🧸Chapter Ten🦇

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Kira's POV
I walk into the house thinking everyone is asleep when suddenly the light turns on near my room and there I see my dad I stop dead in my tracks and he says "so That Boy. He took you out on a date?" I stand there nervous, afraid of what might happen. Will he yell at me? "kinda but I didn't know it was a date, dad honest!" I say moving slightly closer with shaky knees "Kira" He says looking at the ground "yes babbo" I say going next to the table "Remember the day we were playing chess and I beat you? In like a minute" he says I blink trying to remember the specific time "Yes" I say silently "Well remember why we started learning to play chess" he says now looking up at me "Because we wanted to be smart" I say avoiding his gaze "Yes because you're smart girls but I wanted all us to learn because one day I won't be there and I didn't want your king to get taken by someone else if that makes sense I wanted to set you guys up so when I'm gone you still can protect yourselves and I guess I just got so into my role as your protector I never wanted to have you guys not need me and now that your growing up and wanting to date it scares me cause I can't always be there to protect you and pretty soon you might not need me" he says tears welling up in his eyes "Babbo I will and still need you and no guy can ever take me away from you never" I say my voice breaking holding back tears "honey I just I'm scared that you might not want me to be apart of your life anymore like before we met Cassie but you were friends with her" he says holding back tears "dad I will never want that plus I never was gonna not want you part of my life and Cassie is like you so I can never not be with my dad one way or another AND look how well that turned out dad" I say moving right next to him "I know but honey you have to know since the moment you were born basically punching youself into this world and they brought in this little baby girl wrapped in a hospital blanket and gave you to me to hold the moment I looked into your eyes and you wrapped your tiny hand around my finger I knew I was supposed to protect you no matter the cost because you were my little girl and when you grew a little bit older and were so excited and into pink and pooh that I loved you and you still needed my protection and even through the hard days where we weren't apart but you could tell we were growing apart I got scared and wanted to hold onto you for as long as I could but I realize.... Holding onto you never left you much room to grow and even then you grew into a wonderful woman I don't recognize but even with her here I still see my baby girl" he says with his voice breaking. I could see the tears streaking down his face. "And I'm scared if you leave you'll never want to come back" he says through sobs I feel my heart stop and guilt hit me making me fall to my knees and start sobbing "i'm sorry, this is all my fault, I did this to you to us I disappointed you again" I say crying my voice getting caught in my throat suddenly I feel my dad pull me into a hug saying nothing I aggressively hugged him not wanting to let go of him fearing he might float away "You've always been there for me, you've never given up on me I just want to go back I want to be your little girl babbo" I say crying with him he stays silent as I whisper "I love you" my head hurting from crying "I love you too" he says running his hand down my hair he pushes me away slightly looking into my eyes now but I cast my gaze down in guilt "honey this was never your fault it was mine well my fear at least. You Were Never a disappointment to me you will always be my little girl the one who can do no wrong but we can't go back and I don't want to either because I Love You any version of you no matter what I will always love you and just to prove Nothing will ever get in the way of my love for you I'm lifting the boyfriend thing you can have a boyfriend" he says smiling at me. I stare at him in disbelief but feel my heart lift in joy realizing me and Jason could actually be together and lung at my dad hugging I smile and laugh while still crying and I hear and feel him doing the same and that day made my heart feel free in a way that has never happened before because I knew we would be okay.
I wake up the next day and for the first time in a long time I actually felt refreshed more alive than before I looked in the mirror and instead of hating what I saw I smiled to myself and loved what I saw I put makeup on a smokey eye with some red lipstick and changed my clothes I put on a black short dress just above my knees with some nylon stockings and some see through gloves and completed it with a leather jacket and a choker with a cross hanging on it I put my curly hair half up and half down and put on some ankle high black boots I hear my doorbell ring and a knock and go to leave after grabbing my backpack walking into the dining room I see my dad sitting in his chair working on stuff for the school and I give him a kiss and a tight hug telling him goodbye and that I love him he does the same back and I smile and open the door to see Cassie "woah you look happy what happened?" She says I motion us to her car cause apparently she took that today and we road to school as I told her everything that happened last night and we finally get to school she tells me she has to talk to Sergio real quick and runs to talk to him as I walk into the school I see Jason standing there we lock eyes for a moment before he walks up to me I wait for him to talk finally he begins to speak "So about last night I-" I put my hand up to stop him from speaking and suddenly I feel my body lung forward and kiss him like we were in a romance movie it felt like the world stopped as soon as he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer I could feel him smile into the kiss and I smile back he pick me up and swings me around as I put my arms around his neck feeling like a bird who finally learned to fly and then he put me back down we pull away but connect our foreheads and I smile to myself I look back up to him and I see him blushing furiously but at this point my face isn't much different he has the biggest smile plastered along his face "I want to be your girlfriend my dad gave the okay so I can actually be your girlfriend!" I say practically yelling it "Really?!" He says surprised holding his hands out as if he's mid shrug smiling I nod my head yes and he cups my face and pulls me into another kiss this one better than the last one I'm assuming again I ain't really got experience soooooooo he pulls away and suddenly I get basically tackled into a hug I turn around to see dean (Cassie) "Buddy! You got a boyfriend!!!! See, I told you you would get one before me. Congratulations, eeeeeee!!!!" She says, hugging me and practically screaming in my ear. I laugh and feel myself pulled into a group hug consisting of me, Jason, and Cassie, and I know I'll be okay.

Cassie's POV:
Word count: 1438

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