🤍Chapter Thirteen🩵

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Bruce’s POV
”AY YO WHAT THE HELL!!!!” I yell seeing my daughter Kira on top of her boyfriend Jason. Welll…. Sleeping on top of Jason no see that doesn’t even sound right I grab Jason by his ankles before he can justify what the hell is going on and pull him off the couch also pulling Kira off too causing her to fall of the couch “Owwwwwwwww” she whines “I Trusted you and your lied to me you liar”I said quoting Judy from zootopia “Me PLEASE! I did no such thing I never said he wasn’t coming over I just never told you” she says dramatically “No No that’s lying still” her mother chimes in “No no it’s not because it’s with holding information that was never requested nor planned dear sir” she says with an accent I stare at her in anger “it doesn’t matter you betrayed my trust by not telling me he was here” I say hurt “well dad I was distracted with them and running around all over I just…. I needed help and cassie had to go to deal with home stuff” she said on the brink of tears I take a minute and look at her “just… go to your room Jason go home. We will talk about this later I’ll especially talk to you later Jason.” I say sternly, she nods and along with Jason get up they hug each other goodbye and go their separate ways I walk back into my room and set my bags on my bed “you were to harsh with her” Nyssa says placing her hand on my shoulder “I know I know but what if she…. And him. You know” I say with a tint of venom in my throat “but she wouldn’t nor did she especially around her sisters you know that” she says comforting me “I know I know but she’s growing up so fast she has a boyfriend she’s doing stuff she’s never done she’s Hugging this guy!” I say causing my voice to crack I clear my throat and compose myself “but she’s not getting pregnant at 17 or doing drugs it’s innocent puppy love” nyssa says kissing my forehead “just think about that it could be worse” she says leaving me in silence and my thoughts I get up and head to Kira’s room and see her sitting on the bed I head in and sit next to her “hey sooooo a lot happened out there” I say to her expecting her to lift her head to look me in the eyes but she doesn’t “yup….” She says quietly bareilly audible “okay I’m sorry I reacted like that but look from my point of view I come home to see my teenage daughter and her boyfriend one who I’ve never met and know nothing about which by the way ouch but you both lying with each other practically on top of each other how would you feel” I explain to her trying my best not to let the anger I feel reflect in my voice “Babbo I do understand but you don’t seem to understand I’m upset at the fact that you don’t trust me even though I’ve done nothing to betray that trust and I tried you were busy” she says moving away from me I look down at the space between us fully grasping the reality that she isn’t a little girl anymore but the voice in my head is saying she’s just a little girl but the other voice is saying she’s a woman and if I don’t accept it I’m gonna lose her but I’m her father I can’t I don’t want to see her grow up and leave me… “I do trust you Kira it’s just your growing up to fast” I say to her trying to hide the sadness that weighs on my vocal cords “dad what do you mean I’ve basically stayed the same except I’ve grown and I’m more of a smart aleck but that’s your dna kind sir but dad I haven’t changed that much ya I got a boyfriend now but dad I am gonna get one sooner or later it just happened sooner” she says raising her voice slightly “okay I know I know your gonna grow up and get a boyfriend but I didn’t realize it till now and seeing that made it a reality like obviously I knew he was real but I didn’t fully grasp that i’d have to meet him” I raise my voice slightly “well ya dad it’s real and maybe you guys meeting like that wasn’t part of my five step plan but here we are and I’d appreciate it if you just trust me and get along with him” she huffs I stare at her formulating a response “I'm just saying I can't just let you go off on your own I'm supposed to be there to protect you!” I say to her voice breaking halfway through “well… dad I'm not going anywhere I'll always be here with you…” She says I feel some relief “welp great talk and I’ll meet Jason later I’ll text you when” I say before exiting her room feeling like this talk went good.
