🩵Chapter Fifteen🖤

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Cassie's POV
I can barely open my eyes all I feel is my body ache I can see white all around me I open my eyes wider my vision is blurry I go to rub my eyes feeling a tug on my arm I rub my eyes and look at my hand why do I have a heart rate monitor on my finger I look around and quickly register that I'm in the hospital I look to the side of me and see Kira laying on my bed with her head in my arms "Kira?" I say shaking her awake she slowly moves her head up and looks at me I get basically shoved into the bed "Your awake dean!" She practically yells "ya I'm awake why?" I tell her confused "Dean when you got here they didn't know if the hit to your head hurt you permanently and gave you a horrible concussion or not you've been out for three days" she explains I look at her even more confused than before finally it clicks in my head what happened and all I can think about is what happened to Sergio as if my body is moving on it's own I rip off the blankets and pull off the monitor I get to my feet and almost fall on the ground from my weak legs "D-Dean?!?!" Kira says running to my side pulling me back "You have to stay in bed you just woke up your hurt!" She yells at me I try my best to pull out of her grasp "I don't care Sergio didn't have anything but a helmet on and if I got hurt to this extent then he's gotten hurt worse than I did" I yelling pulling away suddenly the door swings open almost hitting me in the face "Jason, Jason help me!" I can hear her yell. I look at Jason and squint my eyes "don't you dare" I threaten suddenly I'm being pulled back "Hey! Let me go! Let me go!" I yell at her as they force me back into my hospital bed "not yet dean please I don't want you getting hurt even more" she tells me her voice breaking I look at Kira and I can see the sorrow in her eyes "but Sam it's my fault this happened I was the one who was driving when there was still Ice on the ground I was the one who was speeding and now he's hurt and I- I-" my voice breaks and I begin sobbing "I know buddy I know" she says hugging me I don't hug her I just sit there I can't go visit him nothing... "Hey Kira, can I talk to you outside?" I hear Jason say she lets go tells me she'll be back and goes outside leaving me sitting there alone honestly I am so scared that he's hurt really bad

Kira's POV
I head outside the door and look through the glass at Cassie "so what's up Jason?" I ask, he looks at me and fidgets around a bit. "So Sergio has been awake right but given his condition he can't move even though he wants to see Cassie" he tells me I look at him blankly "and why are you telling me this?" I say blankly "well" Jason say

Sergio's POV:
I wake up in the hospital waiting to hear if Cassie is okay only to berated with Selina "oh honey" she says but in a I don't want to even be here tone "hey Selina" I reply nonchalant each time till finally she says what she wanted to say "fine I'll say it Sergio I'm breaking up with you" she belted "okay" muttered I look at her not feeling a single ounce of anything left "see this is why because you don't care about me" she argued I look at her and just nod in reply she gets angry and leaves well that's that I finally figured out the one I love is Cassie not Selina getting in this accident taught me that

Cassie's POV
A couple hours pass and Jason and Kira had went home I stand up and start heading to Sergio's room secretly I overheard Jason say the room was 287 I scurry across the hall all the way to his room I open the door softly and shut it the same "uh Cassie you okay?" I hear Sergio chuckle from behind me I whip around and look at him suddenly my eyes crinkle I can see his leg has a cast on it and his face is dinged up a bit I can't imagine what under his shirt looks like tears well in my eyes and I begin sobbing "I'm sorry Sergio this is all my fault I didn't care about anything and you ended up getting hurt and I'm sorry I'm so sorry" I sob falling to the ground "Cassie no Damn it I can't go over to you Cassie come over here please I can't get up" He begs I stop crying for a bit and shuffle over there trying to contain my sobs I'm standing over his bed trying to contain my tears when he reaches up and pulls me down by the face his eyes look into mine "you didn't do this it is not your fault I know that and I want you to know that too" he insisted my eyes well up again and now I'm crying for a reason unknown to me I feel him pull me into a hug and I stay in his chest wetting the clothes he was wearing with every drop of tear escaping my eyes "it's okay it's okay just let it out" he says rubbing my back making me cry harder what feels like forever passes by and I finally stop crying "do you wanna sleep in here tonight?" He says I nodded and go to sleep on the chair but he grabs my wrist and turns me back opening the covers I smile and climb into the spot next to him he wraps his arms around me and we fall asleep a few days go by and he's released from the hospital I helped him to get back home okay we've become a lot closer than ever before and honestly I'm glad for that for once I'm actually looking forward to the future
*skip to a month later February 14th*
Cassie's POV:
A whole month has passed since the accident and Sergios leg has healed, shawn came back from the exchange program and we've been hanging out a lot lately I think he might like me which honestly I hope not because that would complicate things I hope nothing happens today especially since it's valentine's day and the last day from the love box a box where people write love notes and drop it in to be announced at the all school meeting honestly I don't really like the love box but that's mainly because I hate that I never get one ever never ever well minus once from Kira but that don't count we head down to the meeting and sit in our spot and see the love box video turn on we sit there for a long time till up on the screen in bold font I see
I like you a lot and would like to ask you out

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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