🖤Chapter Twelve💛

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Sergio’s POV
I reach for my phone and see a text from Keto Kentucky otherwise known as Cassie man I should change her name hmmm what to Maybe Crazy Girl anyways I open the text and it had said
Crazy Girl: >Heya Buddy whatcha up to?<
(A/N Cassie also changed Sergios name to Fruity Cereal)
Fruity Cereal: >hey, um nothing much wbu?<
Crazy Girl: >absolutely Positively nothing at all you up to hang? I'm at my house rn<
I stare at the text and feel more tears stream down my face man do I feel stupid for crying I hesitate to send something back but I end up doing it anyways
Fruity Cereal: >uh sure I’ll come to your house<
I send back but before I can drive off I get a text saying
Crazy Girl: >Nah things are… mmmmmmm at my house so can we go to yours?<
Fruity Cereal: >uh sure want me to pick you up?<
Crazy Girl: >ya please I’m gonna sneak out the back I don’t want to be around the fighting especially since my moms not gonna be home tonight<
Fruity Cereal: >k, be there in a minute<
I drive off and head to her house I wait outside and text her I’m here suddenly I hear a crash and see her running from out the side gate of her house she sees me and smiles the timing of my radio is almost perfect as if it was trying to tell me something because it says “But I can't help Falling in love with you” I can hear some people yelling inside her house as she throws her jacket and phone in my truck and quickly hops in “Drive Drive before they notice I’m gone!” She Exclaimed hurriedly I drove off without speaking a word. The drive was just as silent. “So what happened? I thought you were at Kira's” I asked not being able to bear the silence anymore “oh I was but I had to leave my mom said she needed me and when I got home she then called and said she wasn't coming home tonight so I was left with my brother carl and his wife Melika and they are fighting and I’d go back to Sam’s but she’s busy” she says looking a little bit sad she looks at me and her eyes widen and before I know if she grabs my face and I swerve and park “WHAT THE HELL?!?!” I yell angrily. I can see her shrink back in the seat but quickly recover “Hey! Don’t yell at me. I know what I did was stupid and I’m sorry I didn’t mean to do that but why were you crying?!?!” She says I feel her soft warm hands on my face and want to sink into the feeling but won’t allow myself “it’s not important it’s nothing” I say grabbing her wrists and removing her hands from my face I stare into her green eyes they eyes that can tell when I’m sad at anytime even when we weren’t friends we were in the same art class and the day before she was heading to the bus and I was crying I can’t remember why but I got out of my car and she saw me and I could see her almost stop in her tracks but she hesitated and instead walked away but kept looking back at me the next day I saw her in class and she asked me if I was upset I told her the truth and said no she told me that she’d ask what happened but I probably wouldn’t tell her which was true we weren’t close plus I felt awkward spilling my feeling to her I mean I hadn’t really known her at that point. But the fact that she even asked is something that barely anyone has ever done not even my friends I once told her that I didn’t trust any of my friends that if I had gotten shot they’d laugh and run away she said that was sad and I went nah and we began a match of nuh uh ya huh back and forth till she got annoyed and I stopped that day was pretty fun I just hope she thought the same “Yes it is important! It’s Important to me! So what happened and don’t use the I don’t wanna tell you cause we are friends now and I’m worried about you!” She says pulling her hand from my grasp I could feel the warmth leave my hand as if it had never been there in the first place “fine I’ll tell you what happened when we get to my house” I say the drive was again silent we both got to our house and I was going to open her door but instead she opened it and hopped out slamming it closed she must of had horrible footing because she was about to fall before I rushed and grabbed her she looked at me and looked at her hand delicately placed on my hand with a firm grasp from me to keep her balanced. She shakes off my hand and goes into my house as I follow behind all the way up to my room we get settled in and she sits on the bed looking at me as if she was saying explain without speaking I proceed to explain what happened after I got finished she looked at me with sorrow filling her eyes suddenly I feel her tackle me causing me to fall onto my bed as she hugs me I feel something cold hit