Stay Strong And Strive !!

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- Yasmin -

Today Can't get any worse Im Sitting Her Job less and my car won't start but. Did I forget to mention it's raining and I have to pick my son up in a hour. I just sitting in the car thinking about how bad my day was.


- Flashback -

Its 10 o'clock and I'm just getting to work two hours late. My son Maki didn't want to get up this moring so he decided to give me the hardest time in the world, I just know my boss is going to give me a hard time.

Anything I do is a problem , I try so hard and he just sits on his fat ass and docks my pay. I barley make money and I have to take care of my son and mother but his ugly as don't see the struggle. Fat ass probably never worked a day in his life.

" Yasmin my office now !" Fat ass called

"Coming Mr.Jones "

I got out of the small desk and walked in to his big office. He was sitting on his ass like alwayz drinking coffee. Just the look of him made me want to plan his murder. His fat bald ass looked at me like he was thinking something he shouldn't.

" Yasmin I'm trying with you, this is your third time coimg late if you keep this up I'm afraid I'm going to have to let you go" What he just said brought tears to my eyes I can'teven support my family as it is, if he fires me I dont know what we're going to do.

"Mr. Jones ple-" He cut me off

"But if you do somethings for me, I might just over look your tardiness "

He got up and walked to me. Every step he took the faster my heart beat was. How could this perverted want something todo with someone as old add his daughter. But then I thought about it if I let him touch me I can save my job and can support my family for a little bit longer.

He stopped in front of me and started to rub my arm up and down. My son face popped into my head and I knew that if he was to ever hear about this when he gets older he would hate me. I pushed Mr.Jones off me and backed up.

" You sick perverted , I going to report your nasty fat ass." I yelled

He laughed at me like I was Kevin Hart. Me on the other hams wanted to smack the smile right of his face.

" Haha that was the funniest joke I ever heard, do you really think someone will believe a black poor little bitch like you. "

That was the last straw. I drew my hand all the way back and punched his ass right on the nose I turned around and went back to my desk.

"You little bitch is fired leave right now or im will call security !" His fat ad ran of his room all our of breath.

" Fuck you and I'm not fired because I quiet you stupid fat fuck " With that being said I walked out the building with my head held high.
- Flashback over -


Now here I am airing in my broke down Honda praying to god this cat start because I can not afford to be late. Literally they charge 20 dollars every episode minutes a parent is late.

I jumped out of my car and popped the hood. The inside was all smokey. I just wanted to cry but I couldn't I have to continue to be strong for my family no matter what.

" Omg !! This can not be happening "

"Yo sweetheart you need help" A husky voice said behind me

"No thank you I have it"

" Lol i can see you do, it's raining and your getting your hair wet. I thought black girls dont play that rain shit? " He laughed

I turned around and was stunned by who ones in front of me. There stood Chris Brown looking so undescribably good.

" I said I got it I don't need help thank you though I appreciate" I said with a weak smile.

" Listen just let me take a look at it then I won't bother you anymore you seem like you want me to leave you alone. " He came to me and looked in the hood of my car.

I sighed , see now I feel bad " I'm sorry it's just im having a really bad day and I have to get my son in thirty minutes. " I said in a apologetic voice

" I'm sorry to be the one put more stress on you but your not going anywhere the transmission is destroyed it won't start until you get it fixed"

" what no please don't tell me that I can't believe this , how am i going to get my son or get home to my mother, can today get any worse! !"I said on the verge of tears the only think that's stopping me from crying is the fact that I have top stay strong for my son and mother , plus I'm not about to cry in front of chris brown.

"If you want I can take you to get your son, and before you say no I'm not leaving you out here in the rain. "

I thought about it , but chris Just looked at me and rolled his eyes and pulled me to his car. Now I'm even more embarrassed, here im cring about a old ass 1998 Honda when he is rolling in a Audi r8.

Yess I know Audi's when I seen them, those were my dreams cars I wanted one so bad when I was younger.

" you no your hard headed right ?" He laughed them pulled off


Chapter 1 done

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