❤️Chapter Nine💚

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Cassie's POV:
I wake up early in the morning and head to school when suddenly Sergio walks up to me and says "hey you ride a motorcycle right?" I look at him curiously and nod my head slowly "can you teach me how to ride" he says I stare at him for a moment and then feel my face turn into the biggest smile ever I nod my head yes quickly and he smiles

Kira's POV:
I was standing off to the side watching Cassie laugh and talk with Sergio and I death stared at him. Suddenly I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around to see Jason "hey Kira can I talk to you?" He says I look at him the worst coming to mind. What if he doesn't wanna be friends anymore? What if he found out I like him!!!! I clear my throat "sure" I respond giving a smile "hey so I um I want to ask you something" he says shyly "go on" I say waiting in fear of what he will say "so I got two tickets for the zoo of lights and I can't invite everyone but I can invite you my favorite friend" he says smiling a very big grin I blush to myself hoping he didn't notice but also feeling sad all at once cause damn that friend zone though but at least I didn't friendzone myself this time "um ya sure when?" I say finally answering "um December 12th" he says rubbing the back of his neck "oh hey that's my birthday!" I say smiling "no waaaaayyyy! Really???" He says I look at him and smile "yes way! Wow what a coincidence okay bye I'll see you on my birthday! Bye!" I say walking away smiling to myself going up to Dean(Cassie) "Dean! JASON JUST ASKED ME TO GO TO THE ZOO OF LIGHTS!!" I say she looks at me and slowly smiles "OOOOOOOOOOOOO REEEE HEHEHEHEH HEALLLY!?!" She yells, I look at her and squint my eyes "yessss??? What's with that reaction?" I say confused "dude he asked you out" she says hitting my arm "what no he did not!" I say making a I don't believe you face "oh ya tell me exactly what happened" she says crossing her arms and smirking "well he said he got two tickets for the zoo and not everyone could go and he asked me cause I'm his favorite friend and ya so ya" I said blushing at the favorite friend part suddenly "Oh! And it just so happens to be on my birthday" I mumble I feel her punch my arm "DUDE! That was him saying ahem, hey I bought these tickets to ask YOU out on YOUR birthday and I'm hoping you say yes" she says I stare at her then do a mm face "Nuh uh" I say "The duck you mean Nuh uh!" She says as she punches me in the arm "Ow!" I say punching her back "Ow!" She says she punches me again and we start punching each other back and forth till she punches me in the tits "OKAY STOP!" I say we both stop and I stare at her angrily rubbing my arms "he said as FRIENDS that's it best of f r i e n d s" I say really stressing the friends part she rolls her eyes at me "okay whatever you say see ya" she says walking "Where you going?!" I say running to her "I'm going to teach Sergio to ride a motorcycle" she says I stare with wide open eyes in disbelief "he asked and you know I can't say no or I can it's just difficult and I felt like this was harmless oh crud I should have met him already uh I'll see you later bye buddy" she says running off before I could answer her I turn around and start going through a mid-friend/crush hangout crisis I suddenly get a realization and quickly pull out my phone to text Cassie
Sammy Lord Sleep Deprived: >Cassie! I Need your help to do makeup and pick a nice outfit<
Dean King Of Pies: >Okay I'll see you after school on the 12th to dress you up<
She replies I breathe out a heavy sigh and head to home
*Time skip to the 12th*
Kira's POV:
I wake up anxiously awaiting till the end of the day so I can go out with Jason having to go through tedious classes till finally FREEDOM! I see Cassie waiting by her car instead of motorcycle and I follow her along with pearl "hey Cassie" I say she smiles and waves "sup my dude hey pearl I already asked I can take you guys home so hop in let's go" she says we all hop in and drive to my house pearl and me get out and Cassie says go a head up to the house cause she has to grab some stuff so we do and once we are inside I head to my room to unwind when suddenly dean bursts through the door "hiya buddy ready to get ready for your first date?" She says laying down her makeup and some clothes? "Not a date, just a friendly hang out" I say, crossing my arms "and yes" I say smugly turning my head up. Suddenly I'm grabbed by the arms and pulled closer to her. She then starts curling my hair and puts it up in a half down half up do and then she puts makeup on me but refuses to let me see once we are done she pulls out some clothes I was right it was clothes HA! It's a pretty black dress with some stockings I look at her puzzled "this won't fit me I have to much in the upstairs compartment" I say grabbing my chest she laughs at me for a moment then says "oh yes it will it's perfectly tailored to you I had your mother take your measurements when you were asleep so I could surprise you" she smiles smugly I look at her and blink for a moment then cover my body with my arms "you creep, when how how did you even find the time to make this?! It takes a while to make a dress bro!" I say mostly creeped out but slightly impressed "that's not important what's important is that it will fit just go try it on" she says shoving me into the bathroom and chucking the dress and stuff at me I look in the mirror and see my makeup it's simple makeup a makeup no makeup look I put on the black dress with stocking and am actually impressed that it does fit still terrified of how! But then I think about Jason and every thought slips away but him and I smile to myself suddenly I hear the doorbell ring suddenly I hear running from in my room and the door pull open I rush to run out of my room towards the door and see dean letting Jason in and my sister Snow running to meet him "HI I'm snow!" She says shoving her hand towards him he smiles softly and shakes her hand getting down to her level. "Well Hi I'm Jason I'm here to see your-" he begins, I see him look up and see me in my look and he goes speechless "Woah you look Beautiful!" He says smiling looking at me as if I'm the only person in the room I blush "thank you" I say embarrassed slightly we decide to head out and head towards his car I grab my 10 years jacket and we are off we finally get to the zoo it's night by then and you can see the lights shining bright I feel a surge of happiness run through my bones and for a moment I allow myself to relax and be in the moment