my hoodie I sit up and she stands up and wipes her face “hey why are you the one crying I should be the one crying” I say and stand up to cup her face in my hands and giving a slight smile I feel a strike of sadness in my heart as I see her eyes get watery suddenly I feel a tear run down my face she reaches for my face and wipes the tear away my smile falls and I break I hug her tightly as if I believed if I had loosened my grasp for even a moment she would float away silently crying into her shoulder but she hadn’t seemed to mind I can feel her warm hands rub my back in a soothing manner after what felt like an eternity of me crying I let go of my firm grasp around her but let my hand glide down to her hand holding it firmly I can feel her warmth transfer to my hand and I feel complacent she sits next to me on my bed I go to turn on my PlayStation “hey you wanna watch a movie?” I say she looks at me and smiles “sure can we watch Letter to Juliet?!” She says growing the biggest smile on her face I smile back slightly “sure if I can find it” I say flipping through apps finally I find the movie and put it on we climb up further on my bed and sit next to each other maybe an hour or so into the movie Cassie’s head thumps on my shoulder I feel her softly snoring I look over and smile turning back towards the tv I see the guy whose I’m guessing the main love interest say to Sophie “if I found the love of my life. I wouldn’t stand there like an idiot whispering in the garden. I would just grab her from that blasted balcony” I stare at the tv and zone out thinking of would I do that I zone back in near the end of the movie I look down at a sleeping cassie she’s now turned over on the other side I watch her side rise and fall as she breaths and hear the old lady Claire say what if over and over as I just watch her sleep in a none creepily way I feel my eyes get heavier so I turn away and turn off the tv and flip to the opposite side of the bed and fall asleep
Cassies POV
I wake up in the middle of the night it’s pitch black and I’m not able to see very well I start panicking till I feel a pair of arms wrap around me and pull me in I whip around to see who it is and look up to see it’s Sergio I calm down and sink into his warm embrace. I can faintly smell the cologne he wears that he keeps in his backpack all the time. It comforts me as I fall back asleep only to wake up again he’s still holding but this time his legs are entangled with mine I suddenly feel my stomach hurt and I suddenly get really dizzy I feel like I’m gonna throw up so I quickly get up
Sergio’s POV
I feel a sudden warmth leave my side and feel my legs and arms get thrown off I hear running to the bathroom and the door shut abruptly I jump up and run to the door and listen on the other side I hear Cassie throwing up and I softly knock at the door “hey Cassie I'm gonna come in okay” I say concern filling my voice all I can hear is crying on her end I gently push open the door and see her crying on the ground I sit next to her and rub her back “hey it's okay it's okay” I say I look at her worriedly “do you wanna go home” I ask her she shakes her head no I can see she wants to hug me but won't cause she just threw up so I take the initiative and hug her she tries to push me off “Stop I'm all grimy and nasty” she says embarrassed “Fine fine hold up” I run to my drawers and pull out a pair of my shorts and a T shirt I have and run back into the bathroom “here take a shower and put these on” I say she looks at me confused so I grab a towel and toothbrush, switch on the shower and walk out closing the door behind me I can here the rustle of her getting in the shower and pulling the curtain closed and quickly change my shirt after half an hour she comes out of the bathroom with her clothes I get up and take them and rush downstairs to throw them into the washer I walk back up she's standing hesitantly to the side as if she's scared to sit on the bed I walk behind her and grab her hand and walk her over to the bed we both lie down she lies in a plank like stance I laugh slightly and motion for her to come her she awkwardly scoots closer and rests her head in my chest I rub her back as I smell my cologne on her I reach down and grab my blanket and pull it up to cover us I smile to myself content with this situation and I feel her body slowly relax and I feel her breathing get slower as she drifts off to sleep I look at her peacefully sleeping face and lean forward and press my lips against her forehead I almost rush back realizing what I just did but control the urge since she's finally asleep I sit there for a minute in shock at what just happened and i'm so thankful she's fully asleep I finally let my eyes close and drift off to sleep as well
