The Fight/Makeup

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This shit better be a fucking lie or I swear I'm fucking Chris up and leaving LA. I don't have time for the bullshit I can't and won't do the back and forth shit I specifically told him if he still wanted to be with the bitch don't string me the fuck along.

"Excuse me what did you just say" I turned about and so did Mya and Chyna my girls had my back.

 "I said Chris got Karreuche pregnant ctfu bitch you mad or nah?"

I swung so fast but pat picked me up and Mya hit that bitch right in the face for me her girls just stood there like good little pets. People were recording and I could hear my son and nephew in the background screaming for me to stop. Bully picked both them up and walked towards the car.

Chyna grabbed Mya and Pat grabbed me and walked us to the car and trying to block people from putting cameras in our faces. I already know this is going on the Shade Room and TMZ and I don't want that I like living low key but that bitch Chris got me fucked up.

"Yo can you get them to get the cameras out of my face next camera I see I'm smacking straight like that" Mya yelled

"Calm down Mya we almost to the car" Pat said

"Fuck all that where the fuck is my son and nephew?" I yelled

"They in the car if you stop trying to break loose I can stop the cameras from being in ya faces and we could get to the car faster"

"I feel so bad for Kai and King they really wanted to spend time at the carnival" Chyna said

I couldn't respond because she was right I let my anger get the best of me when I was trying to have a good time with my son. This lifestyle not for me I need to leave while I'm ahead I refuse to be embarrassed and I refuse to let my son down by getting out of character.

We go to the car and people was still recording us like we were performing at a fucking concert it was making my anxiety go through the roof and I really don't need that.

I jumped in the car and immediately pulled Kai on my lap.

"I'm so sorry baby are you ok?"

"I'm ok mommy are you ok?"

"Mommies find baby but we have to leave I will bring you at another time or we can go to Chuckiee Cheese. How does that sound baby?"

"That sounds good mommy but I want daddy" Kai said with a sad face.

Now you see what I was talking about this is why I didn't want to get involved with Chris because now I want to fuck him up then leave but it's going to be harder because Kai s involved.

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