Cassie’s POV
the winter break passed by fast and suddenly it was back to school till spring break I look in the mirror and see my reflection wow have I changed in the span of a while I took out all but my ear piercings and my “emo” hair has grown out so my bangs are longer now I mean I still like all the stuff I wore but I’m happy I’ve toned down by a lot Kira texted me along with Sergio I grab my phone and flop on my bed and check my texts
Samuel lord sleep deprived: >hey Jason’s taking me to school<
Dean king of pies: >why hath you abandon me? 🥲<
Samuel lord sleep deprived: >I am not he just showed up and I was gonna roll with it<
Dean king of pies: >Fine fine<
I stare at my phone and shrug and click on Sergio’s notification
Fruity Cereal: >hey wanna go to school together?<
Crazy Girl: >ya Sam’s going with Jason 🙄😑<
Fruity Cereal: >okay I’ll pick you up I’ll be there in 20 minutes<
Crazy Girl: >k<
I throw down my phone and flop on my bed putting my jacket sleeve over my eyes to block out the sun. I feel a nudge on my shoulder and turn the other way towards the wall until I feel myself being pulled off my bed “woah hey!” I say opening my eyes and grabbing the table next to my bed. I brace myself for the ground but instead, met with a hug I turn around and see Sergio holding me “What the hell?!” I say staring at him “hehe sorry you were just so darn cute when you sleep” Sergio says smiling I stare at him feeling the blush crawl it’s way to my face. I push his face away and huff “don’t make fun of me you dick” I stand up and walk to my bag picking it up “hey can you get my phone?” I ask, he nods and grabs my phone. We walk downstairs and I hop in his car and we drive to school. We get there at the same time Kira does “hey Sammy do you know what’s happening today?” I ask her “ya we are going on a field trip apparently to the pow wow I got the email just now so we have to go to our advisements” she replies I give a nod and we all head up to Mr Dallers room and wait for further instruction “okay kids so we are gonna split up into two groups for attendance I’ve already randomly generated your groups and as well as your buddy cause we will use the buddy system you don’t have to stay with your buddy but you will need their number to have a meet up place okay so here’s your groups now go half with Mr. Nelson the other half with me” he says I look to the board for my name and look to see if me and Kira are together
Kira and Jason-Mr. Daller
Cassie and Sergio-Mr.Nelson
I spot my name and realize me and Sam are split up I’ve never wanted to cry more than right now okay I’m being dramatic but still I’m gonna miss her I look at her and we both do a pouty face and reach out our hands to each other “So dude you gonna hang out with us at the pow wow we haven’t hung out in forever” I hear Cedrik say to Sergio I turn around to see his response I expect him to accept but deep down I know I’m hoping he’ll turn it down “ya ya let’s hangout” he says awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck I turn around looking at the table what did I expect him always to hangout with me that would be foolish honestly “okay kids let’s roll out grab your buddies hand or jacket and sit with them on the bus” one of the teacher says I sit there not really wanting to move. I feel a tap on my shoulder so I look up “hey lets go” Sergio says grabbing my hand and pulling me to my feet I stare down at his hand blankly honestly I don’t want to be the third wheel to Kira and Jason but what can I do I still want to hangout with my best friend aka my only friend we get on the bus and sit in our seat right across from Kira and Jason Kira is by the window with her head lying on Jason I too am by the window but my heads laying on my arm cause I’m lonely I look over a Sergio and see him listening to music on his phone “what are you listening too?” I ask him. He turns to me and smiles, handing me one of his earphone pieces. I take it and listen to his music. It's stuff my brother listens to mostly rap except he has a bit of Spanish music sprinkled in, not exactly my taste but that's okay “hey can I play a song?” I ask him mustering my best smile for him he looks at me and smirks then rolls his eyes “sure here” he says handing me his phone “woah the trust in me not to look through your stuff is clearly strong” I say taping on Music “well I don't have anything to hide do you?” He asks. I click to search the song up. “No” I answer back nonchalantly. I click on the song that I searched for and let it play “what is this song?” He asks “it's I wanna remember by need to breathe and Carrie underwood I really like this song” I answer we sit in silence and let the song play I lean on him looking at the game he's playing while the music plays we talk some and laugh some until we finally get to the place of the pow wow “okay everyone get your buddy's” Mr. Nelson says. Sergio gets up and grabs my arm as we get off the bus and head inside. I look around for Sam but see she's gone missing. I turn back to Sergio and see him walking away “Wai-Wait!” I stutter, lunging a bit foreword and grabbing the edge of his sleeve “can…. You stay with me till I find Sam. I know you wanna hangout with your friends but I can't handle big crowds alone and I don't see her…” I explain nervously I look up at him and think he's gonna say no before he grabs my hand “sure buddy!” He says smiling he starts walking and I start looking for Kira

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