Jason's POV
I get a call from Kira and quickly answer “hello?” I say lovingly “Hey um my mom and dad are out of town for the week and I gotta watch my siblings and dean was supposed to stay the week to help but she left a day earlier and They will be home in literally tomorrow and now I'm stressing out I literally have been here for a week with them and now I have to do laundry cook and help them with some homework because apparently they give homework to do over break like what is that even and I can’t do it by myself and I need help or they be going to clean up brain guts from MY HEAD EXPLODING” she yells freaking out I try to calm her down by telling her I'd be right over she says thank you and before I can reply she hangs up and I head to her place I finally get there and ring the doorbell I can see her peak through the blinds on her door and tug the door open she rushes me in “okay you help them with homework and i'll get dinner started and laundry okay break!” She says clapping her hands together as if we are a football team. I look at her and chuckle. I get up and give her a quick kiss on the cheek and that seems to make her blush furiously “hey now's not the time Romeo!” She says pushing me out of the way and heading to the kitchen I loom over at her littlest sister Snow “hey Mr How old are you?” She asks, I sit down beside her and smile “hi I'm Jason Taylor and I'm 17 Years old” I answer she smiles at me deviously “well then Jason do you have siblings?” She asks, we go through all the questions she has, her asking and me answering back and forth when suddenly all I hear is “DINNER!” I get up and grab the girls their plates and hand it to them they say thank you and me and Kira sit on the couch and put on a movie we all watch it and Snow asks Kira to teach her to dance Kira agrees and puts on Can't Help Falling In Love By Elvis they try dancing for a few minutes but I can tell Kira is getting frustrated from Snow being to short so I decide to step in “may I have this dance?” I ask, Snow smiles at me and says “Oooooooo how adorable” I smile at her and motion for her to sit down. She smiles back and sits down. I take Kira's hand and place my hand gently on her waist. She looks shocked at first but decides to roll with it and gets a firmer grip on my hand and gently places her hand on my shoulder and we begun swaying to the music dancing around the room from behind us I can hear pearl and snow giggle but suddenly the room goes completely dark and all I can see is Kira as if she is the only person in the room I stare into her beautiful Hazel eyes and watch her curls bounce as I spin her and pull her back she looks at me and smiles I look down at her lips as she does the same and we look back up at each other and as if in agreement we lean closer but then suddenly we hear a loud knock at the door waking us from our trance Kira pushes me away and heads for the door I clear my throat and look at her She checks outside and sees a package lying on the floor “I'm just gonna hold up” she says and dials her parents number after a few words were exchanged she hangs up and pulls the package inside I am now sitting on the couch at this point and Snow is sleeping with her butt sticking up in the air I chuckle to myself as Kira walks over and see’s snow “welp lets get her into a bed she can’t sleep on the couch” she sighs I get up and pick snow up and we walk to their room “where do I put her?” I say looking at the two bunk beds one made with metal the other wooden “uh just put her on my bed the wooden one” she says I put snow on the bed and cover her with a blanket “PEARL BEDTIME” she shouts I look at her angrily like what the hell?! “What she’s a heavy sleeper plus it’s the only way pearl will listen” she says rolling her eyes I stare at her and exit the room I see pearl walk into the room and from the couch I can hear them arguing until I hear a “FINE!” Come from pearl and a door slam closed Kira comes up to me and thumps on the couch “damn my teenage daughter that I didn’t give birth to is giving me attitude!” She huffs I chuckle and wrap my arms around her and pull her close and rest my chin on her head I feel the weight of my eyelids get heavier and heavier until they are shut and I’m asleep I am rudely awaken by the doorbell when suddenly I hear the door squeak open and I see the lights flicker on “AY WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!?!” Someone yells I have never sat up faster than right now to see….

Word count:2899

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