's sunset and from the park he took me tok you can see the sunset perfectly I turn to open the door but then I almost fall out cause I'm memorized by the view that I miss that he has already opened the door and miss the handle and trip I brace for the impact but I can't feel his hands on my waist pulling me and twirling me out of the car and onto the ground he takes my hand and leads me to this picnic table and we sit on the table part I'm leaving back and he's leaving forward with his elbows on his lap and hands holding up his head I close my eyes as I feel the slight breeze and take a deep breathe such a beautiful scene I open back up my eyes and lean forward stretching "this is my favorite stop to relax" he says turning to me "I can see why" I say breathing out while laughing I lean forward like him as we watch the sun fall and the sky turn to dark we mess around and take a few pictures of each other with each other and the sunset to show Kira the breeze turns colder and the sky gets clouded I begin to shiver suddenly I feel something slap my face "Hey!" I say, looking around at whoever threw whatever at my face."Put it on," I hear Sergio say right next to me. I look at him, confused then down at my lap, still holding what he had thrown. I stretch it to get a better look at it and realize it's his hoodie. I shrug and put on his hoodie, practically swimming in it because he's a lot taller than me and has a bigger body build than me. I  suddenly feel a rush of warmth rush through my body like a sip of coco on a winter day, and his hoodie is incredibly soft, and I can smell his cologne that I really like the smell of still on it. It gets so dark, and we sit there enjoying each other's company and silence, and I look at the time reading 11 o' clock. "Oh crap I gotta get home," I say panicking "oh shit me too, let go," he says we both hop off the picnic table running to the truck messing around as we run and laughing we drive home and I without thinking quickly give him a hug goodbye and run into my house and up to my room to watch him drive away I can see inside his car from my window and I see him have a small smile develop on his face then he looks up to my window and realizes I'm there he smiles a wider smile and gives a small wave before driving away I wave back and watch him drive away realizing I never gave his hoodie back because I was rushing I flop on my bed and smile to myself Rolling on my side bring my knees close to my stomach and covering my face with my hands slightly smelling his cologne and smiling to myself slightly excited and freaking out I take out my phone and give Kira a text
I put my phone down to charge because it was dying and fell asleep when I woke up. I saw thousands of texts from Kira saying....


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