Jason reaches his hand out for mine. I grab his hand and we walk into the zoo. We look at all the pretty lights. The lions to the penguins just having fun. I grab a snowball and throw it at him and laugh. He quickly returns the favor by chucking a snowball at me. And we get in a small snowball fight leaving our hands freezing cold so We decide to get hot coco and apple cider for me cause hot cocoa makes me sick I see that they have the s'mores kits. So we stop to eat some smores. I eat like a child getting the marshmallows and chocolate all over my face. I hear Jason laugh at me "you're such a child" he laughs out then he uses his hand to clean the marshmallow and chocolate off my face. I feel his thumb run across my cheek. It's warm and cold all at once. And I feel the blood rush to my cheeks. We decide to continue to walk around. I feel the cold chill brush across my back and I start shivering a bit. "Are you cold?" Jason asks. "Yeah just a tiny bit..." I reply trying to warm myself with my arms. "Why don't you drink your hot apple cider to warm up?" He asks curiously. "Well the uhhh hot apple cider is too hot for me and kinda just burns my tongue so bad that it doesn't even taste good." I say giving a sorta long explanation. Jason then hands me his drink and then takes off his leather jacket. "Here." He says holding the jacket out for me as he takes the drinks back. I ask "But won't you be cold?". Jason chuckles a bit before saying "I'll be fine, I still have my jacket that was under it." I put on his jacket. looking down at the jacket and how big it is in me. I start to chuckle as I wave my arms with the sleeve over them. Jason chuckles at me too. He starts to turn a bit red at the face but I can't tell if it was just the cold though. We walk around more looking at the pretty lights. I stop to just stare at the lights that were blue and white since they tend to be my favorite. For the corner of my eye I see Jason staring at me, smiling. I look at Jason and notice he's shivering a bit. However Instead of giving him back the jacket like any logical person would. I walk up to him and hug him so the jacket was around him too. To trap the body heat for a bit to warm him up. It was the first thing to come to my head. "What are you doing?" He asks. "You look cold so I wanted to help warm you up." I say. "You didn't want to give me back my jacket?" He asks laughing a bit. I felt really stupid. "Oh yeah... I guess I could have done that, sorry." I say starting to take off the jacket. "No! It's fine, I was just curious." he says pushing my hands away from the jacket "You sure?" I ask He nods. I put the jacket back on. "You know... I'm still kinda cold....." he says pretend shivering. I hugged him again and chuckle. "What's so funny?" He asks. "I think you just want me to hug you." I smirk. I see Jason turn a bit more red. "No. I just don't want you getting cold and I need some heat so...." He explains. "Oh okay." I reply kinda sad After he warms up we walk around again and I can finally drink my hot apple cider cause it has finally cooled down. We get to the front of the zoo and he sees that the gift shop is opened, "you wanna get something from the gift shop for your birthday?" Jason asks. I nod vigorously. He chuckles and we walk into there. I look around for a bit and see a penguin stuffed animal I really want. I run to Jason excitedly and he buys him for me. "Thank you for taking me here and buying me Ramon." I say. Blushing hoping the cold masks it "No problem- wait Ramon?" Jason asks tilting his head. "Yeah! Like the penguin from happy feet, you know the one that sings 🎶I wanna know what love is! I want you to show meeeeeeee!🎶" I sing laughing as I look at Jason during that last line. "So... is that a message for me?" He smirks. I turn bright red. "No! I was just simply singing a song." I say defending myself I can hear him laugh. Suddenly as if time had slowed down the snow falls I look at his hair watching it get covered in snow I look at him my eyes flicker down to his lips then back up to his eyes as the song until I found you starts playing faintly in the background Jason stares at me then suddenly we move closer together as he grabs my face gently pulling me closer until our lips meet my eyes are wide open for a moment in shock I want to push him away but can't and so I just close my eyes and go with the flow ironically my lips are getting warmer from his so there a plus its like the time had stopped the snow hitting my head and shoulders the cold air hitting against my cheek his warm hand warming up my cheek its like the moment could last forever but suddenly I feel him pull away the kiss was short sweet and tender I would think so I don't really know since it was my first kiss I touch my lips and then suddenly clasp my mouth in shock and take a step back "oh shit I'm sorry I thought- when you- I- I'm sorry!" He says trying to comfort me I stand there speechless I bet I'm so red right now though "hey hey I'm sorry" he says putting his arm gently on my shoulder I finally regain the ability to speak and say "it's fine really I just..... that was my first kiss....O didn't-.... I didn't hate it actually I really liked it..." I say embarrassed I hide my face in my hands when I feel him staring at me so I look up slowly at him as the widest smile grows on his face "REALLY!?!" He says excitedly I nod my head "okay you don't have to answer now but will you be my girlfriend?" He says suddenly it feels like time just shut down I feel the air turn cold and my hair get cold from the wetness I must have had a sad look because he suggests we head home I comply and on the way home I just wish there was a way for me and Jason to really be together but.... My dad would never allow it he buys me Wendy's and we had home I say my goodbyes and head towards my house hoping not to wake anyone as I walk into the house when suddenly the light turns on and there I see my dad I stop dead in my tracks and he says.....
Word count: 2569

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