I Won't Hurt You

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- Yasmin -

" so what's your name little mama"

"My name is Yasmin "

" no offense but im surprised your not screaming for me or all over me " He laughed

" I have bigger problems in my life then to be screaming over someone I don't know , My son school is at 465 Happiness St by the way"

" look Yasmin I know your going through alot I can see it all in your face but it's alwayz good to talk to someone,  I know we just met but you can talk to me , it looks like you need to cry "

" I don't need anyone to talk to,  I don't need to cry, and I dont need anything. I Got It. I have no time to cry , I need to be strong for my mother and son I'm all they have"

"Listen Yasmin your not weak if you're cry, your weak if you give up I known you for 5 minutes and I can tell you don't give up , don't think of me ass a stranger think of me and someone that knows what your going through. I was raised by a single mother, and I know how it feels to struggle I used to hate not having thinks the other kids did but I hated seeing my mother cry because we didn't have enough to eat even more. "

He stopped the car and pulled over and looked at me. Right then and there it seems like 4 years of pain just came tumbling down like there was no tomorrow.  For the first time in years I cried , I cried so hard. Chris was right I needed a cry.

Chris pushed back his seat and patted his lap. At first I was like I'm not sitting on your lap dude but then I realized I needed a hug and Kai was nowhere around.

I climbed out of my seat and sat on his lap. He immediately rapped his arms over me and held me so tight. We didn't talk all that was heard was my sobs and the rain on the windshield.

"I can't do this,  it's so hard my baby dont diserve this he's only 4. I try I try so hard but nothing works its like I'm being punished for having a child at 19. I got fired today because my perve of a boss wanted to touch me but I said no.  My mother is so strong I'm trying to help because she cant work but it's like I'm failing her. " I sobbed on his neck . Chris Never let me go he just set quiet and listened to me pour my heart out.

It's crazy how I met him 30 minutes ago and im cring all his shoulder already it like I feel so comfortable around him.

" Listen Yasmin no one is punishing you ok,  don't think like that. Sometimes we put so much weight on our own shoulders , that we feel less of a person if we can't pick it all up at one time.  Things take time, i can help you if you want"

I immediately shook my head no. I don't know him for him to me help. And I'm no gold digger.

" Chris I don't know you,  plus I'm not a gold digger thanks for your offer though. " I said wiping my tears away

"Im not taking no for an answer it's like you never heard of me , everything I want I make happen.  And I want to help you so that's what I'm going to do, now buckle up your seat belt because we already late going to get your son"

I nodded my head and say back my seat , just counting the seconds to I see my baby.



" How old are you Yazmine ?"

" I'm 23 I will be 24 next year on April 26," Her sweet voice spoke

I just nodded my head.  I truly felt bad for her she's only 23 and have to go through all of this is really a shame.  She has the weight of the world on her shoulders and she's still going strong.  I can already tell that she's from a different place then Cali , she got a New Jersey accent going on and I love it.

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