Chapter 1 Demise

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Before you continue, I would like to mention that this story contains:

Mentions of Death/Deaths included

Occasional Swearing

Mentions of Trauma (Possibly)

You have been warned =)

Disclaimer: MHA does not belong to me.

- Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.

Everything must come to an end at some point in time. It's what makes life beautiful, so precious and unforgettable. The feeling of growing up, going to school, making friends, graduating, getting a job, falling in love, and creating a family.

And then watching your children go through the same process, only slightly different to your experience.

I've seen it all, happen time and time again.

Unfortunately, there are those who didn't get the chance to experience it all. And unfortunately, they die too soon, too early.

It's my job to take their souls to the next level, the next world, their next chapter in the universe.

This world I've been assigned to is something straight out of a comic book. Almost every human has been given some supernatural ability of their own. Sometimes it increases their strengths, others would give them the ability to do something out of the ordinary, like moving objects with their mind.

These 'quirks' mix and morph into other abilities, creating stronger and more powerful individuals. Creating superpowered humans.

You can probably imagine the chaos between two powered people, both with different ideas, creating conflict between them.

And so the term 'heroes' and 'villains' were created.

Heroes are people, who symbolise hope, peace and Life for the people. Being in one's presence gives you that feeling that you are saved, and protected, as if nothing ever bad could happen when those kinds of humans are around.

Villains are the opposite. A symbol of despair, violence, power and Death. Abusing their gifted abilities by greed, and using them for their own needs. They don't care about other people, they'll hurt, or even kill them if they ever stand in the way. Sometimes, they'll use other people as stepping stones to achieve their goals, not showing any remorse or even the slightest emotion of positivity on their faces.

... Actually, I'm currently on a visit to collect 2 souls today. These two are a couple and were injured during a villain attack. Unfortunately, they won't be able to recover and they'll leave their son behind...

The hospital is dull as I remembered. The sun was shining through the windows and onto the 2 brave heroes on their beds. The heart monitors continued to beep, displaying their heart, trying to keep their bodies alive for as much as they can.

The Water Hose heroes fought bravely to protect the people. But a villain named Muscular took their lives away. They will die an honourable death, so they'll be taken and reincarnated into a world where no one knew, or what the word 'fighting' means. No villains, no criminals, just peace.

They deserve it.

I placed my scythe against the wall and walked up to the two fallen warriors, standing between the beds. I placed my skeleton hands on their heads.

"It's time to go," I muttered, "The next world is waiting."

"We can't!" I hear one of them say, "My baby, Kota! We can't leave without him!"

I hushed the mother, "It's okay, he's in safe hands. He'll grow into a strong man in the future, you've helped made sure of it."

"Made sure?" The father repeated, "How could we've 'made sure' he's going to be fine?! We just died for God's sake!"

"... Thou shalt not say God's name in vain." I reminded him, "Do not criticise him for what just happened. It was your choice, and he respects it."

Of course, this is what happens to most of the poor souls who found themselves dead. Something that I deal with quite often. It was understandable, some people have regrets of leaving their loved ones behind.

The parents were still filled with guilt, leaving one of their blood-bounded loved ones behind. But of course, they can't change that, not now, not ever.

"Hey," I said, catching their attention again, "Would you rather save a thousand people... or just one child?"

The mother was stumped, "W-What?"

"If you choose to save a thousand lives, then only 1 child would die in the process." I explained, "Only the guilt of their loved ones will cry and mourn over their death. But if you were to save that single child, then the thousand that died will be mourned by the millions who loved them."

The guilt is terrible, the price isn't fair. But in the end, life is always worth something. Your sacrifice wasn't in vain, and Kota would understand that when he's older. His cousin, Shino Sosaki will be taking care of him, so he'll become a great hero, perhaps even better than the two of you combined."

"So you can leave this world, knowing well that your son is in safe hands." I finished. "It's okay, you can rest now."

They calmed their minds, now understanding what I meant. And with the sound of the flatline from the monitors, I sent their souls to the next realm.

My job here was done.

I grabbed my scythe and walked through the door, covering my black hood over my skull as I went.

There was a little boy, waiting outside the room with another woman, presumingly his older cousin. He was sitting in his chair, waiting anxiously for his parents.

"Sorry Kota," I said, "You'll understand one day."

The boy didn't respond to my answer. Of course, he couldn't hear me. But I felt as if I had to say something to him anyways.

I continued walking away as a group of doctors and nurses rushed down the hallway and into the room I was in, catching the boy off guard. They were panicking, doing their best to bring the heroes back to life.

But it was already too late, their souls are harvested. There's nothing they can do.

What am I doing? Now I got 3 books to write... Somebody, please help me...

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